Authors Note: Cries The END! This is sad, but you won't be sad if you really love Vincent. Also be warned. I may just cook up another Vincent fanfiction. Maybe not a journal, but something that has him involved. I hope everyone likes this alot because I was sad to finish this masterpiece! Well, lets not make a sob story out of this ending. Go ahead and read it! And if you review, leave a long one, I wanna hear exactly how much I moved you. If I did at all. Enjoy!

January 19th

I can't believe it. I'm free. I'm finally free of it all. I survived. I remember certain points of my journey. I was inside the church. I became very angry when I arrived. Claudia kept telling me to leave. To go home. I refused. I told her the church was my home. It was my only home. I had built it myself after all. She didn't want to fight me. I didn't understand at first. I had guessed she wasn't in the mood. I was yelling at her when suddenly Heather walked into the Church doors. I don't know why I said it. I told Heather to kill Claudia. I told her the time had come. I enraged Claudia. She thrust that short sword of hers into my back. It only hit the meat at a very lucky angle. I laid there on the ground. I was shocked for the first couple of minutes. I couldn't feel anything. I looked up into her eyes. She tried to hide it. She couldn't, not from me. Regret. She didn't want to hurt me. I still didn't understand. I told her she should go to hell, after all, she felt so bad about her own sins. She looked me in the eyes. She let her body fall on top of mine. She thrusts the sword through my heart. I thought I was going to die for good. I blacked out. I looked back up to see her in a praying motion. She only used that to talk to Alessa in her prayers. I blacked out once more for the last time.

I woke up on the merry go round. A note was written in blood on the ground. At first I didn't know what was going on. I realized it was daylight shining above me. I figured that Claudia was defeated by Heather. I read the message. It was from a story I read once as a child. "The girl saw her prince had been defeated by the demon and cried. She raised up her hands to pray for an angel to save him from a sad death." I felt something I hadn't felt since I was a child. I felt something inside overcome me. I began to cry. Claudia. She saved me. Maybe she did love me. Even after all of this. She must have somehow decided, if her plans did fail. I'd be safe.

The order doesn't know I'm alive. I expect they'd believe I died in there. I can finally go home now. I can see my mother. I no longer have to write letters she will never be able to reply to. I'll start a new life. I'll become the psychiatrist I've always wanted to become. Maybe I could start a family. Maybe I could have a child of my own. The choices are mine.

Claudia. You beautiful angel. I will never forget you. I mourn your death. I may have tried to hate you. I never could. I just pretended. As did you. I will thank you forever. You saved at least one soul with one last call upon your goddess. I can't take back all the pain that has been placed in both of our hearts. You were my soul-mate. I don't think anyone has ever given me a greater gift than you have dear Claudia. You given me a new start. A new chance. This is my own rebirth. My sins may never be repaid. I will try until I die to repay my debts. I will never steal, cheat or take what isn't deserved. Its what you've always wanted.

This prayer has changed my outlook on this cult. It has changed my outlook on life. Its time to go back home now. Its time to leave this all behind me. I will keep my journal. I will let this be the last entry I make in this. I hope that one day, when I feel myself slipping back into this madness, I can look upon this journal. I will remember the lessons. I will never let greed take over again. I will take time. I will think over things. I will make better choices. I will live my life.
