A/N: Just a warning that there are some things a head that someone who has ever been assaulted/abducted may find somewhat disturbing. No one else should have a problem with them, but I don't want to trigger any flashbacks or anything. This chapter is perfectly skipable for anyone who may wish to do so. I've done my best to keep it light, but I do feel the incident is an important part of the plot. I PROMISE you will not be totally lost next chapter if you don't read this one.

Chapter 6. Baths

Immediately after lunch the next day, Severus gathered clean clothes, and walked into the bathroom feeling extremely apprehensive. He seriously regretted letting his pride get in the way of his sanity. Whatever was I thinking?

Severus was impressed by how luxurious the bathroom was. It's no wonder a water loving creature would spend so much time in here. He selected the shallowest pool sunk into the floor, and filled it halfway, to minimize his chances of drowning. He washed, paying careful attention to his hair, washing it three times to avoid the humiliation of being sent back to wash again by her.

He dressed, toweled his hair, combed it, and then looked into one of the many mirrors. He scowled ill-temperedly.

"What is the point," he growled at Nagini as she looked him over, "of spending so much time on grooming, when it doesn't make you look any better?"

"It'll do," Nagini said grudgingly. "To answer your question there are two points. First, it's a matter of self respect. Second, you might not look any better, but you smell better than usual."

Severus sighed, aggravated. He was glad his ordeal had resulted in some improvement, but she'd also just told him that he normally smelled bad. As for self respect, am I sure I have any?

Severus supposed it was pathetic to be somewhat excited at the prospect of holding Nagini's hand, but it was likely that was as far as he would ever get.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

She nodded and took his hand.

The feast itself was uneventful. Nagini seemed to tire quickly. "Do you mind if I go down to bed?" she asked him sounding anxious.

"Go ahead, I'll be along soon." Severus watched her get up, feeling a bit, was it wistful? Too bad she won't pretend to like me when we're alone.

A man got up to follow her, rather too quickly. Come to think of it, he's been staring at her all evening. Severus felt uneasy. Would she cheat on me? Is it any of my business if she does? He suddenly felt an over powering urge to follow her. He hurried as silently as he could along the corridor. He came to a halt quickly, realizing his quarry was just around the corner.

"What do you want?" Nagini asked impatiently.

"Oh, I think you know what I want."

"I suppose I do," Nagini said wearily. "You can forget it. I'm married."

"Oh, I don't think he'll notice."

"Maybe not, but the answer is still no."

"I don't really care."

"How about I bite that swelled head off for you!" Her tone changed from disgust to anger. "I'm warning you, let go of me!" Severus rushed around the corner as Nagini let out one scream.

"Shut up!" the man hissed as he appareted them away. Severus had just enough time to draw his wand, but not enough to use it.

Nagini was putting up a good fight. Thanks to the iron bracelets the creep had conjured on her, she couldn't change shape. He'd also done a very good job instilling them with obedience inducing magic that only worked on a handful of magical species. He had however not done a perfect job. He was having to specify individual things she wasn't allowed to do to defend herself, and he had to word the sentences properly.

"AHHHHHHHHH! You may not spit venom in my face!#!$$! You may not use your fingernails as weapons!" he continued in this vein for quite some time.

Finally, Nagini had only one weapon left. She swallowed her pride.

"What the?..." her captor spluttered.

Nagini was waggling tongue and ears, with her eyes rolling wildly in her head. This distracted the creep for nearly two minutes. "You may not move except to breathe!" her captor finally shouted, once he had recovered his senses.

Nagini realized there was one more thing she could do. She pretended to fall asleep and began to imitate the truly awful snoring that had been disturbing her sleep recently. She couldn't get the way Snivvellus whistled though his teeth as he exhaled quite right. Mr. Nameless Abductor used the cruciatus curse on her for a few seconds, then forbade her to think of things to do that he wouldn't like. This was in fact, quite clever. Nagini was now helpless and terrified. She wasn't even allowed to shudder when the creep began playing with her hair.

Severus and the Dark Lord apparated into the room. The man was trying to escape out the window. It was mostly possible to apparate inside the fortress, but not in or out. Severus relaxed slightly. They had made it in time. He petrified him and brought his boot heel down on his nose and a couple slightly more tender places. The Dark Lord began "dealing" with the would be abductor. Nagini was curled up defensively. Severus picked her up and got her out as soon as he removed the ugly metal rings around her wrists. He'd read of a similar procedure for Djinn. Severus took her back to there rooms. At the door Nagini wildly struggled free of him and dashed into the arboretum. The last thing he heard from her was a loud splash.