Disclaimer: I don't own Jimmy Neutron, but I wish that I did.

Author's Notes: I'm so amazed by the response that I got for the other story . If you have any things to point out to me, I'd be glad to answer. This story might be over soon, because I really don't know how I can stretch this any longer. In fact, I think that this'll be the final chapter. Hope you like it. Look out for the next few stories from me, i think and hope you are pleased. On another note, I don't know Cindy's true birthday, so I made it July 1st to add it to the story.

"Hugh, honey, have you heard from Jimmy" asked Mrs. Neutron as she juggled the grocery bags.

"No sugar booger, I haven't" sighs Hugh as he sands a wooden duck

"Well, he would call if anything was wrong,right?" asks Judy as she puts away groceries.

"He would call if he had any trouble" reassured Mr. Neutron."Come over here and we can catch the special on how to make pie". She sits down and they see a commercial for "Reality Kids"

"Hey, Isn't that Jimmy's show?" She says over the commercial which loudly declares the new show starting July 4th. Clips show on the screen of a Twonky, Sheen and the cooking oil and other scenes of the days gone by.

"Hey, yeah!" Hugh studies the TV "Looks like he's having the adventure of his life".

"That looks like trouble to me." Judy jangles the keys. "Come on, we're going to fix this." "Call the other parents".

Meanwhile in the house, it is serene, compared to the chaos of the days before. Cindy and Jimmy are pondering the information resonating in their brains. Carl is, well, being Carl with his "llama pallooza" game. Sheen is being kept away from flammable sources by Libby. "Sheen, stay away from the stove!"

"No worries, Chicky, I'll be more careful this time" Sheen twirls a spatula on his index finger and it goes on the ground with a quiet thump.

"I'm making a cake for Cindy's birthday, so go away until it's done." Libby pushes Sheen out of the kitchen and he falls unceremoniously on his face.

"When you hurt me, it's a sign that you love me!" Sheen shakes his fist at the closed door.

"What's going on?" asks Carl, throwing the game controller aside.

"Aw, Cindy's birthday is today, and Libby is throwing a party for her."

"Ooh, I love parties!" shrieks Carl. "Is this a surprise party?"

"I would guess so, since she keeps hiding the frosting and decorations whenever Cindy goes by"

"You get her anything?"

"Nah, You?"

"Yeah, actually i did, I got her a new journal, because I always see her writing in that notebook of hers"

"Aw, man, I think I'm the only one who DID'NT get her something." Sheen sighs.

"She already hates you , not like you need to get her stuff, like you're her boyfriend or anything"


"This is a disgrace!"Mrs Vortex mutters. The parents are packed into a bus rented by Jimmy's mom. The trip will only take about four hours, but to them, it feels like a thousand years. Libby's mom is looking at the video clip that Hugh recorded on a DVD over and over.

"I can't believe our babies have been through all of this." says Mrs. Wheezer roughly.

"That's not the most amazing thing"coughs Carl's dad with an inhaler in his palm "Carl survived a week without needing his inhaler"

"Duck Duck Duck!" sings Jimmy's dad loudly.

"SHUT UP!" say the rest of the people in unison.

"You think we're over reacting?" asks Judy softly.

"No" everyone says in unison.

"I'm more worried about if they put up a fight" Mr. Estevez cracks his knuckles .He takes a DVD out of his back pocket. "My son can not resist Ultra Lord, so I brought a new episode of Ultra Lord."

"I brought a new CD," smiles Libby's mom.


Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Cindy, Happy Birthday to you...

"Oh, wow, I forgot it was my birthday" Cindy sighs.

She blows out the candles in one breath. "What did you wish for, Cin?" asks Libby off handedly. "Something about Jimmy" she asks teasingly within earshot of Jimmy

"I 'll prove that I don't like him." Cindy bit her lip. "Come over here, Captain Cranium"

The cake was chocolate with vanilla frosting. The top of the cake had HAPPY BIRTHDAY and pink roses looking pretentious. Well, that was soon to change...

"Neutron, what part of the cake do you want?. Says Cindy sweetly

"Nice of you to ask.." "That piece with the rose on it?"

Cindy slices the cake and puts it on a plate. "Enjoy." she snarls and smashes his face into the cake . The cake is smeared all over his face, looking very much like mud.

"Vortex, I don't GET you!" screams Jimmy. "One minute, I think you like me, next, you do stuff like this!" He takes her slice and smashes her face into it.

He runs out the door .A bus pulls up. "Jimmy?" asks his mom. She reaches out and hugs him. "Are you alright?"

"Aw, mom, I'm all packed up." "Can I come home with you?"

"We need to take everyone home as much as we don't want to, Jim Jam" says Hugh.

Everyone is packing up and getting ready to go. Jimmy and Cindy are sitting on the front lawn staring at the sunset breaking in the sky. They are sitting far apart with their suitcases leaning behind them like backs to a chair. "Look, I um..." says Cindy softly.

"You don't have to apologize."


"Jimmy, we're WAITING" yells Sheen out of the bus window.

"But maybe you should apologize for giving me a face full of cake."

"NEUTRON!" Cindy chases him to the bus.

"Shh." "He stops suddenly and covers her mouth with his hand. He grabs her hand and smiles.


Please read my next story, who's first chapter is up. Now please press the review button and add me to your author alert list that, so you can keep updated on my stories and new chapters. :)