by nautika
Teitho Drabble Challenge
Summary: Legolas' less than kind thoughts about an elf lord (friendship fic)
Disclaimer: Tolkien's characters, not mine. Not for profit. AU
"You took him"
You took him from me! Worse, you broke his heart. You make him feel unwanted, unwelcome, unloved and unworthy. When he was the lowest he has ever been, he left…alone. He did not come to me because you made him feel less. He went alone, to people he does not know, with a sorrow in his heart greater than he has known since childhood. All his years he has spent among elves and now you send him to men! Did you tell him he would be welcome upon his return, did you tell him you have pride in him, that you love him? No. You did not, you could not, because you were not sure. Your love for Arwen overshadowed your love for him. You should have sent for me. I should have been here. He should not have been alone. Should he fall, then shall I be at your door, reminding you of your shame, your failure. As he loves you, I pity you. For you have driven from your side a man I would have always by mine and never again will he find solace here. Never again will you be worthy of peace. Namarie, Lord Elrond, Namarie.