I can't shake off this feeling that's come over me.

It's not like me to feel this...scared...uncertain...lost.

To find myself questioning my ability, my personality, my friends.

It's not like me to avoid contact, to hide away,

to stop caring; but I do.

No matter where I turn, I find myself shrivelling back,

curling myself tight into a ball.

Hiding myself.

It's not like me to care about what people say,

but I do.

Three words are enough to save me,

and three to defeat me.

I've admired from a distance,

and from up close.

I've been there through happiness,

and through distress.

Each time, I felt myself come closer to finding myself, it was in reach.

But three words were all it took.

The smile on your face was enough to give me happiness,

the laughter from your mouth enough to give me hope,

But three words were all it took.

Nothing compares to my feelings now,

after you whispered tenderly in my ear...

"Let's stay friends."