Summary: Drake and Josh realize things about each other that bring them closer than they ever imagined they could be.

Disclaimer: Drake & Josh are not mine. Sadly.

Note to Readers: This story is going to be ongoing. I'll try to update as often as I can. It contains a lot of slash and adult situations so if you're not comfortable with that please don't read. I understand some people find the Drake/Josh story line weird and that's fine. Just don't read it. To everyone else, please leave reviews. This is my first Drake/Josh fanfic and I'd love to know what people think. Thank you!

Story: "Suddenly More Than Brothers"

Chapter: One

It wasn't unusual for Josh and his brother to fall asleep together. They'd fall asleep playing video games or watching movies on the couch in their bedroom. They'd fall asleep downstairs side by side whenever their parents would make the whole family gather around to watch some kind of educational show that always included rhinoceroses and Josh having to cover Megan's eyes. They would fall asleep in the back of the car on long family rides and they almost always fell asleep at the kitchen table whenever Josh would offer to spend a late night helping Drake cram for an important test he hadn't studied for. But this time it was different. They had fallen asleep in Josh's bed. Not just fallen asleep, but passed out. In a heated mess wrapped together in his sheets.

Earlier that night Josh had been struggling to fall asleep. There was an quiz the next day on Spanish literature and he was afraid he'd wake up with his mind a complete blank. He tossed and turned, he tried sleeping with one leg out of the blankets, one arm, his whole body uncovered, everything. Finally around 1am he decided to head down stairs for something to drink. He was tired and he stumbled a little as he came back into the bedroom. He looked over at the lump of blankets across the room where his brother slept. He saw them stir. Sure that he had woken Drake, he quietly apologized.

His brother was silent up until that point, you wouldn't have even known he was there if you couldn't see the shift of the blankets. For some reason he decided to try and reply to Josh's apology, but all that came out of him was a few heavy rough breaths and an incoherent mumble that turned into a soft moan of Drake's girlfriends name as the blankets moved again.

"Sorry." Josh said it in a more meaningful tone this time as he quickly slid back under his blankets.

They were 17, going on 18 and it was a normal activity for any healthy teenage boy. They knew it would come up eventually when they found out they would have to share a room. There wasn't any talk about waiting until the other one was out of the room or locking yourself in the bathroom for an extra half an hour at night. It just happened when it happened, but sometimes Josh wished it hadn't.

He laid there staring at the half empty glass on the night table beside his bed. He watched the water ripple under the dim light of the moon that shown thru the window above Drake's head. It lit just enough of the room for them to see the out lines of the furniture at night, but tonight it was particularly bright. He shut his eyes tightly, thinking for a moment he had forgotten how to sleep all together. It was silent again for the longest time before Drake's breathing picked up, muffled under the blankets but loud enough for Josh to hear.

It sent his mind reeling. He stared at the pile of blankets and the shadows they cast against the wall. He thought about exactly what it was his brother was doing, how Drake's hands moved, how skilled they were at guitar and probably other things. What was he thinking of, who he was thinking of? Did he touch himself all over or just the obviously places? He thought about Drake's lips and how they moved when he would sing a particularly intense song, he wondered if that's the way they looked now as he let out those soft sounds. Josh rolled over onto his stomach, muffling a soft groan against his pillow. He was trying to think about anything but his brother… Drake, across the room, with his hand down his pants. He tried to think about Drake's girlfriend. She was cute, blonde and a whole 2 years older than both boys. He thought about her hair and her full chest. He thought about the way she kissed his brother, how she leaned into him. He thought about how her hands must feel, how she must touch Drake. Drake. Touching Drake. He thought about touching Drake. His freckles, his narrow hips, his hair. Josh's body jerked abruptly as he flipped over onto his back trying to ease the tension that had begun to grow in his pajama bottoms. He bit hard into his lower lip when Drake let out another moan.

Usually he could force himself to ignore the ache in his briefs that the sound of his brother jerking off gave him, but tonight it was hard... for lack of a better word. His brother was loud tonight and the needy tone in his voice just drove Josh insane. He watched his brother's bed carefully thru squinting eyes as he slipped his hand down his own pants. His hips squirmed as he fished for his growing erection, letting out a moan louder than he intended.

Drake's dark eyes flew open. He froze completely at the sound of Josh's pleasure. It was much deeper than his normal speaking voice, it was rough, almost… manly. What the hell was Drake thinking? Why did he stop to listen to his brother jerk off? Why was his brother jerking off with him? Though they had no set rules about private time in the bedroom it went unspoken that the other would just remain quiet, doing their own thing. Josh moaned again. That deep, dry sound. Drake shivered. He felt goose bumps cover his skin and his hips twitched with a completely new ache. One he had gotten used to ignoring when he was with a girl or even when he was alone. He turned a little, trying to peek out at his brother over the blankets.

