Mike here! I suddenly got a kick ass Naruto story idea during a long shower, and immediately decided to start it! This will be a very AU fantasy. M rated cuz my other story isn't. If you enjoy Naruto you have to check out Bleach and with it my other fic. Please Read and Review! I want to know if you guys like this idea as much as I do! Please… ENJOY!

Standard Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or any of its fine characters.

Destined To Be

Chapter 1: Crossing Paths

A young man with extremely untamed blonde hair walked confidently through the crowded street. Those who took a moment from their busy lives to examine the carefree boy would not be able to ignore the broad shoulders, toned arms easily viewed with the sleeveless shirt he wore, and power full chest. His strides were fluid and his movements were precise. If his blonde hair wasn't enough to draw attention to him his unique scars across his face in the shape of foxy whiskers on tanned skin would do it. But if their gaze met his eyes they were instantly captivated by his deep ocean-blue eyes which held so much life. Despite his formidable appearance it was obvious that he still had some growing to do. Even with his recent growth spurt he still lacked the height of most men. Well he was only 17. He still had some growing to do.

"Hey idiot! Earth to Naruto! Isn't that the butcher over there? Quite ogling the girls and focus!" Came the obviously irritated voice of the girl walking along side him. She was undeniably attractive having the same hair and eye color as the young man but both were paler. Her skin was fair and body accentuated with mature curves. She would completely ignore the cat calls she received from the boys around her. Secretly reveling in her power over them.

Naruto pitied those unfortunate enough to touch the temptress few knew as Ino. Her temper could flare without the slightest warning bringing new levels of pain toward her target. Naruto had been the object of her frustrations on nearly a daily basis. Although they were not related by blood which their similar appearance would suggest, they had been raised as siblings. They were the same age, but Naruto took the protective position as the elder brother much to Ino's irritation. They were both raised as Ninjas damnit! Sure she could never hope to reach Naruto's fighting brilliance, or jaw dropping stamina, but she was extremely deadly in her own fashion. She even had the ability to take control of the mind of another. The skill had been used to feed their hungry mouths several times.

"Yeah, yeah. We've got all day. What's the problem with having a little fun while were here." Said Naruto while giving a nearby group of girls his patented foxy grin.

"You can have your fun after we finish our tasks. You know what happened the last time you disobeyed Master in this town." Replied the Ino with a smug grin.

"Aww that's not fair Ino! Those assholes deserved what they got."


On his last mission through the town walls several years ago a group of boys was surrounding a young girl near his age, and ruthlessly groping her. Despite his Master's strict instructions not to draw attention to himself he was filled with a familiar rage. His pupils immediately dilated and were surrounded by a blood red color of fury. His teeth barred showing elongated canines as a low growl rumbled in his chest.

The girl had curled into a fetal position while trying futilely to fend off the hands plaguing her. The nearest offender to Naruto was rendered instantly unconscious as a fist connected solidly in the side of his head. Two more quickly followed suit with a flurry of well aimed punches and kicks impossible to block in their powerful fury. The girl's eyes cracked open to see a boy with blazing yellow hair surrounded by a terrible aura of energy which frightened her advancing toward the 3 remaining attackers. The largest attempted a heavy punch which was painfully slow to Naruto who caught it in his own fist before twisting it. He savored the loud crack which echoed around the alley as well as the yowl of agony coming from the boy. He quickly silenced them with an elbow to his temple. The remaining boys fled as quickly as their frantic legs would carry. Her savior finally turned to her and she was immediately shocked at the feral appearance and blood red irises. Naruto was captivated by her eyes as well. He had never seen ones so white without pupils among them. He contemplated if she was blind, but he felt as if she could see more with those eyes than he could ever hope. During his musings his expression softened and his eyes returned to their captivating blue.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you did they?" He asked with concern.

"N-no. I.. I am fine. Thanks t-to you."

He grinned at her. "No problem. My Name's Naruto. I'm going to be the strongest ninja in the world!" He proclaimed loudly.

She was about to answer when several footwalls were heard down the alley. Naruto tensed anticipating another fight. Several formidable looking men came into view. Naruto immediately noticed these men all had the same strange eyes as the girl, but they were angled in anger which had the opposite effect as hers.

"Hinata-sama! Are you harmed?" asked the most formidable looking of the bunch.

"I-I'm fine uncle." She replied. Another looked at Naruto with distaste eyeing his very worn orange jumpsuit with distaste.

"You! Peasant! Have you harmed her?" This immediately filled Naruto with more of the familiar anger, and he reveled in the looks of fear that flashed across the man's eyes as he noticed the change in Naruto's. Naruto took note of the forehead protectors they wore which labeled them as Konoha ninja. He remembered his master's warnings of tangling with the highly trained assassins.

"I didn't touch her, but I'm not hanging around you losers anymore I'm outa here!" Naruto said in a cocky tone.

"How dare you! You're not going anywhere!" Exclaimed the ninja as he prepared to charge with his prized Taijutsu form.

