Okay, you've waited and waited and . . . . waited some more. And you've probably gotten REALLY pissed off with me in the process. But here it is! The next chapter of doom!
Up until now the story had been told in a third person perspective. It will still be third person, except now it will be written in a reflective manner. Axel will be taking over the narrative, re-telling the tale and it will jump into descriptive events (only those of significance of course) as well as skim through the less important details. I will leave nothing of importance out to ensure that you will get the most out of the story.
I thank those of you who've been joining me on this journey (especially macman) and I thank you all for your reviews. Now without further delay ...
Souls and Soldier Squirrels Chapter 12
Axel closed his eyes against the mist that threatened to spill. That had always been a hard memory for him to look back upon. His paw found the nearby cup of tea and brought it to his lips without losing a drop. He normally didn't care for the beverage, but after what had to have been two straight hours of talking his throat craved the soothing liquid.
Ami and Jack shared a glance as they sat opposite of their friend. It was killing him to speak of the war, that much was certain, but the information was a necessity in their current battle. That and it proved the strength of the bond between them. Friendship is little more than a thin string tying people together and it takes much trust to reveal such tribulations without fearing the cut of ties between them.
Axel put the teacup down and sighed. His left paw ran gently over the sheathed sword at his side as he slowly cracked his eyes open. He brought his glance back up to the cat and wolf sitting in anticipation. He stretched for a moment, running fingers through his bangs and catching the feel of the red bandana still wrapped around his head. "Well?" Ami urged gently, knowing that pushing the squirrel too far during this fragile state could bring about ugly results. The yellow cat leaned forward ever so slightly, her shoulder length red hair brushing her face. "What happened?"
Axel spared her a glance, not bothering to hide the saddened feeling he was certain his eyes were displaying, and suppressed a groan of agony. How could he explain what happened next? Such an event lay mysterious with him. "I . . I'm not really sure." He murmured in response. "I must've lost it again. I was too enraged to think straight. I . . well . . . who wouldn't be?"
Axel froze, face paled and eyes washed in pure horror and disbelief. His childhood friend lay on the ground before the Squirrels fort, enriching the soil with this blood. He had caught a sniper bullet in the back of the head, splitting his skull and spattering all its contents over the ground. The sight penetrated his eyes, spreading a boiling shudder through his body. His lungs pumped harder, causing his breath to become short and ragged. Pure anguish circulated through his system.
Hunter watched from the turret seat, as Axel seemed to be suffering seizers. Alarm gripped him in a moment and he moved beside the shaken squirrel without hesitation. He placed a paw on his shoulder with nothing but good intentions, hoping to calm the shaken soldier.
Fear replaced concern when his wrist was suddenly drowned in pain. Hunter's breath caught in his throat as he stared into a pair of feral eyes. Axel's expression had changed from one of complete horror and misery to intense anger. Hunter's insides twitched nervously as his companion's eyes penetrated him. Before he could blink he was thrown across the room, back against the floor, as Axel rushed down the hall blindly. He sat up instantly with enough time to utter a few choice words before realizing the severity of the situation.
"Shit! Someone stop Axel!"
Having heard Hunter's call, San had tried his luck at stopping the enraged rodent. However luck was not with him at the moment. As he pulled his face from the muddy floor, he caressed his bleeding nose and tried to shake the spinning headache off. He should've known better. The fire within Axel's eyes was indescribable. Pure hatred, anger, and sorrow mixed into one with a very clear message ringing through them. Nothing will stop me.
A fierce and powerful hook from the furious squirrel had floored San in an instant. He hadn�t even seen it coming, but he knew the consequence of trying to stop Axel would be rather painful. Despite that, there was no way he would've been able to live with himself had he not tried. He wasn't sure he could anyway as he had tried and failed. He had not seen the former mess that was Riley, but having heard a gunshot and the conversation over the radio it did not take a genius to realize what had happened. Axel was going to the Tediz base in a blind rage. He was going to be killed, and San had failed at stopping him.
The wrath that Hunter and San had received was only a mere fraction of what the Tediz were receiving. The mechanical brains of the bears had analyzed him as little more than a nuisance. The logic of his movements suggested a raging blind fool, unknowingly running into death's awaiting jaws. However their lack of instincts did not pick up on his fluid reactions.
Though consciously gone, Axel had risen (or sunk) to a primal level. Each small movement was picked up instantly. He saw actions before they were preformed and reacted with brutal counter attacks that would normally leave the potential targets scared shitless. However the few Tediz that did witness Axel's wrath did not seem too affected as their companion's blood and innards were splattered about and covered the offensive squirrel.