Josh was stretched out on his back, completely still except for his hand beneath the blankets. His fingers moved slowly over his length, he was completely hard already. Just looking at Drake could do it too him sometimes but it was usually the sound of his voice that got him going most.

Drake lay there, watching his brother for what seemed like ever. He was frozen all except the steady stroke of his palm against his length as he began to wonder the same things his brother had been thinking earlier. Who was Josh thinking of? How did his warm hands feel? He always teased his brother about using hand lotion but now maybe the softness of his skin had a reason. Suddenly in Drake's mind his hand that was slowly moving around his erection was no longer his own, but his brothers. Smooth and warm. Drake started to tremble. He knew if he didn't stop now he wouldn't be able to control himself or his thoughts. He had to get up, he had to stop thinking about that time when he accidentally walked in on Josh in the shower… that time when he accidentally fell into his brothers lap and wound up sitting there for a near minute. He had to stop thinking about all the on purpose accidents he had created and more importantly he had to stop listening to the rough sounds of Josh's breathing.

He almost flew out of bed and down the ladder rungs beside it. Drake tugged at the front of his flannel pajama bottoms as he stumbled a few steps in the direction of the door. He had to pass his brothers bed to get to it and he sounds only grew louder. Drake was distracted, he tripped over something, who knows what, but the sound was enough to startle Josh.

Josh quickly looked out over the edge of his blanket at the pile of sheets across the room, he tried to make out his brother's form, squinting he could see the empty spot where Drake had been laying. His eyes quickly darted around the room searching until he found him standing over the foot of his bed. Drake's right hand had slid down the front of his pajama bottoms again and he was just standing there. Touching himself. Josh swallowed hard. He watched his brother's shinning dark eyes in the dim light. For some reason he could make them out perfectly as Drake stared back at him.

There were no words, just a long, intense look in the darkness that spoke more than either of them could ever explain. It spoke things neither of them even knew they had in them.

And almost as quickly as Drake had gotten out of his own bed he climbed into Josh's. They lay there side by side on their backs, perfectly still at first until Josh made the first move. It surprised Drake. His brother suddenly seemed confident. Drake wondered for a split second if Josh had ever done this before as his brother's hand replaced his own in his pajama bottoms.

Drakes eyes widened and his hips jerked up frantically at the smooth, tight feel of Josh's fist. It seemed to fit around him perfectly and before Josh had even begun to stroke him Drake was moaning in pleasure.

Josh stared at his brother in the shadows, he wanted to kiss him right then. He wanted to do a thousand things to him at that very moment but he didn't want to scare Drake away. There was no way in hell Josh would let his brother get out of bed right now. He needed to touch him just as badly as Drake needed to be touched. Josh's fingers spread out over his brother's length, he began to stroke him harder as he had just been doing to himself. That thought alone, where his own hand had just been and where it was now was enough to make Josh's erection throb. He quickly shoved his free hand into his pants, wrapping tightly around himself.

Drake layed there, fingers clutching desperately at the sheets around him, eyes closed. He wanted to do something, he wanted to touch Josh, he wanted to make him feel as good as his brother was making him feel right now but he couldn't. He was afraid. He didn't know how. A million reasons ran thru his mind. His eyes just shut tighter and he fell into the bliss of Josh's touch.

"Fuck." Drake whispered. He could feel Josh's thumb circle the head of his cock and his body shuddered. Neither of them normally cursed, even when they were alone or with friends so at that moment it was particularly powerful. Josh knew then just how much Drake was enjoying this.

The smaller boy's hips jerked up, twisting off the bed into a frenzy against Josh's fist. He was thrusting into it full force and Josh struggled to keep up with both hands. Their breathing fell in unison, their hips followed and soon they were both moaning and whispering curses together. To each other. Josh had no way to gauge how close Drake's orgasm was except for the sudden increasingly urgent sound in his brother's voice. He kept his hand there, working every bit of Drake's release out. The feeling of the other boy's come on his hand pushed him over the edge and in seconds Josh was gasping for breath, his other fingers coated and sticky with his own orgasm.

The room began to quickly grow quiet. Their breathing slowing together until it was a near normal level. Drake's eyes were practically locked closed and Josh hated the thought of even having to move. So they just laid there, the blankets a mess around them, Josh's hands still hidden under flannel pajama bottoms. As quickly as it all began it ended and neither brother dared to make a sound as they began to fall asleep, warm and exhausted together.