Naruto smirked as he formed the seal for his favorite jutsu. "Kage Bushin no Jutsu!" 5 clones of himself instantly appeared and charged the group. Hinata gasped as they were swiftly dispatched by her uncle with a perfected gentle fist attack. When the smoke cleared Naruto was nowhere to be seen.

'Naruto-kun… Thank you.' Hinata thought to herself

End Flashback

"You were supposed to keep a low profile! Not start a fight with enemy ninja! Idiot." Ino yelled dangerously close to his ear.

"Calm down you could wake the dead with that voice!" Naruto complained at her angry stare rubbing his poor ear. It wasn't easy having extra sensitive hearing when your sister was the loudest person on the planet. "Ya Banshee." He mumbled to himself.

"What was that?" she threatened.

"Nothing." he sighed. They went back to gaining the supplies their master sent them for. He tried to forget the punishment he had received for drawing attention to himself, and possibly to his master.

"Aww. Just a few more minutes Ino!" Naruto pouted. His bottom lip protruding making the usual fearsome warrior look childish. The girls swoon at how "adorable" he was and renewed their groping.

Ino managed to drag Naruto away from the gushing group of women attempting to plaster him with ungodly amounts of sake. Not that it would help them. Naruto's high muscle density and his… tenant kept him from getting very drunk despite filling his stomach with sake. Naruto grumbled as they left the village gates much to Ino's annoyance as she contemplated the enigma beside her. 'He always lights up at any chance he got to interact with people. He had the physical and mental strength to kill any one of them at the simple command of our master, and he could just shrug it off. But put him by himself and he turns so carefree.' Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Naruto tense beside her, and unconsciously move in front of her. She knew this posture. They were not alone. She began scanning the area to locate what Naruto had. Suddenly several ninjas landed before them. They were that close and she couldn't locate them? That mean they were good. At least Jounin level if they could get the best of her.

"What do you want Kabuto?" Naruto questioned his anger visible in his features. Ino kept chancing glances at him. She knew the history between the two. Despite constant lessens from their master to keep Naruto with a level head it had little effect. It simply kept him from going foxy on anyone who crossed him, and ripping them to shreds. Naruto could be downright… scary.

"Such a cold greeting Naruto-kun." He replied in his falsely cheery tone. "After all we have so much in common. We both serve the will of our masters."

"I'm nothing like you Kabuto." Naruto spat. "Now what did you come here for?"

"Very well straight to business. Master Orochimaru would like to speak to your master." Naruto's face scowled deeper at the mention of the snake Sennin. "He has a proposition that will benefit both parties."

Naruto spat at Kabuto's feet, and Ino tensed. They could fight all they want, but that idiot was forgetting about the 3 other trained ninjas surrounding them. "I'll pass the message, but my master will see through your little scheme to steal more power." He snatched the paper with speed Ino's eyes could hardly follow, causing the ninjas to tense and Kabuto's smirk to widen.

"Now now Naruto-kun. Don't let that temper of yours get away from you. After all you don't need both of your arms to serve our purposes and deliver your message." A wicked smile creeping further across his face as he threatened Naruto.

Ino knew she had to diffuse the situation quickly. "Jeez you guys have to fight every time you meet? C'mon Naruto were already late. We have to get back to Master."

"Such a level head as always Ino-chan." The hidden lust in his eyes making her shiver.

"Watch yourself Kabuto!" Naruto scowled, also picking up on his desires. "Let's go Ino." Finally he thought about what another conflict with the sound nins cause. More specifically, what would happen to Ino should he fail to defeat them all.

Their journey brought them to the end of a peninsula jutting out into the ocean where Naruto bit his thumb, and flew through a few hand seals before slamming his hand into the ground yelling, "Kiyoshi no Jutsu!" A lithe looking frog about the size of an elephant appeared looking pointedly at Naruto.

"Yo Frogger!" Naruto greeted. "We need a ride back to the cave." A low croak emitted from the frog. This one wasn't able to speak like those ungodly annoying ones he could summon. Naruto swiftly grabbed the large bundle of supplies before leaping onto the back of Frogger with Ino. Strong webbed feet pushed through the water propelling them quickly across the ocean. Fairly quickly a small insignificant island was viewable in the distance. It was nothing more than 50 square yards of rock where if you searched thoroughly would yield a tunnel moving downwards. The rock was far larger under the water where the cave was hollowed out. Navigating expertly through the various paths they made their way to their master. Finally he was viewable reading one of his many books in candlelight. The two immediately bowed low and Ino was the one to speak… as always.

"We've finished our task Master."

"You've obtained all the items I requested?" A level emotionless voice asked.

"Yes Master." Naruto spoke up.

"I expect there were no… complications. Right my servant?

A visible shudder of fear ran down Naruto's spine, but his face remained firm with loyalty and respect. "No Master. Kabuto showed up with a message, but I refrained from shoving it down his throat." He handed the piece of paper to his master whose face became visible as he leaned forward.

