I do not own the rights to Harry Potter or the characters and names.

Chapter 1:

The night was still and silent. There was a sort of mist and coolness in the air that had began over a year ago. This was odd weather for the end of July. No one of the muggle world new what was causing this weather. Some meteorologists suspected it to be caused by global warming. The wizarding world however knew exactly what the cause was.


There seemed to be more and more sightings of Dementors around. Muggles of course could not see these deathly creatures, but they could feel them. All happiness would drain from their bodies and no one could explain what it was. But worst then the Dementors were the sudden 'disappearances' of people. The muggles believed this to be kidnappings, or runaways and in the times were a body was found, a unique case of murder that could not be explained.

Newspapers were cluttered with news of strange occurrences. Some people who were following these events almost religiously would cut out clippings and try to make sense of it all. One such person cut out bits from any source possible.

In a small bedroom, there was barely a space that was not covered with some sort of scrape of information. Notes and pictures were cluttering the floor and desks. The walls were also covered head to foot in anything about disappearances and deaths and anything that might be of some use.

In the middle of all this cluttered chaos sat a young man of about seventeen. He was making notes in a little black notebook. He took a look at some of the clippings by his side, reread them and jotted down what seemed to be important.

Who knows how long he was there for, he probably lost track of the time also, because when he finally looked up to his window he was a little shocked to see that it was night out. The clock by his bed read 2:23 am. The young man stood up and stretched his arms to get the kinks out. As he brought his hand to his head to sweep the hair from his eyes, he brushed ever so lightly against a lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the chosen one, stood leaning against his bedroom window, lost in thought. He did this a lot. Since his return back from his sixth year at Hogwarts, he returned to the Dursleys, his only living relatives. The welcome was pretty much what he expected.

Harry had a very cold welcome reception once he stepped off the Hogwarts Express. He said his good byes to Hermione and the Weasleys, promising them that he will be there for Bill and Fleur's wedding. This goodbye was especially difficult when it came to Ginny. Although they both knew what had to be done, and that they would see each other in a few weeks, it was the most difficult thing to do to let each other go from that embrace. Harry was the first to let go, said a quick goodbye and turned his back on Ginny and the group gathered there and walked towards the Dursleys.

Since being home, Harry had locked himself up in his room to begin his research. Which fitted the Dursleys just fine. The less they saw of him the happier they were. This feeling heightened a little more by the new knowledge that Harry had bestowed upon them his first night back.

The Dursleys and Harry were all sitting around the table eating silently. Mr. Dursley eyeing Harry in that way he reserved only for his nephew. Harry was ignoring him as usual deciding on picking at his chicken rather than actually eat it. Finally, he decided to break the silence.

"Just so you know, after my seventeenth birthday I will be coming of age." He looked straight at his uncle for his reaction. And sure enough, Vernon's face turned a little purple. Aunt Petunia let out a little gasp and Dudley dropped his fork, which was halfway to his mouth.

"As you know, I will legally be able to do magic." Once again a gasp from his aunt. "What you don't know is that once I leave here, I will not be coming back. Ever."

After that declaration, the atmosphere wasn't so bad in the house. Harry, who was intent on his research, rarely came down to eat. When he did, it was usually after everyone else had gone to bed. Uncle Vernon let this go do to the fact that it made him almost forget that Harry existed. Almost, but the continual rush of owls bringing mail was enough to make him remember.

Even so, things seemed almost normal at number 4 Privet Drive and Vernon was gleefully counting down the days until his unwelcome guest would leave and never come back.

Harry was still staring out the window when what he was waiting for finally came into sight. Hedwig, Harry's owl was flying toward the open window and seemed to be carrying a letter. She flew to him, dropped the letter and went to her cage to drink from her dish.

Harry recognized the messy writing of his best friend, Ron. He had been waiting for this letter for a while now. He tore it open and read it through twice. A small smile came to Harry.


Everything's set. You will be sharing a room with me, as the house will be full of people for the wedding. Mum and Dad said you can store all your stuff here for as long as you need to. Though she asked me to plea with you again to rethink your plan. Everyone is excited to see you, especially a certain fiery redhead. Hermione will be arriving in a few days. Have a safe trip Harry.


Harry folded up the letter and placed it with the rest of the letters he had received that summer and got into bed. Tomorrow he would pack up all his belongings and leave for the Burrow never to return to this place ever again.