by Taegan
Summary: DrabbleTheme: Gratitude Jack learns the true meaning of gratitude.
Rating: G, or K
Disclaimer: PotC is owned by Disney and associates. I make no money on this and lay no claim to the characters or setting.
A/N: An answer to a theme challenge. Drabble, so it's short.
He really should have known better; the whelp was unpredictable at best. It had already been proven, over and over. Jack worked his jaw, flinching at the popping and dug a finger in his ear, futilely attempting to plug the ringing there. With another wrinkle of his nose and a final jaw-popping yawn, he suddenly grinned.
He should have seen it coming. The boy was unpredictable, prone to stupidity.
And what was stupider than belting an ally across the face with an oar?
He rubbed his jaw. Try to help. Get belted with an oar. That's gratitude for you.
The End