The continuously passive and beautiful face of their master held his gaze on Naruto. To anyone else who viewed him would think him totally emotionless, but Naruto and Ino noticed the gleam of amusement flash through his eyes. His eyes… red eyes which held 3 pupils in a circle which could render the most powerful ninja helpless within seconds which would feel like an eternity. His raven locks overshadowed his feminine, yet alluring features. Their master… known throughout Konoha, and its surrounding areas as Uchiha Itachi was terrifying.

Both his servants wished for nothing more than to please him, and reveled in even the smallest form of praise emitted from him. He took them in separately as small children. They did not remember their parents which Ino thought strange as she had to have been 5 when she remembered being under the care of the Uchiha. He had trained and fed them both with the demand that they serve him without question in his quest to reclaim what was his. Ino had to grudgingly admit Naruto was the favorite. Their master valued power, and usefulness. Although Ino's abilities were extremely valuable toward his purposes at times, Naruto was his right hand man. Always sending him out on the important and dangerous missions while she had to watch as he received the praise she craved. She may fear her master over any other man, but he captivated the whole of her body and mind. She would gladly have given herself to him at his slightest whim, but he had not called upon her. No other man was worthy of her body. Moments of lust passed between Naruto and herself in the past, however they never advanced to anything emotional.

Naruto was every bit the obedient servant of the Uchiha. His obedience was rewarded with training, and forbidden scrolls stolen from villages to advance his skill. He craved to become stronger for his master. To be useful when his master reclaimed his rightful kingdom from the hands of his Younger brother. Any question Naruto would pose as to why his brother held the throne was met with a single reply. "It was stolen from me, and I shall reclaim it." His own inquiries elsewhere yielded that his master's family was massacred. Rage filled him as he wished he could meet the one who had outcasted his young master. Naruto's natural stubbornness caused him to purposely defy his master once. Only once.


Naruto was 12, and he refused to kill the bandits that had ambushed them.

"They have crossed me. Now they will pay with their lives." He stated coldly. "Now kill them!"Another look at the frantic faces of his attackers caused Naruto to steel his nerves. 'This doesn't feel right.'

"I-I can't d-do it. I won't do it." He said with his remaining bravery.

A rare look of anger had crossed Itachi's face as he mercilessly slit their throats with untraceable movements before looking at Naruto solidly in the eyes. Naruto started as the multiple pupils in his eyes began to swirl in a circular motion. Suddenly Naruto was no longer in the lush forest, but in a chamber surrounded by darkness.

"Where… where am I?" he asked uncertainly.

"Within your own mind." Said a voice as a man stepped into view.


"You have disobeyed me. You shall be punished." A streak of fear went through him as he was suddenly impaled through the stomach with a katana. He yelled painfully as he tried to fall to his knees. Suddenly he was pressed against a solid wall and was impaled through each hand to hold him against the wall crying out in pain.

"Master! I'm sorry I disobeyed you! Please stop this… I'll never do it again."

"Naruto. My servants must be strong, and follow my every order without hesitation. You will be punished, and it will harden you into an even stronger minion." Several more katanas were imbedded into Naruto as the first was slowly pulled out. Naruto cried and pleaded again, but Itachi interrupted his pleas. "Do not beg! You must be strong under torture!"

The following 3 days were filled with Naruto's torture in his own mind. He was able to drown out the ceaseless pain by blanking his thoughts. He went into an unaware daze with one thing firmly implanted into his brain. 'Never again disobey Master.'

He wok up back in the familiar cave under his master's intense gaze. He realized it was over, and though the fear was still as sharp as during the endless pain, he instantly stood and bowed as low as he was able.

"I'm sorry Master. I will never again disobey you. Please forgive me!" Naruto asked in his firmest voice staring at the floor. He felt a hand under his shoulder lift him into a standing position once more.

"You are forgiven Naruto. Remember what happens when you defy me." Naruto nodded again fearfully, but inwardly relieved. "I am proud of you Naruto."

'What? He's proud of me? But I disobeyed him! He never praises me!' Thought Naruto.

"You r mind has survived my Mangekyo Sharingan. You are now a far more formidable warrior. I am proud to have such a servant." Naruto was nearly to tears at his words. Though his immense fear remained, he respected his master above any other. His praise was a blessing from the gods to him.

"Thank you Master. I will not let you down again.

End Flashback

Ino had felt the effects of the feared Mangekyo Sharingan through Naruto. As soon as his eyes had locked with their master's he fell unconscious, and his pain and fear could be still be felt. Though he had never used its power on her she would not tempt to change that. She had no desire to disobey him, and also feared to do so.

"It seems Orochimaru will be gracing us with his presence." Stated Itachi calmly.

Hehe. That was fun to write. I'm sorry I couldn't get to the bulk of the story just yet, but I wanted to do a decent job developing the characters. Also why Naruto and Ino obey Itachi completely. This fic will be having a somewhat darker version of Naruto, (Guess why? XD) but he is not altogether different as I hope you can see. I have 2 fics now, but if you all review enough you can still receive a quick update!

Many chars will appear in this fic, so tell me who you want specifically. Main pairing projected to be Naru/Hina, but that could change. I just thought of this idea today after all. Review!