Disclaimer: As much as I'd like to own the characters they all belong to Takahashi Rumiko, not me.

A/N: Hello, everyone! This is my first Inuyasha fic, I hope you all like it! In this story, Sesshoumaru will have both arms, no tail, the fluffy thing is just a decoration. Please read and review, good or bad, say whatever it is that you're feeling!

Thoughts are written in textlike "this."

A Gap Across Time

I: Traveling, Here to There

Sharp golden eyes darted back and forth, trying to catch a glimpse of his opponent from amongst the dense tree shrubs. So much as a crackle of a leaf on the dirt floor made the youkai send his whip in that direction, splitting the leaflet cleanly in two. Hiding in the darkness, a agitated hanyou sat in wait, opting for the perfect moment to strike. The hit had to be critical - extremely fast even, to land a blow to the ominous youkai out in the clearing. A soft snarl escaped the hidden being's lips, frustrated that there was no opening for an attack. The other creature was too heavily guarded, too alert.

"I suggest you show yourself, Inuyasha. It's not like you to hide away from me," the tall youkai remarked. The crescent shaped moon on his forehead stood out as a pale magenta colored tattoo that marred his beautiful face. "You're making me think you're a coward."

"Keh, dream on!" Inuyasha burst from the clearing, obviously wishing to hurt his brother. Inuyasha gasped then, when he realized what he did was a mistake, his brother had tempted him out of his hiding place on purpose. Turning his head, he only managed to catch a glimpse of a poisoned claw clamping down on his vulnerable throat. Searing pain seeped through the pores on his skin, he cried out in agony from the immeasurable pain. Tetsusaiga fell from his grip as he clutched both hands on his attacker's arm, trying to claw him enough to make him let go. His brother did not relent.

"You cannot defeat me."

"Se . . . Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha cried out in aguish. He clawed harder at Sesshoumaru's arm, he was sure that blood was pouring from the marks he'd created . He could smell the stench of it in the air. The grip on his throat tightened, forcing Inuyasha to let out a silent scream . . . Mustering up all his strength, he kicked his brother a hefty knock to the stomach. Sesshoumaru loosened his hold just enough to allow Inuyasha a chance to dash out of his clutches. He made sure to grab his sword as he jumped back, standing in a battle-stance, aiming to strike.

"You wish to pursue this fight?" Sesshoumaru pulled his own sword out, the heavenly blade known as Tenseiga, a unless object to him really. "I think it rather unwise, if it weren't for father's will I'd have slain you eons ago."

"Whatever. I'm sure father's will doesn't mean a thing to you!" Inuyasha lunged at Sesshoumaru, barely missing chopping into a shoulder blade. As the youkai dashed off into the night, the hanyou followed, refusing to give up the chase. "Are you running, Sesshoumaru? A mighty Demon Lord of the west like you, dashing away against the likes of me?"

"I have no time for petty issues, be gone," Sesshoumaru denounced, quite rudely. He sped up to try and lose his brother, but it only encouraged Inuyasha to try harder. Something was out of place, you could call it intuition, whatever it may be, Sesshoumaru knew something was wrong . . . it was all happening now.

What is this feeling?

"This is no petty issue! Let your god forsaken providence rot in hell for all I care, you still have a match with me!" Inuyasha cried out, overly annoyed. Sesshoumaru paid Inuyasha no mind, his only focus was reaching the palace. As he neared it, something felt really out of place, he couldn't comprehend what he was feeling, some odd smell was also present . . . "What the hell?" Both of the dog demon brothers halted before the gigantic mass of a kingdom, surprised to see chaos ensuing within its own gates. "What is the meaning of this? What the hell is wrong with your haughty royalty pals!"

"Do not ask me such questions." Sesshoumaru ran closer, golden eyes searching the expanse for a certain child and toad demon. Why are all my men fighting one another? When the small child caught sight of her Lord she made sure to run to him, shouting out incoherent lines as she did so. "Rin, calm down. Tell me what has happened here."

Just then, the toad demon appeared - Sesshoumaru found it odd he came out of nowhere no less. "Lord Sesshoumaru, oh, it's awful! All the guards have gone insane, even everyone inside the palace! Rin and I were dutifully watching the place for you when--"

"A big white light washed over the whole palace!" Rin interrupted, she felt she had the right to tell him part of the story. "After that, everyone started fighting! I'll admit the light was pretty, but it's a bad thing . . . How are we going to stop everyone, Lord Sesshoumaru?"

"How about I simply slash them all down? They were useless guards anyways to be affected by some white light. This all sounds like bull," Inuyasha stated. He stood a little ways away from his brother, ready to attack at any given moment. "It wouldn't be a bad idea to get a whole new horde of demons to work for us."

