This is a new story, i am trying something different, i hope you guys like it, am already writing the next chappie, so start reviewing! thanks luv bobs xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Chapter 1

"Hey Andrew!" Andrew heard as he put a cup he had just finished drying under the counter. H looked up to see a small blonde walk in the Arcade, obviously she had just gotten out of school, yet again from another detention as it was nearly 5 o'clock.

"Hey Serena, usual?" He asked the petite girl as she plonked herself on a stool directly in front of him.

She nodded her reply and looked around the arcade, there were a lot of people around, mainly couples all kissing and cooing to each other. She sighed and slowly took the Chocolate milkshake Andrew handed her. "How was school?" he asked, taking hold of another glass and began drying that one.

"Usual, Miss H gave me another detention. It was all that Jerk's, fault!" Serena said, a little quietly

"I hope your not talking about me meatball head." Serena heard from somewhere behind her. She screwed up her face and pouted as she recognized the voice.

"Shut up Jerkwad!" Serena shouted back at him, sipping at her milkshake and ignoring his little chuckle.

"Now meatball head, is that the best you can do today? I think you are losing your touch!" She heard back and growled, he always seemed to aim to get under her skin.

"Why should it waste my energy on you, baka?" Serena shot back, turning round, taking her milkshake from the counter and walking over to a Sailor V game and putting the milkshake on the top. Andrew looked at Darien and gave him a warning look, but Darien just smile back and walked over to the small blonde, her face showing concentration.

"Why do you go on that thing Meatball head, its not like you will ever win!" Darien said to her, leaning on the side of the machine.

Serena too intent on winning the game ignored his comment and concentrated a little harder on the screen.

Darien noticed the silence she offered him and almost felt disappointed, she wasn't firing insults back, something was wrong.

"Hey Meatball head, something wrong? Some one died or summat?" He said and noticed her tense instantly at his words. He had no idea what he had just put his foot in.

"Leave me alone, you pompous arrogant pig, you have no idea what is going on!" She screamed at him, stood up, knocked the Milkshake off the top and stormed out of the arcade.

"What was that all about?" Darien asked Andrew as he walked over to the counter and took the already made cup of coffee.

"Haven't you heard?" Andrew asked and at Darien's confused face continued, "Serena's dad was in a bad accident, he's in critical condition." Andrew told him, giving him a look which said, 'I bet you feel guilty now.' And went to put some more coffee in the maker.

Serena sat on the bench at the park, sighing, she didn't want to go home the air was all-depressing. She needed to be out and alone, not think about her father, try and take her mind off of the danger. She put her bag on the bench next to her and crossed her legs at her pulled her feet up on the bench so that she could lean on the top of her knees. Things in Serena's life were going all wrong, her Aunt had had a miscarriage, her brother had been beaten up at school, the fire drill at school had been set off been pranksters meaning she had to stand outside for half an hour in the cold. Most of all, her father had been in a car accident on the way back from work.

Her mother had gone to Serena's grandmas so she could be closer to Kenji Tsukino in the hospital. Sam stayed at home with Serena; her mother had put her in charge of her younger sibling. He had always annoyed her, made a mess around the house and called her names, but now he was like a zombie, their father's accident had affected him more physically than Serena.

Deep down Serena hated her mother for leaving them, but she wouldn't have been any help here anyway, she was just an empty shell without her husband.

The small girl sighed; just thinking about the night the police had come to her house, brought her to tears. Within a few minutes Serena had tears streaming down her smooth face, dripping on her long pleated skirt. She sat on the bench, alone, lost and afraid.

Darien walked down the street; he did feel back about what he had said to Serena, but how was he to know that her father had been in a crash, it wasn't his job to read up on 'newsSerena' every morning to know what he could or could not say to her. He put his hands in his pockets and took a left at the end of the street, feeling the soft grass beneath his feet as he walked towards the water fountain in the park.

Slowly he walked out from behind the trees and stopped abruptly, there, in front of him sat a small girl on a bench, the small figure shivered as he looked at her back. He knew instantly whom it was by the pigtails that cascaded down her back. Darien pulled his hands out from his pockets, ran a hand through his hair and began to make his way towards Serena sitting on the bench.

It was a few feet behind her, he could hear the sobs she released and his heart broke for her. He had always teased her, not because he hated her, but because she did something to him. But she had always seemed to cope with it, he couldn't remember making her ever cry before.

Darn it Chiba, look what you've done! He scolded himself silently. But before he began to walk again he could hear her speak.

"Why daddy? Sob What has he ever done to you? Hiccup He doesn't deserve this! Please leave him alone, if you want to punish someone, do it to me." She began crying again, her crying was different, not her normal wailing, but sad and weak, she seemed so vulnerable. It hurt Darien to see her like this, he didn't know what to do, what would he say if he did go up to her, he had never been in this situation before. So for both their sakes he turned round, having one last glance over his shoulder then made his way out of the park.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly.

Serena pulled her head up and looked behind her, nothing was there, but she could swear someone had said something. Finding no one there she decided it was probably time to go home, Sammy was probably worried, so she placed her legs on the floor and attempted to stand up. Her legs felt like Jelly, they were so weak. But with a few grunts and groans she managed to walk slowly towards the park exit.

She had only been walking a few feet when her feet just gave up and she fell to the ground. Tears once again came in buckets as she scraped her knee across the gravel and blood began to come out slowly from the little cuts. Everything was against her, she couldn't do anything right. But the most frightening thing was no one would know where she was, she couldn't remember which streets she had already passed, or if she had walked in the right direction.

Slowly she looked around herself, in front of her was a tall high-rise building. It looked posh and so they probably had someone in there that could help her. Slowly, she pushed herself to her feet and began walking towards the building, staggering and feeling weaker and weaker with each step. To Serena it felt as though someone had drained all her energy, she didn't feel like she could live any longer it was that bad.

She managed to get into the foyer, that was hard enough, but she then noticed no one was at the desk, where usually a security guard would be. She walked in a little further, leaned against a wall and slowly fell to the floor. She was so tired all she wanted to do was sleep. The last thing she saw was this gorgeous dark haired guy rush over to her.