(OOOOOKAY uhm sorry I haven't updated this in a looong time. I know it's been years. Hehe…I'm fourteen now so my writing style might've changed, I dunno? You could be the judge of that. Anywho I plan on finishing what I started…)

Everyone lands at McDonalds. Appa practically faints from all the people he's carrying on his back. Everyone immediately jumps of his back and surround McDonalds except for Angie and Aang.

Aang: Oh so now we're alone.

Aang winked at Angie. She had a very disturbed look on her face.

Angie: Aang… I think we should break up.

Aang is so shocked that he accidentally airbends a giant ball of air around him and releases it so everyone around McDonalds falls over.

Jet: I think I feel a draft.

Aang: WHAT?! Why?

Angie: I don't know how to put this. Well our buddy Angela decided not to update the story until two years later and while you were just stuck in the land of Avatar I was in you know…real life –

Aang: Wait, what? I'm not real?!

Angie: Shut up! I'm trying to make a speech here.

Sokka walks over.

Sokka (shouting): Ooh I can make a speech! (He clears his throat. A big American flag appears behind him as patriotic music fills the air.)Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal –

Abe Lincoln appears out of nowhere.

Abe: Yo kid! This is copyrighted, ya dig??

Sokka: GASP! I've been found out!

Abe disappears and Sokka runs back to the playland.

Angie: Uhm. Anyways. I'm almost fifteen and you're still 12. If I were to still date you I'd feel like a pedophile.

Aang: What's –

Angie and Aang stare at Iroh who happens to be having a conversation with Jun…very loudly.

Iroh: Oh Jun, I love you!

Angie points to the 'couple'.

Angie: That's a pedophile. Moving on…

Angie gets interrupted yet again by me and all the others who run up to Appa.

Me: Suki and Haru aren't here so we're going to check Chuck E. Cheese's next!

Angie (screams): YOU KNOW WHAT?! I'M FINISHING THIS SPEECH! (Angie stops freaking out and breathes in and out) Besides… you're BALD and have an arrow on your head. Actually you have them all over yourself. You probably even have one on your butt.

Aang pulls down his pants and moons everyone.

Everyone: EWWWW!

Aang stares at his butt and sees an arrow. Everyone looks horrified, so horrified that they're about to die. Sounds of choking fill the air. Aang pulls his pants back up after mooning everyone.

Aang: How did you know?

Angie (very disturbed): I guessed.

Sokka runs up to where Angela is standing.


Tears start to fall out of Aang's eyes.

Angie: Are you crying?

Aang (sniffling): No… I'm just sweating out of my eyes. It's very natural.

Azula: Ok let's go. I have another private tea party scheduled for later today.

Everyone's about to get on Appa but then someone barges into the scene.


Zuko: Oh look, it's Toph!

Toph walks up to me, pushing aside everyone in her way.

Toph (angry): Why didn't I get to be part of this show? You guys have all been on live TV except for me!

Me: Uh… you weren't on Avatar when I created the show.

Toph: So? You should have a whole episode dedicated to ME! And why did you steal my man?

Me (looking away): Heh… who says I stole him?

Angie: He's supposed to be with Suki anyways.

Toph: I wasn't talking to you punk.

Angie: Whatever.


Aang (still crying): Let's go guys…

Everyone gets on Appa and starts flying to Chuck E. Cheese. On the way there they spot a familiar face on the ground.

Jet (pointing): Hey isn't that Haru and Suki?

Everyone (waving): Hi Haru! Hi Suki!

Haru looks up and begins to run away, taking Suki with him.

Angie: You dingbats! He's the enemy! Now he's going to get away.

Aang: Two words… Yip Yip!

Aang pulls harder on Appa's reins. Appa flies so fast that the whole cast catches up to Haru.

Aang: Hey Haru, we have a present for you.

Aang pulls down his pants and moons Haru, overwhelming him and causing him to gasp for air. Moments later, he dies. Aang wasn't paying attention though and didn't pull his pants up back in time to save everyone else.

Everyone from Avatar and Angie and Angela had died except for Aang the mooner.

Aang looks around seeing everyone dead around him. He got the job done but turned this into an accidental massacre.

Aang: Hello? Jun? Katara? Toph? …ANGIE? Anyone?

He began walking around trying to shake people, seeing if they were alive or not. Once again, everyone was dead. The only ones who survived were Aang and Appa.

Aang looked sadly at the ground and made Appa land. He got off of Appa and hugged him with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Aang: A-A-At least I have you buddy.

And this is why you never get your favorite TV show characters on tape. It could lead to bad things happening. To think it all started with a simple hairbrush.

R.I.P. Good Times, Good Times.

(So that's it…that's how it all ended. Review pl0x! By the way if you're upset with the ending don't worry…there might be more coming.)