Assassin's Apprentice

Chapter 2: Clear Poison and Day-threamers

By: Tommy A. L. aka Phoenix

Disclaimer: I do not own anything of R. K. Rowling's work, or ideas copyrighted by others. My own ideas may be freely used by others, though I'll appreciate a note concerning the case; or at least a footnote giving me the credit… please?

Summary: Apprenticeships are given to all the students of sixth and seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Board of Governors however aren't pleased with Harry, and therefore, along with Blaise Zabini (for other reasons), is placed in the care of Hagrid, hoping to hamper Harry's learning, and to be given a chance to oust the Care of Magical Creatures professor. Perhaps, though, they should have checked a little more about Hagrid's life, and that of Harry's. Because even fate isn't about to try and stop Harry from becoming the best; the best of them all!


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The great hall was decorated with all sorts of beautiful ornaments, even more so than the earlier years. But then again, I noticed the whole Boards of Governors occupying a table a little to the right of the teacher's table. The roof was no longer spelled to look like the night sky, but instead a lovely summer-day theme; a blue sky with a few white dozy clouds, and a nice sun that was strangely (at least to the first years) not blinding them at all. The walls were also changed; no longer where they made of stone; green grass as far as the eye could see, along with flowers, trees and even animals; squirrels, rabbits and does. The four main tables, along with the teacher's and Board's, were set to look like white, plastic, garden tables. The same had happened to the chairs, but when I sat down in one I noticed the nice softness of a 'comfortable' charm. Flowers were set in clear glass vases along the tables, and I thought I saw both tulips' and lilies. The floor itself was grass; I'm sure of that; most likely transfigured. Strangely enough all the student's shoes disappeared when we walked through the Great Hall's main doors, and were lined along the main wall outside.

"This is terrific!" I heard someone yell in the back, and I had to agree. It looked almost like the whole student body was on a picnic, and there were even picnic baskets on the tables, which would most likely fill itself with food when the feast started. All the tables were already filled with small cups containing… water? The liquid was clear as glass, and I doubted any actual alcohol would be delivered to the student body. I'll find out later.

It took some time before all the students settled down, and stopped looking at their surroundings, - and when they did, Dumbledore stood.

"I welcome you all to a new year filled with learning, and hope that you've all had a nice vacation! As you can see, we have some guests tonight; The Board of Governors have seen fit to give us a visit, and will have a few words to say. Since this will take some time, I'll deliver the usual notices, before we get to our sorting."

I noticed that the old man wasn't too happy with having the board there. Thirsty, I grabbed the small cup in front of me; sniffing it slightly to see if it really was water. I couldn't smell anything special, and took a light sip. It was water alright. Taking a larger gulp, I sat back to watch the headmaster finish his speech about the dangerous forest and Filch's list of forbidden items.

It was only slight at first; a dizzy feeling that somehow didn't belong. Dumbledore's figure was blurring in and out, and black spots were lining my sight. I heard some questions coming from Ginny who sat to the left of me, but I'm still not sure whether or not the words help left my mouth before all went black, and the last memories of that evening being screams from some of the girls.


My first coherent thought when I woke up, was 'not again!' I could see Madam Pomfrey scurrying about the Hospital Wing with some potions from a box close to her, but when she noticed me awake she quickly ran over.

"You are a miracle, young man. To survive this poison… you shouldn't even have lived! Then again…" I didn't hear her last words, dozing off into the dream-world again.

The next time I woke up Dumbledore himself was sitting beside me, watching me closely, as if I was some experiment to be studied.

"Finally awake, my boy? You've given us quite a shock, and it took quite a while to calm the girls around you when you went unconscious." The headmaster looked quite sad at this; - sad for me and my continuing need to survive the attempts at my life.

"What happened?" I asked. The dizzy feeling had yet to leave me completely.

