Wedlock Epilogue

Noin sipped her latte contentedly from a large white porcelain mug. She still had a nice brown tan and she appeared relaxed and well-rested. She looked across the table at her bodyguard.

Heero had a small smile on his face as he sat casually, his elbows resting on the café's small table. Duo sat next to him. There was a small clink as the demon lifted his own mug with both hands. Noin had noticed the matching gold rings on their hands as soon as they'd sat down.

"Isn't it a bit soon?" She asked, glancing at the crowds walking by.

"We wanted to be quick just in case the inter-angel/demon marriage rite was revoked," Heero stated.

"Well, I doubt that'll happen." Noin then sighed. "I guess I'll have to explain the difference between love and lust to young angels and demons from now on. Or maybe I'll just find a human to do that."

"Is there a specific difference?" Duo asked between gulps of his hot chocolate.

"Lust is more physical, I believe," Noin commented offhandedly as she took another ladylike sip of her steaming latte.

Heero, who hadn't ordered anything, frowned.

"But that would mean I felt lust before the before the conception fiasco."

Duo finished off his drink with a happy sigh and put the mug back down on the table.

"I guess you're just weird," he teased, shrugging. His tail brushed Heero's leg discreetly and Heero raised an eyebrow at him.

Noin abashedly glanced sideways. "Erm. Yeah...I discovered that the realm laws were beginning to break down naturally. The botched conception just sped it along."

Duo and Heero looked at her.

"Don't tell anyone," Noin said with a wink as she took another sip of her coffee.


Author's Note: Wow, this is the first fic I've finished in a while. Thanks so much to everyone who reviewed. You people are the reason I kept writing. I hope you enjoyed the story. Hopefully my muse will come back and I'll finish 'Lunar'. ;)

-Ms Trick