"Such arrogant talk will get you nowhere, be silent Inuyasha," Sesshoumaru reprimanded. If he could feel all the pressure that was placed on his brother to run this place he wouldn't be so hasty in such idiotic actions. Getting new servants and guards would mean reevaluating the trust factor all over again, Sesshoumaru wished not to go through such a task once more. Besides, there were already few people he trusted that resided within the providence, Inuyasha was no exception, though they are of flesh and blood. Sesshoumaru continued to stare at the fighting youkai, thinking of a way to stop them. He knew that shouting alone was going to be useless against all the noise that surrounded everyone.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, we must do something quickly before they destroy themselves!" Jaken, the demon toad said, frantic at best, with his insistent hopping from one foot to the other. "I shall aid you in whatever way you may need me! Just say it and I will try my best!"

Perhaps this will settle this matter. The stoic youkai held out his Tenseiga, focusing all his energy into the sword - he was going to need to make a big enough of a distraction to distort everyone's attention to him. Soft blue aura surrounded the blade, from its tip to the end of the hilt, Rin and Jaken watched with morbid fascination, Inuyasha, with faint curiosity. Arching his sword upwards, the Demon Lord brought it down across the dirt floor, causing a big rift within the earth. A loud thunderous roar bellowed from the impact, making all youkai turn in the direction of the sound . . . All fighting ceased, at last. It was as if the trance-like state they were in finally broke.

"Is this what you call worthy of being my servants and guards?" Sesshoumaru started, he was going to deal them a hefty blow to their pride. Needless to say, they deserved it. "Why was it that you were all fighting amongst one another? What did this so called white light do to you? Were your wills so weak that you all let it affect you? Spineless idiots." I'm curious to find out more about this light, seeing the result of such a thing will cause me to trek with caution. Is there another Lord out there trying to overthrow me?

As if regaining their senses, all the youkai fell to their knees, asking for forgiveness. Inuyasha cockily said, "if I were the one ruling I'd have you all killed for being such pathetic losers. We all know Sesshoumaru won't be as harsh, he's just a pathetic loser like the rest of you!"

"Inuyasha, if you wish to badmouth me and my subjects I suggest you go elsewhere. As you can see, you are not needed here." Sesshoumaru gave him a stern glare, clearly showing him he meant it. Inuyasha muttered something under his breath, saying their match was not over and that he was coming back for that. He spat on the ground before bounding away, everyone watched him as he left. "Such insolence, I wonder at times why I deal with such a being like him."

"Pay him no mind, my Lord, you now have everything under your control again. You should be happy." Sesshoumaru looked at the toad demon inquiringly, he gulped. "I mean Rin and I are happy that everything is back to normal, right Rin?" Jaken looked towards the girl, hoping she was going to back him up. Instead, the child said she didn't care for what he thought, as long as Sesshoumaru was all right. "You . . . you . . . impudent child!" Rin stuck out her tongue at him, Jaken growled, hopping up and down in anger.


The overly powerful dog youkai sat at his throne within a large chamber. Enormous windows bordered along the walls of the room, causing shadowed windowpanes to reflect their darkness upon the marble floor. Standing several feet away from Sesshoumaru's position stood his most trusted counselor, Saiai. His long flowing greens bangs covered most of his left pupil, showing a small slit of eerie red that was deemed as his eye, he was handsome at best, very tall and well-mannered. His large red robes only heightened the bright flame color within his lava orbs. He bowed before Sesshoumaru, silently asking for permission to speak.


"Very well, Lord Sesshoumaru. As you have already witnessed earlier, all the youkai were fighting one another. The white light that came over the sky was a strange and beautiful sight indeed, no one had a clue that it would cause such an effect." Sesshoumaru cocked a silver eyebrow at the counselor. "I'm afraid I don't know what created such a phenomenon, everyone should be glad when you came back at the time you did. As a result of this problematic issue, several hundred youkai were injured, very few were killed." Saiai cleared his throat, letting out a light cough before continuing. "I did notice something when you wielded the Tenseiga, it definitely has magical attributes you'd probably find hindering, though it comes in handy."

"How so?" Sesshoumaru asked. A sword that can only save lives, what other purpose is it for other than that? What is Saiai trying to explain?

