The Chronicles of Quagmire

Part 2 ( The Secret)

Family Guy theme song

Our story left Quagmire at his house with the genie. After the genie explained Quagmire's past and destiny, Quagmire set out on a daring mission to a dangerous location.

Quagmire: Yeah, I'll have 2 number fives, a number one special, and... let's see what else did Peter want?... oh yeah, and 6,000 chicken fajitas.


Quagmire: Dammit, I get the one chinese guy in Quahog.

At Adam West's house

Adam: I love my name being Adam We.

At downtown

Quagmire: So genie, what exactly to do I have to do?

Genie: Hmmmmmmmmmmm...

Quagmire does his head bobble.

Quagmire: Hurry up!

Genie: Let me ask the writer. Writer, what is Quagmire supposed to do?

Writer: Well, you should've payed me, Genie.

Genie: I will never pay you.

Genie breaks the writer's neck.

Quagmire: Hey, Genie, what is your purpose for being here?

Genie: Well, Quagmire, that is another part of you destiny... Well that is your destiny; to learn why genies's exist.

Quagmire: Ok, I've got something. You're here because, you wanted to meet me? No, wait, you wanted to steal my porn.

Genie: No, Glenn, it is a big secret that you must discover. To discover it you must, kill Peter Griffin.

Quagmire has a look of shock on his face in sequence to a " dun dun dun" type of suspenseful music.

The bad coupon giving chicken gives Quagmire a coupon.

Quagmire: A expired coupon for a box of cereal. You son of a bitch!

Quagmire and the chicken fight.

The entire scene is actually playing on a T.V. that Peter is watching.

Peter: That was me. I used to think that fighting was good. Truth is, thousands of americans a day die in fights. So remember, don't fight, talk it out.

Some guy in audience: What kind of bull crap is that? Fighting is good. What are you high or something?

Peter: Oh that's it, I'm gonna kick your ass!

Peter and guy fight.

To be concluded...