Hey guys! Swry it took sooooo looong to get this ch up but I hadn't really had a plot to this story when I put it up… to tell u the truth… when I put it up I was so happy that I got a ch done for a new story that I started that I wasn't even thinking when I put it up and totally forgot about it until I started getting reviews for it and was going to take it down cuz I didn't hav a plot but I got so many reviews on the first ch that I didn't hav the nerve… it still doesn't hav a plot but I told some of u that I'd hav it up so here it is… it's a crappy (very detailed crap… might I add :nods:) short and plotless ch but I think I spot a plotlet over there! I better chase it while u guys read! So go ahead and read! (runs after plotlet)

:warning: yaoi…(if ur reading my stories u should know this) AU, cross-dressing, sexual harassment, torture, and mayb bondage…



"Ah! But you do little one, you received them when jumping out of the hole in the limo you've made. You just did not feel them through your rage... but I wouldn't look at them... or the pain will hit you full force," Inutaisho said as he then turned and began to make his way into the castle once again and smirked as he heard his son's fast moving foot steps as he rushed past him and to the healer's quarters with the young hanyou pup unconscious in his arms. "I told him not to look..."

Ch.2 Your name? (finally... --;;)

"What do ye think you are doing, child!"

The young hanyou jumped a little at the sudden loud out burst. He turned to look at the elderly healer that stood in the doorway of the room he was currently staying in. He studied her for a few seconds taking in her hunched over form and dark grey hair that was piled on her head neatly. Her dress looked like that of a miko with the white haori and red hakamas, she carried a small basket on her back that he could tell was full of herbs she had used to help heal his leg.

He had talked to his mother not even an hour ago and she had told him that he had accidentally cut his leg on the metal roof of the limo that he had torn away. He had surprised her slightly when he laughed but explained that it was only at his obvious stupidity. The young hanyou had said that he wasn't thinking about anything other than getting to her and had been to careless to even think about himself, he promised her that he would try to be more appear. But before it even came out of his mouth he knew that there was no possible way that he would ever take his guard down again now that his father was dead.

The hanyou smiled meekly at the old healer, "Oh… nothing…"

"Child, you'd better listen to me and get your half-blooded butt back on that futon!" the healer screeched at the young hanyou causing him to flinch. But when he didn't move from his spot she walked forward and drew her hand back having every intension of smacking him across the face. "Disobedient half-breed!"

Inuyasha struggled to turn his body toward the attacking older woman so that he could block her attack. But he lost his footing and feel back on to the very futon he was trying to get up from in a crumpled heap. Hissing in pain as he landed on his injured leg affectively, upon impact, reopening the wound that had just been re-bandaged not a half an hour ago. He felt the clean, white bandages getting soaked with his blood that was rapidly escaping the gash on his leg.

Gulping he turned his gaze back to the healer but found, to his surprise, that she was being escorted out of the room by a guard. As she disappeared around the corner with the guard two other figures appeared from the brightly lit hallway. He blinked his eyes into adjusting to the light he noticed that one was the healer that had helped him before the other one was put in charge of caring for him. She looked about the same age as the other one, if not a little bit older, her long grayish-silver hair pulled back into a braid that reached down passed her hips. She was taller than the other healer but she was still short compared to the man standing next to her.

Quickly turning his gaze to the male he found him self entranced in two deep amber-gold eyes that looked glazed over in thought. Just by looking into those beautiful eyes he already knew who was with the healer and he had a pretty good guess as to why he was here.

"Hello there, young one. How are you feeling?" the healer said as she set her bundle of herbs down on the floor next to the futon that Inuyasha was currently crumpled on. She quickly took in the hanyou's form and noticed that the bandage that was covering his cut was soaked with blood and the stain seemed to get bigger by the second. She glanced quickly up at the hanyou's eyes and noticed that he was completely taken with the youkai that she had brought with her. "Inuyasha…"

"Huh?" Inuyasha turned his head toward the healer in confusion. She waved her hand toward the youkai still in the doorway as she leaned forward and started to take the bandage off the wound so that she could inspect it and just like she predicted the hanyou drew away. But not long after that did the other youkai pin the young inu-hanyou to the futon and then pinned his leg down in front of the healer.