"You see . . . your sword has the ability to raise the dead, however, I know there are more abilities left untouched. When you created that rift in the earth, it brought everyone back to their senses, the aura you released somehow dissipated whatever was causing the mayhem. Hmmm, I think I shall start back at the beginning, I seemed to have left some things out." Saiai chuckled good naturedly, green bangs swaying with movement as his body moved with the laughter, Sesshoumaru merely watched him, waiting for more explanations to come his way. "I'm not as young as I used to be, I would have been of much better service if I weren't this old, my memory fails me sometimes. As I was saying . . . before the white light came, a indefinable scent filled the air, it was faint, hardly noticeable by youkai with a bad sense of smell. The scent felt foreboding, almost like a warning signal for us, it did rattle up some of our warriors, they were growling sternly. After that, the chaos started." Saiai bowed, signaling that he had finished whatever he had to say.

"So that was what happened. You may be excused, Saiai."

"It's always a pleasure to work with you, my Lord. I bid you have a fair day." Tousling his robes a bit, he turned and walked towards the exit way, golden orbs watched him from behind. This event was rather disturbing, I hope it does not stir you up too much, Lord Sesshoumaru . . .


Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha were at it again, it seemed the hanyou didn't know when to give up. The Tenseiga clashed against Tetsusaiga, thunder roared through the darkened sky, threatening to call forth rain. Inuyasha bared his teeth before his brother as he struggled to push his blade against Sesshoumaru's, strength was one thing he did not lack, though he wasn't exactly winning their dual. The older dog youkai smirked as he jumped back, dodging a blow from the almighty Tetsusaiga. Inuyasha shouted out curses, trying to coax his brother into fighting back, it frustrated him that their father would write such a will as the one he had done.

I ask that you spare Inuyasha's life, live together, even if it is not in harmony. Do not kill your own brother, do it for your father's sake.

"Dammit, Sesshoumaru, stop clowning around!" Inuyasha drawled.

"I do not clown around like you. A Demon Lord like me cannot be compared to the likes of a outspoken hanyou. Only heading into battle without any such thought or plan, you remind me of a moronic, reckless, dog." Sesshoumaru dashed into a clearing close by to the Bone Eater's well, Inuyasha followed suit. "You should stop this futile attempt to kill me."

"I never said I couldn't kill you!"

Just as Sesshoumaru jumped back he heard a light streaked arrow full of purifying powers fly in his general direction. Is it that dead woman? What business would she have to attack me? Inuyasha stood where he was and looked in the direction to where the arrow had flown from. He muttered something about Kikyou, it was almost inaudible. Another arrow flew into the clearing, Sesshoumaru once again dodged it. Focusing his aura, he shot an aura blast from his Tenseiga to the spot where the arrow sprung forth. Rustling among the bushes could be heard, Inuyasha tersely ran after the noise, though he did not leave the clearing.

Sesshoumaru now had the back of his legs against the Bone Eater's well, waiting to see what would happen next, his eyes roved around the area. An arrow with purifying quality struck him in the shoulder causing his to fall backward into the well, the pain was overwhelming. He could hear Inuyasha shout his name - a hooded figure ran to the mouth of the well, shooting another arrow down at the youkai. Sesshoumaru sliced it in half, he had been fooled, two more arrows came flying at him, the lone hooded figure was now joined by two more. Another hit him the ribs. The pain was now unbearable, causing Sesshoumaru to black out completely as he sailed to the bottom.

"What the hell is going on?" Inuyasha faced the three hooded beings, two held out taunt bow and arrow, ready to shoot if he were to approach. The third one was silently chanting before the well, a greenish fog surrounded the figure. One step made one of the people to shoot an arrow at him, it lightly grazed him on the leg, immediate pain was identified by the hanyou, it was an unpleasant feeling, even from a small scratch.

Their arrows are like Kikyou's and Kagome's . . . are they priestesses?

The hooded figures disappeared when they were finished with their task. Inuyasha walked over to the well to see if his brother was still inside, he was nowhere to be seen. Shit! Did he go through? What did those hooded bastards do?


Kagome checked the soles of both her shoes before putting them on, making sure there was no dirt of any kind clinging onto her nicely cleaned shoes. She was decked out with her usual attire, her school uniform. Her big yellow backpack sat by her side, ready to go whenever she was. She let out a sigh, she knew Inuyasha would be mad at her, she hadn't gone to the feudal era for three weeks now, after all, she had school work to deal with since summer vacation was starting soon. As of today, it was officially the first day of her break, she couldn't be any happier.

She made her way to the family shrine, looking this way and that to see if her brother or grandpa was around, no one was in sight. Kagome hefted her backpack with a small jump to adjust the straps to her liking. Opening the shrine doors she entered and closed them behind her. When she looked down the well she saw what she never expected to see.