Another bullet whizzed passed his head as Axel twisted his body ever so slightly to avoid the peril. His movements were almost beautiful. His agility allowing him to flow across the battlefield and attack was like a dance. He arched his back, avoiding a thrusting knife, and spun around to catch his paw on the chest of his current opponent. He sunk his claws in and tore down the Tedi's torso, ripping the stuffed horror open. He kicked what was left of the body off to the side, and immediately rushed for the next advancing enemy. After disposing of that one in a similar fashion he rushed down the grass covered concrete path towards the base. For a moment his primal brain had thought it heard someone call out for him, though he was to far from rational thought for the shouts of anyone, friend or foe, to reach him.
Though the Tediz may not have been disturbed by the crazed rodent's action, the other squirrels were quite a different story. After Riley had been shot down, a group of Tediz swooped out of nowhere and where now bringing their flag back to base. Not about to let Riley's efforts go in vain, Rin fought them off as much as he could though the simple fact of the matter was that he was overwhelmed. He had to switch his objective from getting back the flag to staying alive as he wouldn't do anyone much help dead. However by the time he had thrown off a majority of his assaulters the flag was already back safely in the Tediz base.
Cursing, Rin rushed back to the enemy base not really sure what he was thinking at the time. That was when the disemboweled Tedi fell before him. "Wha?" Glancing upward, Rin caught sight of a grey figure tearing into another bear with a ferocity that sent chills down his spine. Wait a minute, is that�? The figure tossed the other mangled corpse to the side and rushed down the path leading to the base. Rin could've sworn the crazed soldier was foaming at the mouth.
"Axel!" Rin gasped upon recognizing the figure. It had not taken him long to create the connection with Riley's death to Axel's sudden show of rage. Cursing yet again, he rushed to keep up with the ungodly speed of the enraged squirrel. Certainly Axel was ripping the Tediz to shreds with ease, but it was only a matter of seconds before he did something stupid. He was, after all, nowhere near rational thought and it only took one slip up. Unfortunately, Axel was much faster than Rin at that moment, almost doubling the other squirrel's speed. Deciding it best not to try and waste his energy keeping up with him, Rin pressed his back against the wall of the Tediz base entrance. He resolved to stay behind and act as backup for when Axel retrieved the flag from enemy custody. All he could do was hope that Axel managed to get out of there alive.
Axel sped through the enemy base entrance, his feet not even hinting and faltering upon the slick mud coated floor. For only an instant his feral eyes were blinded by a red laser before he side stepped the bullet that roared loudly through the air. Guarding the entrance stood a Tedi armed with a hand cannon. It was common knowledge amongst the soldiers about just how deadly those weapons were. One shot anywhere on the body, even the tail, meant instant death. Whether Axel was currently aware of that information was uncertain, but he treated that enemy with the same cautiousness that he had the others: very little that is. Despite this his agility and grace hid his reckless approach and forced the Tedi to try and keep up with his speed. Bang after bang echoed painfully through the fortress but all shots were misses. Cursing in its language, the Tedi soon ran out of bullets and reached for another round in its pack.
Axel had chosen just that moment to rush in and sink his buck teeth into the opposing Tedi's 'flesh' causing the hellish creature to scream out in pain. Without a split second of hesitation he dug his fingers into the bear's face, ripping its stitches open and spraying a yellow goop over the base floor. Tossing the body aside the squirrel then proceeded up the walkway either oblivious or uncaring to the 'blood' that was drenching his furry paws.
Hearing the loud ruckus of the turret gun, Axel angrily ripped a grenade from his belt as he rushed up towards the turret room. He tossed the grenades towards the turret seat in what would have looked like a cleverly executed plan if not for his angered tossing manner like that of a childhood tantrum. Being too preoccupied with taking out the squirrels that scattered on the battle field, the Tedi was never aware of the impending doom ticking below his seat. As its innards splattered the walls and floor Axel rushed up the ramp.
Emerging from the darkness, a katana wielding Tedi thrust his weapon forward in attempt to impale the squirrel. Axel slipped past the attack with ease and rewarded the bear for its efforts with a combat knife blade to the face. With that limp body crumpling to the ground there was nothing to keep Axel from his prize. Racing up to the flag tower he crossed the little walk way without a twinge of fear at the height. He scooped the flag up almost like a kitten pouncing at a toy and leapt from the tower, his rage keeping him from any rational thought. "Good God! What the fuck is he doing!" Rin shouted in terror at the sight of Axel's body plummeting to earth with Tediz flag in paw.
"He's fucking gone suicidal! Damn it Axel, you son of a bitch!"
Gasping, Axel's eyes flew open as he frantically looked around him. His back and head were in agony and it was rather difficult to breath. He found himself looking directly up at what appeared to be the Squirrels base except for the tints of red scattered here and there. "What the hell!" He sat up through the pain and noticed the Tediz flag pole resting in his paw.
