Summary- When Hermione and Fred's daughter Elizabet becomes engaged to Jacob Wood (Oliver's son), Hermione embarks on a stroll down memory lane, remembering how, why and when.
PrologueHermione entered her home as soon as the phone started to ring. She knew just who it was- her daughter, Elizabet.
"Hello dear, how was your week?"
"Mom, how did you know it was me," Elizabet asked curiously, her mother always seemed to know when it was her calling even at different times.
"Mother's intuition, besides you always call on Wednesday."
Elizabet was off at magical university studying wizard law at the newly founded Albus Dumbledore Continuing Education Center. She had decided that she wanted to be a wizarding lawyer seeing as the judicial system had been faltering in recent troubling times.
"Well this Wednesday is different seeing that I am informing my mother of my engagement."
"Oh Merlin, Jacob proposed! Elizabet that's wonderful!"
" Is Dad there to tell or is he at the shop with Uncle George?"
"Right now he's at the shop with George, do you want me to tell him or want me to wait and have him call you back?"
"Well he can't call me back tonight because I have a huge test in Basic Argument Structure 102. So, you can tell him and tell me his reaction tomorrow when I call in between classes."
"Alright darling I'll let you go to do some last minute prep-work for your test. I am so happy for you."
"Thanks, bye mom"
"Bye Liza"
Hermione remembered how she felt when Fred had asked her out, mind you he was trying to get out of a betrothal, but she did still have butterflies in her stomach and fireworks in her eyes.