Narnia Not based on books
AN: This is not based on the books. You could say it was based on the movie. And basically the only character I own is Emily.
"Andrew," Emily yelled, "Come back here!" She ran quickly after her cousin. Edmunds son. Her satiny shoulder length brunette hair flew behind her as she ran. Her plain navy skirt whipped around her knees. Her blue eyes were filled with determination.
"Oh," she sighed, "Were has he gone now?" She took off at a bolt towards an open door. She ran into a room slipping on a tarp on the floor and tumbling into an old wardrobe. The chair that was on the tarp fell in front of the door. She felt around. She strangely felt soft grass. At that instant she crawled towards it. It seemed so strange at first. She then saw it was a whole other world. "This is impossible," she said thinking logically. But it couldn't be impossible because the evidence was there. "Well all the more reason to explore." she said cheerfully.
Andrew Pevensie turned hearing no pursuer. "Strange. She doesn't usually give up that quick." he mumbled to himself. He instantly turned to hunt for her. "Emmy!" he called cautiously. He walked into the spare room and checked behind the door. Then he saw the chair in front of the wardrobe. He went over and lifted it. "Em, you in there?" he asked. When there was no response he decided to check for himself. Andrew crawled feeling around. "Ow…" he said when something sharp amongst fur coats hit his face.
"Amazing," he said in shock. He began walking fast now. He had the urge to explore. He also had the urge to get into trouble. Typical of Andrew. He had only walked a few paces when he saw an envelope addressed:
High King Peter of Narnia
Andrew picked it up and carried it back towards the wardrobe in need of an explanation……
AN: Sorry it's short but I had to make a beggining.It should get longer.