Chapter One

We were there again, snapping at each other bitterly. It wasn't going to get us anywhere; I could see that, we both knew it was pointless. Eric barged between them both pushing Hagen further away from me. Eric…always breaking up the fights I have. He's been my best friend for years now. He'd be battering the shit out of Hagen if he'd seen what I'd seen.

"Both of you calm down alright?" Eric's voice pierces the rage I feel pouring out of my soul and appeals to the logical side of my brain. I pause, taking a deep breath and several steps back from Hagen still unable to scrape the images he's forced into my head. I know I'm right to be angry, the bastard deserves all the pain OI can give him. Yet Eric still in front of me, holding me back. Just looking at Hagen is bringing that overwhelming memory to the forefront of my skull.

Hagen on top of Calleigh pulling at her clothes, whilst she struggled against him. Her voice escalating to panic as his face buried itself in her neck. I could her shouting as Hagen held her wrists down against the carpet. The noise was deafening, it rebounded through my brain, begging me to make it stop.

"Come on Calleigh, you like this." He said slurring.

Pushing the memory away I suppressed a shudder at the memory, trying not to imagine what would have happened if I hadn't shown up that night. That night I'd caught Pam cheating on me. I shook that thought off for a second, then resumed my train of thought blocking out the sirens behind me, that echoed through the streets. I knew today had been a rough day, and by the looks of things it certainly wasn't going to get any better. I also knew I hadn't even begun to comprehend it right now. I felt myself sigh as I looked over at Horatio meeting his gaze for a second, and watching as he then averted his attention back to the burning building in front of him. He'd had a rough day too. Coming face with his supposedly dead brother at a crime scene had been a massive shock for us both. Raymond Caine was now just something else for us both to worry about. We'd spent hours speculating the possibility of him being alive before now. There have always been little hints, but nothing concrete. I put a hand to my head rubbing my temples. On top of that Stetler was still after Horatio's hide since he defended Yelina against him. He was narrowly avoiding all the political crap Stetler was throwing at him at the moment. Vaguely I wondered how this new revelation about his brother would affect Horatio. My mind then flittered back to Pam. Images were assaulting my sense again. Pam in bed with another man, me walking in, home early, ready to break up with her. Pam lying there naked trying to explain…I took a deep breath, rooting my thoughts in one spot. Pam didn't need to explain. I knew it was over when we'd argued after I'd been shot in the jeweller's. She'd wanted me to quit and I'd walked out on her. Things had never been the same since that night. She didn't understand the job was my life and I couldn't understand why she didn't see that.

Snapping out of my thoughts suddenly I raised my eyes slowly finding Hagen's still firmly fixed on me, his fists clenched in rage. I noticed his face contorted in a grotesque manner, feeling my own emotions rise to meet the challenge. The bastard deserved everything he got. Without thinking I find myself taking a step forward, a low growl beginning in my throat, I was surprised to find Delko standing in front of me, barring my way.

"Eric…move." I heard myself murmur. Delko looked at me blankly. Opening his mouth as if to say something.

"I don't think that's a good idea now. Is it Speed?" I turned around surprised to hear Horatio's voice. I hadn't heard the guy walk up to us. Carefully I averted my gaze to the ground then found myself looking back up squinting at Horatio.

"Why don't you tell me what you and Detective Hagen are so mad about? I think it happens to go deeper than the fact a cop's been killed tonight now doesn't it?" Horatio's hands were on his hips, he was looking at me suspiciously over the top of his sunglasses.

"I'm guessing it has something to do with Calleigh not coming in tonight doesn't it?" Behind him the warehouse where the body had been found was burning steadily despite the fire crew's best efforts to put it out. I looked at it distracted unsure whether to answer. I sighed and looked back at the ground, scuffing it with my shoe. I glanced up catching Eric frowning at my behaviour. Clearly he was agitated. Eventually I felt my eyes meet Horatio's.

"I saw Hagen trying to rape Calleigh, earlier today." I admitted quietly. By doing so hoping that some how time would reverse and erase the event from existence. I watched Eric's jaw drop open at the words.

"No way man." He said, trying to comprehend what I was saying, testing the thought of Calleigh being hurt in his head. He didn't want it to of happened, but it had. If I couldn't erase it neither could he. I felt my steely gaze turn to him, my voice rising slightly.

"He did. He was on top of her when I showed up. He trashed her apartment." I confirmed, the anger was draining away from me as I began to drift back into the memory.

"John, get the hell off me." Calleigh was screaming at him, she was twisting underneath his body trying to move. Hagen's weight was crushing her.

"Come on Calleigh, you love this, you like being with me." Hagen's speech was slow.

"He was drunk." I said looked away at the ground over my shoulder. I shouldn't be the one telling them this, I know that, but right now Calleigh's curled up in my apartment, with all the lights on, in bed hopefully sleeping off the nightmare she'd been through. I'd despised the thought of leaving her alone, but tonight it was all hands on deck, to be honest in the back of my mind I was pondering whether she wanted some time to assess what had happened to her. It was part of a natural healing process. Horatio turned his head slightly towards Hagen.

"Looks like he still is." He murmured. He turned his head back to me, analysing me with his eyes. He wasn't sure what to do now. He spent years trying to protect the team from outsiders, and now he had to do it from one of their own.

"I need you to tell me everything that you saw happen." I let out a sigh, and nodded.

"Sure H…" I looked up catching a look at Eric's face.

"He can't do that. He can't get away with this." Eric spoke angrily. I didn't blame him I knew exactly what he was feeling right now. He was somehow barely containing the will power to plunge his fist in to Hagen's face. If he'd known about this before he wouldn't of stopped me hitting Hagen.

"And he won't." Horatio assured him. "Now Speed…" he motioned for me to sit on the seat behind him, beyond the open S.U.V door.

I rubbed my eyes with my hands, trying to release some of the pressure behind them. Tonight was going to be a long night.