Someone to Love

RobinXStarfireXRed X! I don't know what you will think, but I really hope you like it. I don't really know where this story is going to take me…but I do know these pairings, and what is in the summery.

Summery Starfire runs into Slade, literally, causing her looks and self esteem to decline slowly. First, Robin seems supportive of her new look, but then he can't even look at her, talk to her, or anything, without feeling self conscious and blame. And on top of everything, Red X shows up.

Chapter 1:Just a Normal Day

It was a regular day, she woke up and walked over to her closet, pulling out her make up, putting some on. She only really wore mascara and eye liner. Then she took the brush, slowly running through her auburn hair. It was so shiny and beautiful.

She loved her hair, her figure, her body, her life. She had perfect friends who loved her so much, and of course, the man of her dreams lived in the tower with her.

When she went into the main room. Cyborg handed her a plate of fresh waffles, and she walked to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of mustard, and plopped down on the bar stool next to Robin, emptying half of the bottle over the waffles. Starfire smiled at her friends as they watched her eat in disgust.

After everyone ate, they all parted off and were immediately in their own little worlds…

Raven was meditating over by the window, chanting those three words over and over again. Beastboy's eyes were glued to the TV, drool hung out of the corner of his mouth. Cyborg was busy baking more waffles. Robin had his nose in a book, and some pieces of paper lying there on the counter next to it.

"I'm going to go for a walk. Would anyone like to join me on this wonderful event?" she asked her friends, hoping someone would come with her…maybe even Robin.

Raven opened one eye, "Sorry, Starfire, I need to meditate" she said, then closed her eye and continued.

Robin looked up, giving her a smile, "Sorry, Star, I have to do some more research today on Slade. I think I have a little bit of a lead."

"Yeah! And I still have about ten waffles more to make and eat. I am starving!" Cyborg said, then he turned back to his waffle maker, "Hurry up, you stupid fucking machine!"

"I do not think the waffle maker is able to hear you, Cyborg…is it?" Starfire asked, curiously.

"Starfire…no, it can't hear Cyborg." Robin sighed, a little annoyed. She was almost too naïve and innocent for him…but for some reason, he still liked her…a lot. He didn't know why, but her body, her figure, her attitude…she was beautiful

"Oh, okay." Starfire blushed, then turned her attention to Beastboy, "Beastboy?" she walked over to the green boy. "Beastboy…" she said in a sweet high pitched voice, but his eyes were stuck to the TV, he wouldn't look away. "Beastboy…" she sung again, waving her hand in front of his face.

"BEASTBOY!" Robin snapped and Beastboy looked at Starfire,

"What!" he snapped at Starfire, like she was the one who yelled at him, "Cant you see I am watching something!"

"I was hoping that you would join me for a walk!" Starfire smiled back.

"Are you kidding! They are having a Freaky Planet Nation of the Geeks marathon today on this channel!"

"Oh…um…okay…" Starfire looked down at her feet, "Well, then I guess I will go alone then…" she sighed.

"Yup…" Robin said and with that, Starfire walked outside into the fresh air.

Tears formed in Starfire's eyes as she walked. Why didn't her friends want to come with her? They were busy. They all were doing something! That was it. She wiped her tears and forgot about that morning, at least, forgot about it temporarily.

Starfire got to the city and her communicator went off.

"Starfire! Get back here, there has been another disturbance." Raven said, it was the fourth one this week.

"Slade!" She heard Robin say in the background.

Starfire jumped up in the air, flying fast towards the tower, only to see a motorcycle and a car leaving it. "Wait for me!" she called down, turning around, and flying after them.

Starfire sure did see something different, not. It was a typical bank robbery. Like one of their first missions. But, wait, was that Slade coming out. What was he holding? Wow, he has stooped low to resort to bank robberies! What he was holding was just a small explosive and a bag full of gold and money.

Starfire arrived last, seeing her friends chasing after the villain. She watched the scene unfold in front of her as she flew there. The Titans appeared, trying to chase Slade. He threw something behind him, causing a ton of smoke to appear. She watched from above as he ran out the other side of the smoke screen and down an alley. As he ran, she watched the smoke disappear from around the coughing and choking Titans, allowing them to see Red X. Starfire gasped at the sight, and then she saw Slade dive down into a hole in the ground. She dove after him, speeding up as she let gravity pull her down.

Slade saw her coming at him, and when she was within inches of the hole, he put the lid on top, causing her to fall to the floor, unconscious from hitting her head on the metal.

Slade got up, looking at the unconscious girl…Robin will be in for a surprise when he arrives to his angel… he thought as he punched the near dead alien.


"Where is Starfire!" Robin yelled.

"I don't know, dude!" BB answered as they fought Red X.

Red X had Cyborg and Raven down, and he just got Beastboy with a X full of goo, which hit Beastboy's head, wrapping around his entire face; giving him a little breathing room, no where to see, and bad hair for at least a week.

Robin and X fought hand to hand for about a minute until X snapped, "Where's your girlfriend?"

"She's on her way!" Robin snapped.

"Really? I don't see her…" X said, "Personally, I really don't think you two make a very good couple, you are too short."

The comment hurt Robin. X saw it, and pursued further, "You are a little shrimp" Robin knew he was short, he had always been cursed with being one of the shortest. But he kept fighting

X, however, saw this weakness, taunting further, as he blocked all the punches and kicks being thrown at him, "She is too good for you. She has a perfect body, perfect hair, eyes, and personality. You, you are a little rat, a little weasel, not worthy of a goddess like that! I bet you don't even like her for her innocent little personality? Bet you only like her for sexy body!"

"How would you know? You have never even met her!"

"I have had a couple encounters with her, watched her from the side, watched you, and the way you treat her"

"So, you've been stalking us?" Robin said, throwing another punch, but it was once again blocked and X continued;

"…But you don't even worry about her; you just worry about stopping me. Maybe she saw Slade run out of the smoke, chasing him, and was hit hard, falling unconscious." He kept going, "She is the most beautiful girl in the world, and you are a tiny little over competitive weasel who is obsessed with his job, so obsessed that you don't even know where she is, the only girl who has or will ever really care for you. She is way too good for you, I don't know why she actually puts up with you!" And with that, X threw a bomb, causing more smoke to rise, and jumped into the air, disappearing from the Titans.

Red X reappeared in front of the unconscious Starfire. He gave her a kiss, feeling sorry for her fate, and then fell down the hole Slade had also disappeared into. Starfire lay there, waiting for a Titan to find her.

When the smoke cleared for a second time, Robin walked over to Raven, pulling a piece off tape from her mouth. She looked like she was going to scream, but she didn't. She just walked over to Beastboy, using her powers to get all the goo off of him.

Robin pulled out his communicator, "Starfire? Are you okay!" he asked…no answer…. "Starfire?" …no answer… "STARFIRE!" He screamed. But no one answered. The communicator laid next her.

Hope you like! If you would like to, you could press the review button and tell me what you think…but if not, I still love you and thanks for reading!
