Mal was sitting at in the pilot's chair. It was Wash's and Zoe's fourth wedding anniversary, and they had locked themselves up in their bunk in the morning, with huge amounts of food and alcohol, so he had been asked to take Wash's place, in case anything went wrong. Serenity was running on autopilot, anyway, so there was nothing he had to do.

He was a private sort of person, so he enjoyed moments like these – when nothing and no-one was bothering him, when all was wonderfully tranquil. Just the faint whirr of Serenity's engine, the glow of the various lamps and buttons, the regular beeping of the scanner.

'Captain?' a soft voice called, bringing him out of his reverie.

Mal turned to find that Simon was framed in the doorway.

'What is it, Doc?'

'Kaylee said you haven't eaten anything in the last two days. Just wanted to make sure you're okay.'

Mal grimaced – he really did not like it when the crew got all concerned about him. It made him feel like he was pitied. He didn't like being pitied. He was simply too proud.

'I'm fine Doc. Shinin', as Kaylee would say. A lot on my mind is all.'

'You're lying,' Simon slid into the co-pilot's seat.

'Excuse me?' a look of indignation flashed across Mal's face.

'Your eyes,' Simon smiled weakly, his lovely eyes remaining serious, 'they give it away. You act as though nothing is wrong, but your eyes have fear in them. Don't think I' prying, please, I – I just want to help.'

Mal smiled.

'Wasn't thinking you were prying, Doc -'



'Simon. My name is Simon. I'd like it if you called me that, seeing as everyone else does.'

'Okay, Simon.'

'You were saying something.'

'Oh. Yeah. Um, well, I'm not the person who's particularly good at confessions or anything. Never liked to speak about what I think and feel to anyone, don't like to throw my problems onto others, see. But you're right, somethin' has been bothering me. Kinda strange, really...'

Mal's voice trailed off into silence. Simon understood that the captain was trying to say something that was difficult to say. He had no idea how.

'Captain?' Simon said when the silence became slightly too long.

'Sorry. We haven't had a job in quite a long time, so -

'Is that what is bothering you? I mean, we have enough money, so - '

'No, it's not that. What I mean is, what with the lack of work, I've had time aplenty to think about my life and the people in it. And after a week of hard thinking I've decided that I – well – that I was – um – in love.'

Simon grinned.

'But that's wonderful! I agree that you need someone. Who is it? I -I'm sorry,' Simon said hurriedly, seeing the strange expression of embarrassment that contorted Mal's features, 'I really am meddling, my mouth ran away with me.'

'It's fine. I guess I should have made it known.'

'Does she know?'

'Well... no, I don't think so.'

'You should tell her!'

'You think so?'

'Captain -'


'Mal. How can you begin a relationship if the girl doesn't know you love her? It's no use starving for her if she had no idea.'

'I guess you're right. So you really think -'

'Yes,' Simon said in exasperation.

'Okay,' Mal leant forward, and before Simon could realize what happened, before he could understand anything at all, the captain's lips met his.

At first, Simon was too shocked – a mild underestimation – to react. Then a whole mixture of thoughts and feelings flooded his short-circuiting mind. Realization. Mal – the beautiful, distant, brave Malcolm Reynolds, was in love with him. Surprise. Certainly, this was nothing anyone would have expected. Then he actually began to fell the warmth and softness of the lips that were upon his, the tenderness, hesitancy and vulnerability of the kiss.

Mal drew back, eyes wide and expecting, looking very much like a puppy who had been beaten too many times and was expecting yet another blow. To be frank, he was shocked at himself. What had made him so daring, he did not know, but he suspected it had been the proximity of the doctor, the intimacy of the moment, or maybe the brown eyes that had been looking at him. He did not know, for sure. He did not care.

'Mal...' Simon exhaled, releasing the breath he had not known he'd been holding.

'I'm sorry if I crossed the line. Maybe -'

'No,' Simon said, mind suddenly crystal-clear. 'No maybes. No uncertainty.'

'What?' Mal was lost.

'I've been waiting for this for too long to spend time on maybes and ifs.'

'What?' the kiss seemed to have somehow stopped his brain from working properly, for he really could not understand. Well, he could, to be honest. He just refused to.

'I was enamoured from the very first place I saw you. Remember, you stepped inside and seemed so cold towards me? I can even remember what you wore than day, the scent of mint and cinnamon you had about you.'

'I had no idea.'

'I was careful to hide my feelings. It was quite obvious you were in love with Inara and -'

'Nah, I never was. Not really, anyway. Thought I was, but a few days ago realized I was trying to distract myself from you. I never told you because of Kaylee.'

'Kaylee? What does she have to do with anything?'

'I thought you liked her, Simon.'

'I did. I do. But not romantically, you daft idiot. I love her like I love River – like a sister. She's an adorable girl, but that is all.'

'Oh,' Mal managed. He really had been blind. And stupid.

'My bunk, in an hour,' Simon said quickly, before the door slid open and Kaylee's head poked in.

'You okay, Cap? Si?'

'I'm fine,' Mal answered.

'K. You just look a little – flustered.'

'Captain,' Simon said, a little too loudly, 'I'll see you – um – later?'

Mal nodded, trying to suppress an excited grin. Simon placed a chaste kiss on Kaylee's cheek, and swept out of the control room.

When Mal entered Simon's bunk, he was expecting the full show. Candlelight, luxurious bedclothes, champagne – everything he knew Inara did for her customers. There was none of that. Just Simon, dozing fully dressed on his bed, and the dimmed light.

'Didn't think you would like the full-on seduction,' Simon muttered, rubbing his eyes. 'What took you so long?'

'Kaylee dragged me into the engine room and was ranting about how she needs a new synchronizer. I was so desperate to leave I actually promised her to buy a new one.'

'That's a change,' Simon commented with a wry smile. 'Come here.'

Mal, rather nervously, perched on the bed.

'Where's your sis?' he asked, just to say something.

'With Inara. They are doing some form of yoga, I think.'

'Nice. Next time she'll start teaching little River companion tricks and -' Mal did not finish, because Simon grabbed his face in both hands. Eager mouths met, at first unsure and then growing bolder as Simon's tongue slid into Mal's warm mouth and began the sensual, teasing caressing.

Mal's fingers, calloused from the hard labour and weapons, wound into Simon's silky, chocolate-coloured haired, pulling the doctor's face even closer, deepening the kiss even more, until both were breathless.

They pulled apart to take in much needed oxygen, and Simon surveyed the beautiful, flushed features of his lover-to-be. Sea-blue eyes darkened with desire, lips full with the kisses, slightly parted.

Mal, in turn, silently admired the sharp, angular features of the young man – little more than boy, really – before him; kiss-swollen lips, flawless, ivory skin. A sudden cold fear gripped him – what would this infinitely graceful, refined, beautiful creature see in a crude, uneducated crook like him?

'You're beautiful,' Mal sighed, his hand rising to, almost reverently, graze the doctor's lips.