"You were poisoned… strangely and horrifyingly enough by basilisk poison. Rightfully so, you shouldn't have lived; then again, I have my theories, and our lovely healer will confirm or deny them in a minute or so when she's back. For now, just relax." I nodded at his words. Basilisk poison? Will wonders never cease…

When Pomfrey returned a couple of minutes later, she dragged Dumbledore with her. Her eyes shined with confusion and questions, and I had a feeling that it would take a while before Dumbledore came back. And I was right. It took almost two hours before the headmaster granted me with his presence again, though this time his eyes were twinkling with mirth, and Fawkes, his phoenix, was currently occupying his right shoulder.

"You must be the most uncommon young man to walk this earth, Harry, and I mean that in a good way. It appears…" he said while sitting down on the closest chair. "that your body have consumed what was once the basilisk's poison down in the Chamber of Secrets, and done likewise with the phoenix tears given to you by Fawkes; Madam Pomfrey found two small… shall we say… bags… containing each liquid, in your body, ready to be released at any moment. You have, Harry, virtually become immune to the basilisk's poison; more so now than since the last time it infected you, and the healing tears can heal your body on its own. You do not seam to have any conscious muscles on how to use them yet, but they are apparently in construction. If I'm right, then you will one day be able to both use your blood as poison, and as a method of healing. – You truly work wonders my child."

I didn't know whether to sigh in relief, yell in happiness, or grow angry at the thought of being freakier as my relatives would say. Just another day of being me, I guess.

"What happened to the one poisoning me?" I asked, and grew worried as Dumbledore's face darkened.

"We traced the venom back to a store in Knockturn Alley; apparently, it was one of the seventh year ravenclaws that put it into your drink after buying it there. – I doubt you'd know his name. An interrogation revealed that it was Voldemort behind it though. All cups were vanished and checked afterwards, though only yours was poisoned."

I only nodded, and sank back into my own thoughts. Voldemort isn't usually this active at this time of the year… let us just hope this is going to be the only one this year; but in this case I'll bet Murphy's Law strikes again.


Madam Pomfrey didn't release me before the next day, after giving me a clear talking to and advices on how to detect poisons in my 'more-than-likely-to-be' future adventures. More or less worthless advices like 'check your drink before you taste it', never mind how to check. I left the Hospital Wing quickly, descending the stairs leading to the Great Hall quickly, dreading the first day. I knew long before I entered that I would be the rumour of the day, and I was right. My feet had only walked past the door when every eye in the hall turned towards me; the students knew I had been poisoned, but did not know it had been a basilisks'. And I wanted it to stay that way.

I quickly walked towards the free seat between Ron and Dean; studying my surroundings on my way. The theme from yesterday had been removed, and in its place were the old one; stone walls, night sky and the ordinary wooden tables. I was happy to notice that the board's table was removed, and so apparently were the others; the students walking through the doors sighed in relief every time they looked towards were the board sat yesterday. Sitting down at the table, I quickly gathered my favourite meal of the day; breakfast. It was usually what kept me going, - I remember skipping several lunch and dinner times last year, and I had gotten dizzy those times I skipped breakfast.

"Shacklebolt promised us that we would also learn a bit about Transfiguration; said that it would come in handy in combat, and also told us that we would probably be the best students by the end of the year, if up to him, which it is! And…" Ron never got any further; Hermione rudely interrupted about something along the lines of 'McGonagall being the oldest teacher and therefore the one with most experience in the castle'. I pushed their annoying voices out of my head; concentrating on my food and the lessons for the day…

I sighed. If only I had more time. Time… An idea sprang to mind, and I quickly shovelled the last food into my mouth; as graceful as I could of course. Quickly drying my mouth with my sleeve, I stood up and walked over to the teacher's table, where Dumbledore sat.

"Sir; headmaster, could I please talk to you for a minute?" I asked, nervous and excited at the same time. If my idea worked… well, cheating or not, it would both me and Blaise a clear advantage.