Inuyasha gasped in surprise as he was pinned to the futon then whimpered in pain as his leg was out stretch back to the healer. He grabbed fists full of the youkai's haori as the healer began to probe and unwrap his wound and whimpered for the youkai to let him go. The youkai must of felt sorry for him because he lightly began to growl back at him telling him that it would hurt more if they were to leave the wound alone. He whimpered and whined that it hurt and that he wanted to youkai to let him up.

Shaking his head the youkai leaned forward and licked Inuyasha's cheek gently before nuzzling his cheek against the hanyou's. The hanyou nuzzled back then whimpered that he couldn't breathe very well. The youkai pulled him up into a sitting position then gently into his lap without disturbing the healer's work.

Inuyasha hadn't even noticed that his bandages were fully off until he was sitting up straight and he could see that the healer was now cleaning his wound with a wet cloth. His leg was slightly numb now but he could still feel the light strokes and the pain that came with them. Inuyasha whimpered in memory of what was going to happen next as he watched the healer reach for her bundle; turning his head he buried his face in the youkai's neck unable to look at what was going to take place next. The youkai, in response, tightened his grip on the younger male and tried to think of a way to get the younger male's attention of the pain and stinging that the herbs were sure to cause.

But when the hanyou screamed out in pain as the healer spread the thick dark purplish gunk over his still bleeding cut that had been cleaned as much as possible he did the first thing that came to mind. He covered the young hanyou's mouth… with his own.

There was no emotion behind the kiss as both of their mouths moved against each other, just pain. Inuyasha pressed his mouth against the youkai's in desperation to get away from the pain that the herbs were causing and let the older male take control and allowed the youkai's tongue to enter his mouth. The youkai was trying as hard as he could to not get lost in the kiss but as the kiss got deeper he lost all train of thought and started to forget why he kiss the hanyou in the first place. Desperation quickly turned to passion as Inuyasha started to feel less and less of the pain.

They were both so wrapped up in the kiss that they didn't even notice that the healer had finished wrapping up Inuyasha's cut nor did they notice when she stood with her bundle of herbs in her hand. But the healer did notice them, she actually thought it was quite a clever idea to take the hanyou's mind off the pain but she hadn't expected her lord to kiss the hanyou. Her lord didn't particularly like or tolerate humans that well since that "incident" that happened all too long ago but with seeing the way that he was kissing the young hanyou she could tell that he was slowly but surely growing out of such hatred.

Walking out of the room she bowed and said, "Ye try not to hurt him, Lord Sesshomaru." She closed the door and turned to make her way back to her healing chambers.

But once she left the room both males pulled apart for a breath of air. But as soon as their eyes met they both realized what they had just done; the older male literally flew off the bed and across the room while the younger male scooted back but as soon as his leg pressed against the futon he cringed in pain. He drew his leg up to his chest and ran his hand gently over the bandage but winced when he felt a stinging sensation. Sniffing at the wound he noticed that the scent of the healer was still fresh on it but the stench of the herb nearly stained her scent. Bu Inuyasha's eyes widened when he noticed that he had just been kissing a youkai that he barely knew in front of a healer that was wrapping up his wound.

The hanyou suddenly heard a deep growl.

The hanyou's gaze snapped up to meet the youkai's and he blushed deeply as he noticed how close the other was to him. Gulping he nodded his head but apparently that wasn't enough to convince the older male because he knelt down and gently pulled his leg forward so that he could inspect it himself. Neither of them noticed how Inuyasha's kimono started to slip further and further up his leg until the cloth had collected in his lap.

"Oh… I'm fine… really," the younger male said blushing deep as the youkai caressed his bandaged leg. The youkai's eyes were completely on his leg as he silently inspected the bandaged wound for himself convince himself that the hanyou was truly okay. After a few more minutes of looking over the wound he nodded and laid the younger male's leg down gently against the futon. Inuyasha smiled meekly up at the older male and whispered, "Thank you."

The youkai blinked in confusion as he stared down at the young hanyou before nodding. He made his way to stand up but before he could turn around to leave the room his attention was drawn back to the younger male when he tugged lightly on the sleeve of his haori. Giving the hanyou a questioning look then he glanced at his sleeve seeing the white silk fabric being lightly held with the hanyou's fingers curved around the edge gently. He looked back at the hanyou and noticed that he was blushing deeply in embarrassment but he watched in amusement as the younger male attempted to get rid of the blush before he looked back up into his eyes. Adorable…

"Where are you going?" the younger male asked quietly as his gaze took turns in looking back in forth from his hand to the youkai's eyes.

