Finally, the last chapter. Thank you all for enduring my madness with me!

In this chapter, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan finally kissed!

Furthermore, I am truly grateful to everyone who has read or reviewed this story!

Also, thank you, Agi, com-cody-rules, chanchi76, Dorayaki, Ann Jinn, Astrokai the Shadow Goddess, Phoenix Red Lion, Aayla Security and Master Critics!

Chapter 12 (The Final Chapter)

The Ruler placed Roga on the ground carefully and went to check if all the Zephyrenes on the ground level had got out safely. To his relief, no Zephyrene was left behind in that collapsing fortress' ground level. Other Zephyrenes who were on the other levels had left the fortress from other passages after they'd heard the Ruler's warning.

He looked up at the still falling fortress, gazing through the flying dust and spilling fragments of metal in search of the three Jedi – he was certain that the Jedi wouldn't be killed so easily.

The top of the ground level eventually fell off completely and three figures emerged from the thick dust, running like hell.

Qui-Gon dragged Obi-Wan and Virgille sprinted out of the fortress a moment before the ground level's top collapsed entirely with a thunderous roar. The tremendous ground level of the fortress fell down behind them, spilling fragments of metals and rocks around.

The Zephyrenes gasped at the ruin that was once the highest level of their fortress before them and looked at the panting Jedi.

Virgille bent down to brace herself with her knees, "This is the most…unimaginable adventure…I've ever had…in my entire life…Phew…" she popped up her head and saw the Zephyrene crowd in front of them.

"Uh-oh…" she winced back to Qui-Gon's legs.

Qui-Gon put a hand on her red head and looked up at the Ruler, who walked out from the crowd and stood in front of them.

Obi-Wan swallowed tensely and felt his hand being clasped by Qui-Gon's. Qui-Gon didn't turn to look at him but his squeeze showed his support.

The Ruler gazed at them solemnly, it seemed he was making his decision in his mind. He turned his noble head slightly to glimpse at the wounded soldiers behind him and Roga finally got up arduously to stay by his side with silence.

The Ruler's expression finally softened, and he closed his glassy eyes. He sighed heavily, "There is already enough loss because of my self-serving and sordid scheme; I owe my people peace."

The Zephyrenes behind him all hailed in bliss with the Ruler opened his eyes and smiled at them. Qui-Gon exhaled in relief and saw Obi-Wan and Virgille's anxiety had been eased. Virgille stepped out from behind Qui-Gon's legs and cheered with the Zephyrenes. Obi-Wan loosed the breath he'd held for some time and looked at his Master with a smile. Qui-Gon let go of Obi-Wan's hand slowly and returned the smile tenderly.

He then turned to look questioningly at the Ruler, who nodded his approval, "You shall leave now, Qui-Gon Jinn, with your young friends. In order to compensate for your ship, we will grant you a new one."

Qui-Gon bowed formally with gratefulness, "We are most grateful to hear that, your Majesty."

Roga had recovered from his injuries on the eyes and wings, and was contented to see their planet be in peace again. He thanked the Jedi for destroying the ray generator and the Sith.

After that, the three Jedi took the new ship given by the Ruler and bade their farewell to the Zephyrenes. The Ruler had told them that Zephyrann would always welcome their visit.

On their way back to Coruscant, Obi-Wan finally decided that he should thank Virgille for the first time ever since they met.

He cleared his throat and began in the cockpit with Qui-Gon beside them, "Youngling Virgule, I have something to say." He tried to make himself look serious and elegant, then he crouched down to let his head be on the same height as Virgille's.

"Youngling Virgule? That sounds stupid." Virgille snorted indignantly as she heard her surname was spoken wrong again.

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes in irritation and forced himself to continue: "What I wanna say is: you might be an idiot, but you do deserve my gratitude."

Qui-Gon suppressed himself to not snigger at his Padawan's unique way of thankfulness.

Virgille stared at him suspiciously, "Is this another filthy way of yours to public humiliate me again?"

