If I could have one
wish it would just be this
That I could take you to my soul
show you all the love there is
This never ending sea deep inside
of me
Lindsay woke up early, as she always had. She opened her eyes and surveyed the surroundings, the room was dark, but cold and warm at the same time. Smiling, she twisted herself and snuggled closer into Danny's body. It was no longer obfuscated. She knew exactly the way she felt for him. Love. Even though they hadn't explicitly used the 'L' word, she hoped that's what it was. She thanked the heavens above for the power to love and be loved.
Danny curled in response to her touch and sighed in his sleep. Listening to the nuances of his breathing, Lindsay traced his face with her eyes. She found beauty in every inch of it, the way his hairline arched, the way his nose bridge joined off his forehead, the way the faint creases in his face showed that he was mature despite his juvenile behavior.
She recalled how Mac had discovered their 'secret' relationship. She was doing paperwork in the office when Danny had entered and closed the door with a goofy grin. Standing behind her chair, he twirled her chair around so that she was facing him.
She continued writing but smiled, "Danny, we're at work."
"No one's looking." He had said before pulling Lindsay up by the arms and wrapping his arms around her waist. She giggled uncontrollably when he waggled his eyebrow in exaggeration and squeezed gently. She draped both arms around his neck and let him sway her to the beat of imaginary music.
"I can't get my hands off you." Danny murmured and swooped in for a kiss. She smiled against his lips before kissing back passionately. At that exact moment, Mac opened the door. He had stood speechless, gawking at the couple, who pulled apart abruptly, letting their hands fall by their sides.
"Wow," Mac breathed, "I guess this was inevitable."
Lindsay recalled blushing furiously, and out of the corner of her eye, seeing Danny grin sheepishly.
"As long as this doesn't affect your performances, the two of you can do whatever it is you're doing now. Danny," He waved the manila folder he was holding, "Your paperwork."
Danny had awkwardly reached out to collect the folder.
"Get back to work, then." Mac raised his eyebrows before exiting the room.
They had collapsed in a fit of laughter.
She chuckled at the memory, rousing Danny from his slumber. He groaned and rolled over, pinning Lindsay under his arms. Laughing out loud, she pecked his cheek and drawled, "Good morning."
"Hmm-mhm." He sighed into her hair and sat up, scratching his head.
She stretched and remained lying on the bed, shoving her feet into Danny's lap. He tickled, making her shriek and sit up, snatching her feet away.
"Montana?" He used the nickname that she had only pretended to hate.
"Yeah?" She rested her head on his shoulder.
"I was thinkin' about something last night."
"Oh?" He sounded too serious. She lifted her head and looked at him, tilting her head with a small frown.
Danny smiled at her, "I'm not one for all that romantic shmushy stuff you see in the movies. And I've never dated anyone for more than three months. Even while I'm seeing any girl, I don't even see her every day. But look where we are now?"
Lindsay smiled and looked at the bedspread.
"So yesterday I realized I could actually make a commitment. It feels weird. This is embarrassing, I like the smell of your hair, and the way you bite your lip when you're nervous." He flopped back down.
Blushing, Lindsay lay down and propped herself up, resting her elbows on his chest.
"I love you." Danny spoke somberly.
She couldn't control the gigantic smile that appeared on her face the second he uttered those words. "I love you too. What took you so long?"
They both laughed and once again, the rest of the world disappeared.