The youkai raised an eyebrow in interest and pointed to the room door without turning his gaze form the hanyou's. He watched as the hanyou's gaze followed the direction his finger was pointing before a smaller frown came on his face then turned his gaze back to his. The younger male's frown suddenly changed into a bright smile and he quickly asked, "Well… if you don't mind, may I come with you?"

The youkai was surprised by the question but without thinking shook his head side to side. Noticed how the youth's smile turned into a frown as his eyes looked away from his to the floor and he let go of sleeve and let his hand fall back to the futon with a soft thud. A small forlorn smirk formed on the younger male's face but the youkai couldn't see his eyes because his bangs cast a shadow over them but he watched intently as the hanyou brought his fist up to his face then knocked one of his knuckles lightly against his forehead.

"I'm so stupid! I should have figured you didn't want to drag around a useless hanyou… I can't even walk normally!" Inuyasha laughed bitterly as he felt a light pang in his chest. But before he could go on about he was useless or even cry about how stupid he was he was yanked up in to a standing position. But before he could question the youkai he was pulled forward into motion as the youkai literally dragged him out of the room and down the hall into another room that he immediately took as the library because the walls were lined shelves filled to the brim with books. But the youkai must of found him to slow because he picked him up and walked briskly over to a corner that had two shelves blocking it off from view of the rest of the library.

The older male gently set Inuyasha down on some of the cushions that were pilled up behind the shelves then he tossed him another cushion and motion that he should prop up his leg before he walked off. Inuyasha nodded dumbly despite the fact that he knew that the other youkai wasn't there and set up his leg. He blushed deep crimson when he noticed that his kimono was barely covering him and was almost showing all of his legs off. Quickly he covered his legs and fixed his kimono then tied his obi tighter to ensure that his kimono would stay in place.

When the older male returned he held two books in his hands and gave one to Inuyasha as he sat down next to the hanyou. The younger male glanced at the book then at the youkai next him and noticed that he was already reading the book he'd brought for himself. Then some realization hit the youth as he turned his entire boy to face the youkai then slightly poked him in the shoulder. The youkai didn't turn his gaze away from the book but made a sound in the back of his throat telling the hanyou that he had his attention.

"I didn't realize this earlier… but what's your name?"

"Wait… I don't understand, mi lord," Lady Izayoi said as she stood from her seated position. She looked at the Lord that sat before her in confusion and slight fear before she turned her gaze to the Lady Azul who stood at the window looking out solemnly. Izayoi's gaze was drawn back to the lord when he spoke again.

"It is true… I do not know where we went wrong, Lady Izayoi. But it seems we did." Lord Inutaisho said nodding to his statement and watched with sympathy as the young human woman sank back down into the chair across from his desk with a shocked and lost look on her face. After a few seconds she popped out of her chair again with a slight fire of determination in her eyes.

"But this was suppose to help them… how…" Lady Izayoi sank back into her chair and started ringing her hands together the determination slipping fast. "How could this have happened?"

"As I said before, Lady Izayoi, I do not know when and where we went wrong," Lord Inutaisho said as he sat up and braced his elbows against his desk and laced his fingers together then leaned his head against his hands. "What I do know is that we have found out the name of your husband's killer…"

"What!" Lady Izayoi gasped and shot up out of her seat again staring in horror and slight anger at the lord in front of her, but what she didn't notice was that the lord's mate had also turned at her mate's statement. Both of their gazes' bore into the lord with many questions behind them but he ignored them and sighed and took in a deep breath of air and readied his ears for the absolute worst.

"Unfortunately, the same name has popped up on both yours and my son's potential mate list," the lord said as he closed his eyes expecting the human to rampage around the room and throw things but they snapped open when he felt a hand on his check. He looked up at the human and stared into her eyes seeing nothing but anger and fear.