"Ugh!" Obi-Wan snapped impatiently, "Of course not! Can't you see that I'm trying to thank you? Even such a dumb youngling like you should be able to figure out something THAT obvious!"

"Oh…" Virgille's offended expression changed into a proud one in a flash, "So…the arrogant and ill-mannered and impolite Padawan finally built up his determination to thank the future Jedi Master with promising prospect." She grandma-nodded to herself, "Well, that's satisfying. You may speak your gratefulness now." She motioned Obi-Wan to start.

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes again at Virgille's conceit, but nevertheless opened his mouth to speak: "Thank you, Vir…" he exhaled hard, trying to at least pronounce her last name right for once, "gule."

Virgille's eyebrow tilted a bit, but she smiled patiently while shaking her head slightly: "You're welcome, Obi-Wan."

Obi-Wan sighed with relief, "Even though I've thanked you, it didn't mean I think you really are a – what's that title again, Virgule?"

"It's Virgille, Mister!" Virgille shook her right index finger in front of him rigorously, scowling.

"Whatever." Obi-Wan waved his hand dismissively.

"Why, how rude!" Virgille barked.

Knowing the young ones' combat had begun again, Qui-Gon smilingly rose from the pilot seat and walked out of the cockpit. He stood in front of a window and watched the star trails in hyperspace.

"It's all over now. Right, Master?" Obi-Wan appeared beside him, also looked at the star trails.

Qui-Gon smiled fondly at him, "I suppose so, Padawan. Lal'mar was dead as we have witnessed, and I've sensed Darth Sidious' instant death after his body hit the Reine Crystals and was exploded with them. So I presume the Sith have been destroyed."

"And has your memory recovered yet?" Asked Obi-Wan.

"Completely." Qui-Gon grinned contentedly, "And the nightmares I've had these days will finally have an end." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "Did I correct the mistake I've made long ago, Obi-Wan?"

"Of course, Master." Obi-Wan smiled brightly at his Master, "I guess this mission will also become one of your glorious honors."

Qui-Gon fell silent, slowly putting his hands on both sides of his Padawan's shoulders and said gently: "The most glorious honor…is having you for a Padawan." He pulled Obi-Wan into his arms and placed his chin on the top of Padawan's head. "You are the greatest gift that the Force has ever granted me, Obi-Wan." He hesitated for a moment and whispered, "I love you."

Obi-Wan's eyes widened considerably and the bottom of his heart was lit – the anticipation and wish he had that morning on which he first met Virgille had all come true. With content, he rested his head on Qui-Gon's chest and murmured with all his heart, "I love you, too, Master."

Qui-Gon smiled and pulled back a little to tilt up Obi-Wan's head gently. He gazed at his Padawan with affection, caressing his cheek, and then, he slowly lowered his head to kiss Obi-Wan's lips with tenderness.

Qui-Gon held Obi-Wan tightly in his embrace and Obi-Wan put his hands on his Master's chest to lean into the kiss. The trails of the stars stayed in harmony with the comfortable silence of hyperspace.

On the other hand, Virgille was watching the Master and Padawan closely from the cockpit. Obi-Wan had shooed her away after he told her he needed to see to Qui-Gon, hence, she remained herself in the cockpit without making any noise. When she saw them kissing, her jaw dropped instantly.

"Eww, GROSS!" She whispered to herself in a low voice and frowned with a grandma look, "They're kissing on the lips. I mean, Master Yoda's just told me we've entered the domain of the High Council scrutiny system not long ago. Are they willing to let the always-bored and have-nothing-to-do Council watch their show – or I shall call it performance – for entertainment?"

"Disgusting, this is. Watch, you should not." Master Yoda reprimanded the rest of the Council members sternly, "Stop sniggering, all of you. Do something, Mace!"

Master Windu rubbed his forehead wearily and sighed, "They're always so keen on watching other people doing…that kind of things. Their greed to watch is almost unstoppable."

The End