"Sure my boy! Let's meet up in my office, shall we?" I saw Professor Snape open his mouth, most likely to argue about me 'occupying the headmaster's time', but I gave him no chances; quickly walking out of the hall.

Three minutes later we were both settled in Dumbledore's office; I on one of the guest chairs, and Dumbledore behind his desk. Fawkes was sitting on his perch to my right, studying me in what appeared to be amusement; as if he knew what I was about to suggest. And the Sorting Hat on top of the shelf to my right was snoring away, while mumbling about 'songs'. The portraits were also studying me; one of them going so far as bringing forth a telescope, to my own amusement. Dumbledore himself looked ignorant at all this, but I had a feeling that he had gotten used to it.

"So, what can I do for you Harry?" The old man's twinkle was back in place, and in a way, it warmed my heart. Despite all our differences and problems he was still the closest thing I had to family, with the possible exception of Remus. Almost like a grandfather, in a way.

"Well, sir… I had an idea…" I was unsure of how to broach the subject; it wasn't every day a student came and asked for a time-turner. And I had a feeling that Hermione never asked for the one given to her in third year; most likely she had been approached by McGonagall.

"Yes?" The headmaster leaned forward; his half-moon spectacles sliding down his nose a bit.

"Well, would it be possible for me to use a time-turner?" I said it as calmly as I could; I knew that arguing or asking childishly would bring a clear no. But I needed this. No, WE needed this; I had to remind myself that Blaise was in on this too, whether he knew it or not.

To my surprise the headmaster gave me a small laugh, and Fawkes flew from his perch and over to my shoulder, settling himself; all the while singing a song in agreement.

"You will get to know, young Harry, that it will never be a human that owns a phoenix, but rather the opposite. Arguing with this fried turkey (an indignant thrill from Fawkes) only brings about bad luck; trust me, I know." The headmaster gave another small laugh, before reaching down into one of the (though I was unable to see this) hidden compartments in his desk, and pulling out a small, square formed, device. It wasn't the same we used in my third year though.

"This, Harry, is a Day-threamer. A time-turner that can turn back days, unlike the one you have used once before. You can not, under any circumstances, go back more than seven days, and even then, only once a week. In other words; One year will become two. I will advice you to use a potion that will slightly slow yours and Blaise's age; none of you can be seen growing unnaturally fast." Dumbledore walked over to the closest shelf, where he picked up a huge tome, along with a slightly smaller one; handing all of these to me along with the Day-threamer.

"In the biggest book you will find the potion; remember though, the potion will last for the rest of your life. I have used it myself. It will not be too obvious though, so don't worry. The second book is about chameleon and invisibility charms; I suggest you learn them quickly; who knows when you'll need to hide." Dumbledore's blue eyes were both piercing and twinkling when he looked at me; clearly he would take no responsibility if I was caught, though I got the feeling that he had planned this from the beginning.

"I have also taken the privilege of finding you another teacher, or to tell the truth; Hagrid did. A teacher you will spend your 'extra' seven days a week with. You will meet him at the edge of the forbidden forests each Monday at seven. And don't ask; I have no idea who it might be." I was a little disgruntled from loosing my 'extra' time already; giving me no chances to choose what I wanted to do with it, but I knew just by the look in the headmaster's eyes that this 'man' that would train us would benefit us much more.

I had planned from the very beginning though to sneak into the others classes; learn from all the teachers. I was sure that Snape would be much more forthcoming now when he had to compete about having the best students; and I would be there to watch and learn, along with Blaise. I laughed when I noticed each of the teacher's schedules in the front of one of the books given to me, and laughed more when Dumbledore innocently looked out the window.

I was looking forward to this.


