
What is hers,

Is not mine

So all I do

Is make a rhyme

A/N: This poem is dedicated to my lovely Darlene, or Banshee Queen. She loves LOTR and i thought i should make this poem in honour of my Elven Queen...

All That I Fear


My life is a battle,

A constant raging war

I have seen this world

I know each mountain

I have studied every culture, every lore


I have seen evil

That others dare not

I have battled demons

Not of this world

I have seen places that others forgot


Yet my life is nothing

I have no future, no past

I have no deeds to be proud of,

To claim as my own

For my rightful title, has long been cast


A king, they claim

Was what I was born to be

A King of Gondor

Of the White City

The crown has passed to me


But I cannot take it

I am no King

The same blood runs in my veins

The blood of a coward

The coward corrupted by the Ring


She whispers my name

It rings in my head

She tells me I am wrong

I am no coward

But my faith in myself is long dead


Then I see it

The blade that was broken

It shines in my eyes

It relights my courage

It whispers words unspoken


I take it in my hand

The destroyer of the Dark Lord

The blade has been remade

Its power returned

And now I behold my ancestor's sword


With it, I confront the evil of this world

With my kinsman at my side

I lead and I charge

With elf and dwarf

We confront the undead, in the dreaded mountainside


'I am Isildur's heir'

'I command thee to fight!'

'Make good on you oath'

'You made long ago'

'And come with me this night.'


With my friends at my side

And the sword in my hand

I lead the undead

Whose honour is gone

To destroy the evil gripping this land


We fight and we win

The Dark Ruler is gone

No more evil

No more darkness

We shall have peace anon


The hobbits stand before me

My brothers andkinsmen are near

I stand in the White City

The City of Gondor

I am about to do what I most fear


The White Wizard

My friend through it all

He raises the crown

The thing I have dreaded

On my head let it fall


I stand before my people

I stand as their lord

They call out my name

They rejoice for me

They rejoice as I hold up my sword


All that I feared

Has now come to pass

Everything I did not want

Everything I ran from

Is now here at last


I am the King

I became what I was born to be

I became what I hated

What I dreaded

I finally became me...