"Axel!" Before he could have a chance to gape at the possession in his hands he looked up at the call of his name. Rin was rushing towards him flailing his arms like crazy and shouting incoherently. "What the hell are you doing? Are you fucking crazy?" was about all he could make out before piecing together just what was going on. Somehow or another he was in front of the Tediz base with their flag in his hand. That, of course, meant that he was their main target at the time being.
"Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!"
Axel screamed as he rushed to his feet and sprinted down the path way. Perhaps it was the shock of suddenly being number one on the bear�s hit list that propelled him in such a frantic manner. �Oh God! What the fuck am I doing!� He shouted at Rin as he ran past him. "Just keep runnin'! I'll hold 'em off!" Rin turned towards the oncoming wave of bear soldiers and braced himself for battle. Quickly withdrawing his uzis he sprayed hot lead down on the Tediz in a berserk manner, determined to not let the same think that'd happened to Riley happen again.
Panicked and confused Axel continued his rush towards his base. His muscles were burning as if he'd been running for miles prior to this. Just what the hell had he been doing anyway? The last thing he remembered was Riley . . .
The breeze of a bullet whizzing past his cheek put an end to the rage and pain that began building up in his brain. Fear suddenly replaced his emotions regarding his recently departed friend. "I'm being shot at! Somebody get this guy!" he cried out hoping to be heard. "I'm doing all I can kid! Just keep goin'!" Rin's voice crackled over the radio. "We're on it Axel!" San's voice came in relieving a fraction of fear if only for a moment. Another bullet screeched by his shoulder and his whimpered against his will. He knew it couldn't be from the group Rin was fighting. If a Tedi was directly above him he'd hear the shots and menacing laughter so that was out. That's when it hit him.
Pain erupted over Axel's body as a bullet finally bit into his flesh. His right arm pitched forward from the force and blood sprayed freely from it. "Dammit!" he cursed, more frustrated than scared. The Squirrels base was in sight. He was so close. He couldn't let Riley's previous efforts go to waste. He had to . . .
Just then Riley's headless body came into view. Axel's stomach rebelled suddenly and violently at the sight. He tried to keep his eyes on his goal but they steered towards the gruesome sight as if determined to put his mind into more anguish. His body seemed unscathed, but his head was completely demolished. Blasted open like a pinata his skull looked as if it had been shattered. Pieces of brain lay scattered amongst the grass resembling that of a spilled plate of scrambled eggs. Surrounding the horrid sight was a dark puddle of blood staining everything it touched.
Axel's cry came partly out of anguish and partly out of pain and surprise. Another bullet had penetrated his flesh, biting into his leg mercilessly and causing him to stumble forward. He quickly regained his composure and mixed emotions propelled him through the battle field. Despite this his previous strength had depleted considerably. Most of his energy had been used up during his insane storm of the enemy fortress and his pounding heart was squirting blood out of his wounds at a rather inconvenient pace. Still he forced himself onward, hoping his body could hold out long enough.
"Ghaaa!" The next cry came from a sadistic Tedi and cut through the air with an abruptness that made Axel jump. Just as startling as the sudden and loud cry was the pain that tore into his side less than a second afterward, causing the squirrel to gasp in shock. The bear gripped onto his collar as it twisted the knife and Axel struggled to release himself from the monster's grip.
Fortunately back up was on the way and ready. Another bullet whipped passed Axel's face but this time left a spray of mechanical brains and stuffing shooting into the air. The squirrel stepped back, desperately trying to get the gunk out of his face in order to see when he heard the calls of his teammates. "You're clear buddy! Run for it!" came an unfamiliar voice.
Not bothering to check if the fellow soldier was one he had known, he bolted towards the base. Muscles burning from the wounds and over-exhaustion, he was all too releaved to see several grey spots appear in his blurred field of vision. "Hey!" he cried and became mildly alarmed at how difficult it had become to call out. "Someone take this!" Thrusting out the flag before him blindly he staggered on waiting for someone to relieve him of it. "I can't go on!"
His energy was depleting with every drop of blood that squirted from his body and he found himself stumbling about. Overwhelming weakness filled him and he suddenly felt himself detatched from his own body. Just as the battlefield began to spin mercilessly a pair of paws reached out and took the flag from him as another soldier draped his arm over Axel's shoulder. Everything began to slip-away in that moment and, had he known better, Axel would've sworn he was dreaming. He barely registered how much of a fight it was just to keep his eyes open and had unconsciously allowed himself to succumb to the impending darkness. As he welcomed the sweet embrace of unconsciousness one last sound penetrated his mind and echoed about like a damaged record.
"You've done well, boy. You've done well."
To be continued . . .
Yes I know. It's been forever! But as you can see I'm not giving up on this story. I told you I wouldn't dammit and I mean it! I've been a very busy person you know.
So I bet you're all wondering what the heck is up with this Ami and Jack shit? You'll see. Axel's life as a soldier obviously doesn't end with the war. So if I haven't lost all of my adoring fans please review! Kudasai!