On Mondays we had animagus training and transfiguration with Hagrid, the rest of the time for self-study and sneaking into other classes. Tuesday brought potions with Nicholas Flamel, Selfstudy hours, and several hours with Bill Weasley to learn about wards, curses and their counters. On Wednesday we had animagus lessons again, and potions with Flamel. I could see that each day had several hours with selfstudy; more than enough to pick up the most important things that Snape and McGonagall would teach the others, along with Flitwick and Shacklebolt. Thursdays brought again animagus training into the fold; apparently Hagrid (or was it Dumbledore?) wanted us to learn quickly. Why they immediately assumed that we actually had any forms were beyond me; then came more hours of studying, before potions again with Flamel, and study hours again. Friday strangely enough had no planned classes; selfstudy all the way. Saturday however brought advanced classes with Nicholas, though our evening was free.The schedules had also been spelled to only be readable by them. Luckily, Sunday was set up as free time.

The others' time-table was easier, I know. With Professor Snape of course, potions was a must; therefore more than half of his lessons consisted of the art. The other part split between the more normal classes and DADA, - the last one wasn't too surprising. McGonagall used most of her time with Transfiguration; both animagus lessons, normal Transfiguration, and to my surprise, animated duelling. Going to join the duelling tournament are we? I thought with amusement. Flitwick had only the seventh years to take care of, but I knew we would join that class too. He had more normal classes included in his schedule though, but a lot of his time was spent teaching classical duelling, and advanced spells.

Professor Sprout, unsurprisingly, dealt mostly with plants. The slightly plump lady didn't really know much else; though she had also thrown in a lot of DADA hours. Schacklebolt's schedule, however, told me that his classes would be both hard and beneficial. A little Transfiguration, some potions, but all else focused on either martial arts or DADA classes. I would have liked to join them the most, I thought, a little jealous, - the feeling squashed quickly. I would be joining them anyway, - though under an invisibility charm. The spells learned there I could practise later; wouldn't do anyone good if I started to practise spells together with a class I wasn't supposed to be in.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by the sight of Blaise leaving the slytherin's table; obviously heading towards Hagrid's hut. I could see his confusion at having read the time-table, and smirked. I looked forward to Blaise's face after telling him my plans. Not that I really trusted him yet; he had to prove himself to me. But I knew that Voldemort was after him at the moment; clearly not fond of people not buying his 'nice' tattoos. Perhaps he should open a tattoo store? That alone was enough to bring him in on my plans. Besides, two heads thinks better than one.

I was right; I really enjoyed the look. Blaise wasn't sure whether to kiss (well, maybe not) me for helping him all this way, or to kill (defiantly not!) me for giving him so much work. He settled for a pleased smirk, and joined me in Hagrid's cabin. The hut hadn't really changed that much; a fireplace (strangely enough made of wood!), a bed, a small stove and a table with two chairs. There also were some shelves were I could see two pairs of dragon hide gloves, and some type of food, obviously for animals.

"Well… I'm sorry you guys ended up with me, but I guess there is nothing to do about that." Hagrid said, a little disappointed in himself. (I won't write exactly the way Hagrid speak; will be a little too hard with all the involvement that the half-giant will have.) He got serious after that though, and I've never seen him like this. "I do have some quirks to teach ya though… and my friend will hopefully do the rest; not to mention your own amount of studying. Some of your freetime will also be spent in the forest; that is where we will have some of our lessons on different kind of creatures; didn't want to include that on your schedule though, because it certainly ain't legal."

"My…erh… animagus training is not known, so don't go spread that around. Would send me to prison it would if people knew." Hagrid continued, before closing his eyes and concentrating.

I didn't know whether to be pleased or scared; In front of us where the biggest bear I've ever seen. He was bent over, so asnot to destroy the roof; His fur was coal black, and his hands big enough to grab at least six or seven of me, - at the same time. His small, but kind, beetle-black eyes were the only thing that told us that the bear was friendly. I'm looking forward to see the Death Eaters' faces when they see this!