"No." Lady Izayoi said, it was meant to be more of a question than a statement but she said it anyway. But when the lord nodded his head she dropped her hand and stepped back and sat in the chair she had earlier but she soon felt a hand on he knee and looked up to find that the lord's mate was sitting next to her with a sad look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," Lady Azul whispered as she patted Izayoi's knee. Izayoi nodded and placed a hand over the lord's mate's hand but she turned her gaze back to the lord and said in fear—

"There's more isn't there?" she asked quietly, turning the lord's mate's gaze back to her mate. But the lord shook his head knowing full well that if he told her the human princess might actually fall apart this time.

"Inutaisho… just tell her."

The lord's gaze met his mate's and he knew that if he didn't there would be hell to pay but that didn't mean that he was going to give in that easily. "No, Azul, if I were to tell her any more you damned well what would happen."

"That's why I'm saying tell her… if you weren't to tell her think about what would happen then. She needs to know but that doesn't mean she needs to know it all," Lady Azul said glaring at her mate as she put and arm around the shaking human princess.

"Please don't talk around me as if I'm not here… but yes I would like to know something… even if it isn't all," Lady Izayoi said in barely a whisper.

"Alright… well the name of your husband's killer is—"

The older male stared in confusion at the younger male then realized that he hadn't been introduced to the hanyou earlier that day due to the commotion that had happened out front. Sighing he flipped to the front of his book where there was some scribbles on the aged paper and stuck it under the hanyou's nose so the he'd read it.

Inuyasha stared at the book for a few seconds then took it from the youkai's hand and read the fine writing that looked carefully written on the front page of the book.

To my darling son,


He smiled down at the age then gave the book back to the youkai that he'd not even known the name of until now. It was such a stunning name too but the more he thought about it the more he found himself thinking about the owner. So he tested the name out, "Sesshomaru… Sesshomaru… hmm…"

The older male stared at the hanyou and watched in confusion and slight interest as he put his finger to his lips and whispered his name over and over as if trying to decipher something on his own. But the more Inuyasha said his name the more his senses sharpened as if trying to pick up as many clues as to what the hanyou was thinking about so that he wouldn't be caught off guard. His mind started to fade in and out of day-dreaming and reality as the younger male continued to whisper his name and hum in thought, but soon those hums turned into moans and those whispers turned into screaming. He mentally shook those thoughts out of his head just before Inuyasha slammed his fist into his palm showing the youkai that he'd found what he had been looking for.

Inuyasha turned to look at him with a slight smile on his face before he said in confident and slightly excited voice, "It doesn't suit you!"

Sesshomaru looked surprised at the young hanyou with a raised eyebrow before he glared at the youth. He pushed Inuyasha on the shoulder causing him to fall over onto his side, which took him by surprise because he wasn't really expecting the older male to react at all. But when Inuyasha heard a playful growl emit from Sesshomaru's throat he smirk but quickly dropped it for a fake glare and frown and turned to look back at the older male to find him smirking slightly. Glaring he stuck his tongue out childishly to the older male who leaned over him and growled with a fake malice before smirking down at the hanyou. Inuyasha tried really hard to keep it from coming out but he couldn't hold it too long, it started out a small chuckle then turned into an all out laugh.

Sesshomaru shook his head and leaned away and continued with his book and let Inuyasha laugh till his sides hurt, which he pointed out when he was done and whipping the tears from his eyes and joined the older male in reading his own book. But not long after that did Sesshomaru turn to find that the hanyou had fallen asleep curled around the book he had been reading. Rolling his eyes he smiled down at the hanyou and covered him with a blanket that was set a side just in case he felt cold but once he'd laid eyes on the soft features of the sleeping hanyou he knew that there was no way he was going to take his eyes off them. He leaned forward and began to lightly pet Inuyasha's dog-ears erecting a cat-like purr from the sleeping youth and it made him want to laugh aloud just as the hanyou had done not moments before… but of course he didn't.

End ch.2


Hey guys! sorry if it was short… but I really hadn't set up a plot for this one but I might just hav one now… maybe… possibly not but anyways… :cough:… hope u liked it! Review! Please! Cya next ch.!… oh and those who r wondering why Sess hasn't talked yet… u'll find out next ch… cuz I'm cruel lik that! CYA!


I'll love you


I'll make you apart of my game (AND I'LL MAKE SURE U LOSE!)


I'll make you into a chocolate malt


I'll let you be dominate (no joke)

Those who reviewed for the first ch. Thank you!

