Disclaimer: CATS does not belong to me, no matter how much I wish it did. It belongs to Andrew Lloyd Webber, T.S. Elliot, and the Really Useful Group.

Chapter 1: Their Names

"Calm down, you three!" Jennyanydots told three wily kittens. "And sit down!" Jellylorum added. The three brothers were finally seated and calm, thanks to Jenny and Jelly, the two who controlled and cared for all of the kittens, and the three were ready to receive their names. Old Deuteronomy first turned to the oldest of the three kittens, a handsome grey tabby who was very serious and was to be Old D's successor when he ran out of lives. Old Deuteronomy considered the tabby for a minute or two before he spoke, "Young tabby, who is to be my successor when I pass on, your name shall be… Munkustrap." Munkustrap inclined his head and replied, "Thank you." Old D next turned to the middle brother, a tall, thin, ginger tabby who was handsome, even though his eyes were sunken in a little. Old D considered this kitten for a while before finally saying, "Young tabby, your name is to be… Macavity." Macavity inclined his head ever so slightly and mumbled, "Thank you." Old D turned to the youngest, and last, of the three brothers. This cat was unique, he was black with a few leopard spots on him, had a light brown mane, was the cutest of the three, and had a permanent mischievous, flirtatious look on his face. Old D considered these characteristics before deciding, "You, young kitten will be named… Rum Tum Tugger." Tugger bowed very low and said, "Thank you, so much." His brothers rolled their eyes at his obvious need to be the center of attention. "You three are to be initiated into the tribe in one week, at the Jellicle Ball. Be sure to practice your dancing!"


After they were named the three were sent to bed. They were supposed to go to sleep in order to rest up for their dancing training the next day but they stayed up talking instead. Eventually Munkustrap said to his brothers, "We need to go to bed now. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." "Kill Joy!" Tugger mumbled under his breath even though he was yawning frequently. "Okay," was all Macavity said. The three of them laid down and went to sleep or, at least two of them did. Macavity stayed up thinking. He thought of the tribe, how different he was from everyone else. He eventually few asleep, his brow deeply lined with thought.

A/N: This is my first ever fanfiction, so please be gentle in your reviews. Criticism is accepted and welcomed, anything to improve my story.