here goes. battle scene numero 2. sorry for the delay

A storm raged in hyrule that day, a storm with steel edges. Like a savage torrent Link ripped through what was once thought the most voracious army to ever be assembled like they were defenseless children. With a common broadsword in each hand he ravaged the opposing force with lethal efficiency, every swing and movement of his razor edged appendages would render the life of another elite warrior finished, every movement had purpose, and every purpose caused another life's end.

The city looked on in awe; the army's numbers were dropping so rapidly that it seemed impossible that another army, let alone one man could perform such acts. All along city walls, and roof tops high enough to look over the field citizens and soldiers alike were saying a prayer thanking the goddesses for sending them an incarnation of their power to protect them.

From the overlook tower on the castle princess Zelda stood next to her father as they observed the battle. The king was in shock, he had known Link many years, but the power he was displaying was godly, it was more than even the legends foretold the hero of having. The look in the princess's eyes was something completely different, she was terrified. Looking out over the battle, she couldn't help but picture the sight if Link made one false step, he'd be skewered and overwhelmed with only one mistake.

The battle continued like this for just under an hour, the gerudo were nothing but lamb's to the slaughter, and with blood lust in his eyes Link was happy to accommodate, the poor quality blades were begging to become dull under the constant assault they were pushing, but it did little to slow Link down, they would still cut through the opposition like they were made of grass. As the last warrior stood against Link she overlooked the bloody massacre all around her and did the last thing any of the townsfolk were expecting, she wept. Dropping to her knees she wept and begged Links mercy.

"Go warrior, leave and don't ever return, on these conditions I spare your life." Link said in a calm tone, bewildering the young woman that he didn't even seem to be out of breath.

"Th... Thank you…" the young woman managed to say before racing away into the open field with no hesitation.

Sensing movement behind him Link spun on his heels and extended a foot outwards catching the evil king in the chest and sending him sprawling to the ground in a cloud of dust.

"Ganondorf, go home. You're no match for me any longer. You have the choice to either leave now, or die. There will be no sacred realm for you to return from." Link said as he looked down at the man scornfully

"You dare look down your nose at me boy? AT ME?" Ganondorf screamed

"I will not play your games you sniveling tyrant. Leave or die." Link said as he delivered another swift kick into Ganondorf sending him skipping across the ground a few feet away.

"If you think this is a game you brat, then lets cut out the warm-up, and give these people what they paid for!" Ganondorf laughed as his skin began to tear and a massive beast seemed to rip free from his body. "This time you don't have your little princess to help you! This time your death will signify the fall of hyrule, and the rise of my glorious empire!"

Then for the second time that day Link merely chuckled and said;

"Bring it on."

The monster Ganon stood at least 4 times Links height and resembled a pig in facial features. With the body of a giant and two massive golden swords Ganon lunged forward at Link with speed that was surprising of the massive bulk the creature sported. But it wasn't nearly fast enough, in a blur Link was behind the monster driving both swords into its back and leaving them there.

With an angry stagger the beast turned around and stared at Link who stood in a casual battle stance eyeing the monster.

"You think these little toothpicks can harm me?" Ganon bellowed as he tore the swords from his back and crushed them in his hands.

Link just remained silent and put his hands to his side

With a massive roar Ganon swung one of his swords along the ground attempting to cleave Link at the mid-section, only to have Link casually side flip over it, as he landed Ganon's other sword came down in a vertical chop leaving every person observing in utter shock at what happened. As the blade was feet from Links head the young warrior spoke again;

"You've sealed your own fate."

Reaching up with both hands Link caught the descending blade and snapped it in two separate pieces leaving the great beast in astonishment. Then with untraceable speed Link pulled the holy blade from its respective sheath and severed the head from the monster with a single lunging blow.

Before the last of his life drained from his body Ganon muttered quietly, so only Link could hear him;

"The reckoning is coming hero; your arrival is merely the catalyst. See you soon…" and with that the monster's head slid from his body and before it could even hit the ground the whole beast was engulfed in dark flames and turned to dust.

As though it had been solid, and trapped within him the whole time, the Triforce of Power floated gently above the charred section of grass where the mighty evil king had once stood. Holding out his marked hand Link merely said;

"Come" and the divine relic disappeared into a ball of light and merged with Link, whose emblazoned hand now shone with the light of 2 of the pieces of the Triforce. Taking a second to adjust to the sudden power burst Link shuddered slightly, then sheathed his sword and turned to face the city.

The princess merely stood shocked, staring down at the field of blood, littered with thousands of corpses that had not two hours ago threatened to destroy all life within the city, and the single man who now stood in the middle of it all, scratch free. It wasn't natural thought the princess, Link was far more than human now, that much she was sure of.

The city erupted in applause, cheering and shouting for Link could be heard for miles throughout the kingdom but as Link entered the city the sound was hushed, silence overtook the city as a new sound was heard, a sudden murmur then the sound of thousands of citizens, soldiers, and holy men alike as the dropped to their knee and bowed to the hero of time in all his glory. Link paid no heed to this though as he promptly made his way back to the castle.

Upon entering the castle Link was escorted to the throne room where he was anxiously awaited by Zelda and her father. Once in front of the nobles Link dropped to a knee and bowed.

"Foolishness, Under no circumstances are you to bow to any mortal being, now please, rise master Link, Hero of time, savoir of Hyrule" the King barked, seemingly genuinely astonished that Link would bow to him.

"very well milord, I apologize" Link spoke humbly.

"How master Link? Please, what is this power you have unleashed… you destroyed the evil king's very essence with but a single swing of the holy blade! How is such a thing possible?" the king inquired

"Truthfully it wasn't very hard. His comprehension of his powers was vastly over estimated" Link replied, "But I suppose I do owe you an explanation milord. It all started a few years ago by your measure… Just after I left Hyrule I entered onto an island just north of here… the island was completely abandoned, the only sign that it had once been inhabited was the single temple on the island… but that temple… It was left for me. The temple was designed for use by the Hero of Time alone. Inside that temple I learnt to unlock the greatest power that the sword of evils bane held when wielded by my hands, I could manipulate time itself… but I was not prepared for the consequences of it. I traveled to the future… far into the future………………."

Like i said, sorry for the delay, I've had.. way to much on my plate, way way to much. but look at it this way, your one step closer to learning about Links newfound strength. woo r&r