I never knew that Hagrid knew this much theory though. Because what followed was the biggest speech I've ever heard; about the dangers; pro's and con's of becoming an animagus. Apparently, becoming an animagus would change you a little; the flying instructor (Rolanda Hooch) being the perfect example of this; her animagus form being a hawk, therefore her eyes being as they were, and her passion for flying. Hagrid was big to begin with, so the changes weren't so noticeable with him; though he told us that his nails were more curved and his eyes smaller. His strength had also improved vastly, but that was (at least partly) controllable. He told us that Sirius' form had made his hair darker, his nose and ears better able to pick up scents and sounds, which was again followed by a long explanation to Blaise about my godfather's innocence… and his death.

There weren't much time left after that, so Blaise and I quickly went to lunch; actually eager to get back to Hagrid afterwards. Transfiguration was always fun! Lunch provided us with a surprise however. Additional tables were placed in the Great Hall, with name tags on them. Professors were supposed to sit with their group, - in other words, Blaise and me together with Hagrid. I had nothing against this of course; this was an ample time for us to discuss our classes and plans, without the chance for others to overhear (nothing vastly important would be discussed of course). Ron, however, spoke up as quickly as I sat down.

"Harry! Come over here; there is room for one more. Don't sit with the stinkin' slytherin!" Ron's shouting had carried over the whole hall, and had silenced most of its occupants. People were quickly turning towards me to see what I would choose to do.

I simply only raised an eyebrow. The blatant prejudice Ron had made me uneasy; I was sure that our friendship wouldn't tolerate excuses here… excuses like beating my friend in a duelling tournament, which I had big plans about doing.

I sighed. If he can't tolerate my own choice of friends and partners; especially when they weren't willingly chosen to start with, then he is not really my friend. I gave Ron a sad look, and shook my head. I had found my place; May hell and high water come before I betray those I set my loyalties with.

Blaise, while still a relatively unknown factor to me, was my partner, and hopefully, future friend. We had yet to bicker, trade insults or something similar, which I deemed a good start. Though I had the feeling that our curiosity of each other was the biggest reason we had yet to speak against each other; I had no plan to start now.


Transfiguration was a blast. Both Blaise and I had a lot of fun with transfiguring small pebbles into rubber balls with small wings; and set them to attack each other. They reminded me about small snitches actually. Hagrid was smiling at our success and let us have fun for the rest of his class. He never told us that this simple transfiguration was usually a couple of days work in our year.

We finished it in thirty minutes.

Then we started to improvise; my rubber balls turned into small water balloons with wings, which were quickly sent off towards Blaise. Blaise, in retaliation, gave his rubber ball a bigger body; bigger wings; and claws, and had it trying to throw me into the Hogwarts Lake, much to Hagrid's amusement. It failed though; through share luck from my side.

My eagle brought me back.

I will always remember Blaise's and Hagrid's faces at the sight of the transfigured eagle. My reading of Dumbledore's book on animated duelling was coming in handy already, even though the spell itself was pretty weak, and one of the first stages. Not to mention, my eagle barely looked like one.

We stopped shortly after that; figuring that if we could play then we could just as well study. We both sat down in Hagrid's hut with books; I with my book on animated duelling, which I promised Blaise that he could read when I was finished with it, and Blaise with the normal sixth year book on Transfiguration. We were already looking forward to our next battle. – I was also looking forward to telling Blaise about our 'supposedly' Tai Chi lessons.

Because they were going to be at 06:00 AM each day. – And on every free hour we had the chance.


A/N: Because I don't have any beta readers right now this chapter is my original. Your reviews told me that you were eager for the next upload, and who am I to argue? Still, if anyone of you spots some grammar mistakes, which you will most likely do,please include it in your review; that way I can gradually increase my knowledge, and at the same time the quality of my work. I hope this chapter will appease you guys (and girls) for awhile, and I'll try and have the next chapter out in a week. – Thanks!


PS; If you are about to offer yourself as a beta reader, please, at least make sure toleave the review/email without your own grammar mistakes (to the best of your ability of course). The earlier offers I had, usually had a huge amount of mistakes in them; not exactly what you'd call a good impression, eh? No offence meant…