Disclaimer: Yet again...i do not own avatar..and i can't wait for the new episode "the chase"!
Chapter 6
The difference between coal and rock
Riza Hawkeye chuckled as she put her hot coffee down on the table. She was at her lunch break, along with Roy Mustang and others who were eating their packed lunches.
" And then I said 'follow the instructions on the paper!'" Mustang said. The crowd burst out laughing. Riza smiled lightly so that no one could see, and began sipping her coffee.
"Woo.." Mustang said while wiping a tear from his eye. " And I only had to make a transmutation circle with this weird rock Hawkeye got from a place she went to. It's going to bring Ed and Al to Mepmhis..you know- the city of 1,000 deaths? Well, it's supposed to be some kind of cursed town and…they say a lot of people get really sick when you go there.Besides, I never got a chance to..repay them for what happened on Christmas and…."
Hawkeye spit out her coffee. "Dammit Mustang! I didn't say to take my rock! It doesn't even get you to Memphis! Hell, I don't even know where it takes you! I told you to get the black rock! SHIT!" With that, Hawkeye ran to her office.
Mustang frowned as he ran after Riza. "Wait! What do you mean, the black rock? They were all black!" Riza snorted.
"I guess the flame alchemist can't even tell the difference between a black rock and a piece of coal" Riza said.
"……...I don't get it"
"Coal! Coal…fire…flame…you…UGH! Dammit!"
"….OOOhhhh….haha fire…haha…I get it..that was hilarious.."
Riza opened the door to her office and sat down on her chair. "What are we supposed to do? What if they don't come back? What if-"
"Hold up" Mustang said, sitting down on her desk. "How'd you get that black rock anyway? The one from Memphis?" Mustang asked.
"I have a cousin who lives there."
"Oh. How'd you get that piece of coal?"
Riza frowned."Honestly, I don't know. There was this guy in odd, red clothes down by that new pub. He said he'd let me have it for free. He said I '..needed a vacation..' or something. He told me that all you had to do was make a transmutation circle out of it and transmutate yourself and the rest would be done for you. Obviously, since I can't do alchemy, I gave it to you, which I regret now."
"What happened to that guy? Where is he now?" Mustang asked.
"I have no clue. I don't even think he's from around here." Riza looked down on her desked, worried. " Do you think Ed and Al are okay?"
Mustang turned to her. "Riza, never underestimate the shrimp with the metal limbs"
I know..I know..these chapters are all SO short...sorry...but anyways...how do ya'll think the story's going? if you dont like it so far..dont worry..once i get the first seven or eight chapters done...it'll be better. zutara haha thanks for all you guys who've been keeping up..and thanks for the comments.