Kagome placed her backpack down, staring down inside the well for a while, she didn't know what to do. Why would Sesshoumaru come here? What would happen if I went down there? Kagome gulped, shouting out to him. "Sesshoumaru, are you all right? Uh . . . what are you doing in present Japan?" More overly, how did he make it here? She waited for an answer, none came. She could only make out the outline of his body, she had no idea whether he was awake or not, kneeling, she rummaged through her overstuffed backpack, looking for a flashlight.

Finding it, she stood back up, flicking it on, frowning though when the batteries gave out. Sighing in resignation, Kagome placed the flashlight back into her yellow backpack, contemplating on what to do. She was afraid to go in the well. What if he attacks me? After all, he and Inuyasha are enemies . . . Besides, he has tried to kill me before . . .

Acting out of good hearted nature, Kagome took the risk - she lowered herself into the well, with no light whatsoever. She froze in place beside the youkai, trying to get her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Now she wished that she'd gone in the house to grab another flashlight, because even as her eyes adjusted she still couldn't see very well. Kagome softly yelped when she accidently stepped on the fluffy material that bordered along Sesshoumaru's right shoulder. He did not stir, Kagome continued to squint at him in the dark.

What should I do?

The stench of blood hit her nostrils, making her recoil slightly. Is he bleeding? "Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked again, softly. She reached out a hand to feel the hilt of an arrow, her brows creased considerably. He's injured. Clamping a hand around the arrow, Kagome could feel a surge of white aura energy burn her fingers, forcing her to let go. Ow! What the heck was that! "This is useless, I need light of some kind." Kagome turned her back to the dog youkai, aiming to climb out to get something to help her vision, ignoring the stinging pain she was feeling in her right hand from touching the arrow shaft. The stench of blood was also starting to make her feel nauseous, she needed to get out right away.

Kagome reached out with a hand to get a firm grip on the wall of the well, grimacing when pain shot through her one injured hand, however, she did not let that stop her. She was determined to help Sesshoumaru, besides, it'd freak out her grandpa if he were to spot someone down here in the well. Now that she thought about it, how was she going to explain this to her family? They've all met Inuyasha before, but Sesshoumaru is not like him at all . . .

A happy sigh escaped Kagome's lips when she finally made it out of the well, dusting off her green uniform skirt as she did so. She stretched for a moment to remove any of the cramps and much needed expanding of her tense muscles. Okay! All I need is a flashlight . . . some rope, a ladder, and I'll be back Sesshoumaru! The raven haired girl ran to her house to gather what she needed, hoping she didn't have to explain anything too detailed to her mother and brother who were inside.

Kagome stood on tiptoe on a small stool, looking through cabinets and shelves as she hunted for some rope. Spotting some on a shelve in the garage to her far left, she stretched out a bit to grab at it, falling though, when someone startled her, causing her to lose her balance on the stool.

"Waaaauuuhhhhh!" Kagome landed not so softly on her behind, both hands hit the pavement, she winced when pain ran through the injured one, she hid her throbbing hand from view. She turned to see who had scared her, it was her brother Souta. He asked her what she was doing inside the garage. "I was trying to get some rope, you startled me, making me lose my balance. I'm not injured or anything so don't worry."

"Need help?" Souta offered. Kagome puckered her lips together, thinking of the many reactions Souta would perform if he were to see Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha's brother, inside the Bone Eater's well. Kagome nodded, shrugging off any doubts she had. "Okay, what do you want me to do?" She instructed for him to take the rope and flashlight while she hauled along the ladder.

Stopping by the shrine, Kagome turned on her little brother, "now what you are going to see won't be too strange, it's just like when Inuyasha entered modern Tokyo, just don't panic no matter what you witness inside, okay?" Souta asked why. "Erm . . ." Should I tell him? He's going to find out anyway . . . "There's someone inside the well, he's hurt, how bad, I have no idea. But the stench of blood is strong down there, we need to get him out as soon as possible."

"Hold on, who's in the well? Is it one of our neighbors? Shouldn't we get mom and grandpa to help?" Kagome gestured for him to stop, shaking her head. "But . . . then . . . who's in there?"

"It's Sesshoumaru."

"Sesshoumaru? Who's that?"

"He's Inuyasha's older brother . . . just be careful, he's not like him." When Souta asked her if he was going to harm them she simply shook her head, hoping that it wouldn't come to just that. Kagome carried the long ladder inside the shrine, instructing Souta to shine the flashlight inside as she lowered the ladder in. Both Souta and Kagome gasped when they saw the youkai's injured body.

To be continued!

A/N: Saiai was created by me, he is my own OC, there will definitely be more if I continue. How was it, you curious reader who read to the very end? Click that button and send me a review, thankies!