A/N: I'm sorry I took so long to finish this story. It's just I had a writer's block and many other things I had to attend. Anyway, here is the final part, I thought let's update it today, since tonight we all will be preoccupied with readin book 7.

Remark: I don't own Harry Potter, otherwise I wouldn't be writing this :-p

Sixth step: How to act like a father?

Haha, you think the worst is over? Forget it palls, the worst yet has to come! I mean a pregnant wife is one thing, but a wife who gave birth recently and a little crying baby is too much to handle.

Rachel, that's how Ginny named our little girl, was adorable ... well ... er adorable while asleep. She was my cute little princess during the day, but when the day turned into night, she became a little monster.

This night was no exception. Ginny and I were lying in bed. We were sleeping peacefully, when our little sirene started.

"Harry, go look what she needs," Ginny mumbled in her pillow.

"But Hon, she's probably hungry and you know I can't help her with that-"

"Go look anyway, if she's not hungry I still can sleep further," Ginny mumbled.

Harry grumbled and stood. He walked to the nursery and took his little cry-baby out of the crib. A strong smell entered his nose. "Ugh," Harry said retching. "Bloody poo-baby!" he grumbled through gritted teeth. He quickly changed her diaper and then he laid her back in the crib. As soon as she touched the bottom of the crib the little sirene opened her mout again. Harry cursed loudly.

"Harry! Stop curing, I can't sleep with you making so much noise!" Ginny yelled from their bedroom.

"Why did I marry her again?" he asked himself as he took Rachel in his arms and rocked her. Which caused the girl to get sick and puke all over her father. Harry's lips trembled as he felt anger rise in his veins. "You really hate daddy, do you – you little runt!" he said through gritted teeth. Now she started to cry even louder. "No-no, I didn't mean it! You're daddy's little princess – er sometimes." he said the last words barely audible.

When the little runt – er princess was finally asleep, I put her back in her crib and plumped down in the seat next to it. I took out a magazine which read:

A guide for young parents, with quizzes and tips of other parents.

I opened the magazine and found this quiz thing: 'What kind of father are you?' I started reading the questions.

What do you do when you find out your wife is pregnant?

A. You're happy and give a big party.

B. You take it as it is, even though you rather didn't have a kid.

C. You divorce her immediately.

D. You commit suicide.

Well B, I did take it against my will. Mmm D might be an option next time. Whoever answers A is a Loony!

How do you deal with a pregnant wife?

A. You're nice to her all the time.

B. You make sure she doesn't sees you much during the day (e.g. pretend like you have to work all the day, ...)

C. You don't deal with her, you just run away.

D. Alas, you're already dead when the time comes.

Stupid quiz my answer is not standing among them. I guess a mix of A,B and C. That D is still looking very appealing to me.

What to do when your wife has gone in labour?

A. You'll help her to the hospital, and you're all excited about this.

B. You take her to the hospital and stay out of her neighbourhood.

C. You run away.

D. Dead man, great excuse, isn't it?

Again my answer is not really there, mix of A and B.

How to survive a delivery?

A. You support your wife the whole time, no matter what happens.

B. You try to flee or you actually do.

C. You don't survive it, you die during the delivery.

D. You're already dead, nothing to survive for.

A come on! Piss of you loyal dog! Certainly B. But once again as I would answer D to all the previous questions next time then I don't have to worry about that anymore.

How to act like a father?

A. You help your wife with all the chores.

B. You only help when you're forced to.

C. You run away, whenever you hear your name.

D. You are already dead from the beginning or you died during the delivery.

Well once again B, pff, next time certainly D!

Mostly A's:

You're a great father, your wife is lucky to have you. You are loyal and will support your wife through everything. A baby is a blessing and not a burden to you.

Bullshit, loonies that's what those fathers are.

Mostly B's:

Althoug you don't feel entirely comfortable about this father-thing. You still are doing fine. Sometimes you should support your wife more. At least you take you responsibility.

Well according to what I did, I'm this kind of father. Bah 'you should support your wife more' do you know her you stupid magazine?

Mostly C's:

You should end what you start, if your wife is pregnant with your child then you should stay with her and don't run away, she needs you more than ever now.

Yeah yeah, and who supports me, huh?

Mostly D's:

Well you are not really a father, since your already dead. There's not really any advice we can give. We only feel sorry for you, that you didn't take the great adventure of being a father.

Sorry my ass! Being a father is not a great adventure, it's a nightmare!

So If you still think you can handle this all then I've got three words for you: You're mad!


A/N: That was it, please review!