SORRY IN ADVANCE FOR ALL FORMATTING ISSUES! If you go to my profile, you'll see the agony. It wouldn't let me load anything. I had to take a REALLY round-about route to get this up, and I still don't know if all the kinks are worked out of the formatting stuff. SORRY! But I think you'll get the general gist of it anyway...:D

Hey you guys! giggles I got so many threatening e-mails, I loved it! Hah, making you guys squirm is fun. I should do it more often! angry mob starts forming No? You don't want me to do it more often? Hmm, ok. I think. Well, here's chapter 5! I won't say anything about it until later—"enjoy!" :D Oh, and this IS the last chapter. I promise this time. Thanks for sticking with me! And sorry for not getting Chapter 12 of The Box Ghost's Revenge up, I'm in a severe slump. But I hope this makes up for it!

OH! WAIT! I forgot last time. A couple things: First, I don't know if those songs I put in are real or not—I just made up some names. Second, GO READ JUST MY STYLE! I love it, and no one really reviewed it. It's so funny! So go check my funny story out! It's short—four pages. AND FUNNY!

Mistress of Darkness: Why thank you! I thought Chapter 2 was pretty good too…:D And my compie says you almost got it right—one too many l's. Wow, that means I always spell it wrong! And for finding the song—the song is what gave me the idea in the first place. I heard it and thought—'Danny Phantom fic!' and it just came out. It was originally a one-shot, but it's escalated from then. That's how most of my next few stories are—well, the song ones. I heard the song and the idea just came to me. Like for Just My Style—OMG, that was fun. And by the way: THANK YOU FOR AWESOME REVIEWS! And do you have an account on fanfiction? I searched your name, but there were about 10 that came up and I didn't know if one was you or not.

Independent.C.: Hmmm, we'll see…:D

Disclaimer: I don't own a lot of things. Like Danny Phantom, or Microsoft, or the college, or the song You're Just Too Good To Be True. But I do own the wonderfully beautiful "gee-tar" and Andy and Ryan and the band Phantom Chasers, I think. And the story idea itself. Yes. Ok, so I don't actually have a guitar that looks like Danny's, nor do I play. But it does look really cool! And I know I said I'd draw it, and I did. I just can't get it to post. And I wouldn't know where to put it anyway. Sorry! So—just use your 'imaaaginaation…' :D


Sam listened to Danny's voice as he announced the last song. Our song. This was the first song we danced to as an official couple—it's always been my favorite. She was surprised when he moved next to her, especially since she had seen Paulina start walking towards the stage when Danny had told the 'guys to grab their gals'. She glowered at him, but didn't move away. Ryan and Andy started singing and she listened wistfully as Danny's clear voice joined them.

"You're just too good to be true

Can't take my eyes off of you

You'd be like Heaven to touch

I wanna hold you so much

At long last love has arrived

And I thank God I'm alive

You're just too good to be true

Can't take my eyes off of you."

He's got such a wonderful voice. She thought as she listened to him sing. When he began the next verse, she briefly noticed him put his hand inside his pocket. Probably fingering his "lucky guitar pick". she shook her head slightly, making a mental note to ask him about it later.

"Pardon the way that I stare

There's nothing else to compare

The sight of you makes me weak

There are no words left to speak

But if you feel like I feel

Please let me know that it's real

You're just too good to be true

Can't take my eyes off of you."

She heard the pace of the music pick up, signaling her cue to join in.

"I love you, baby,

And if it's quite all right

I need you baby

To warm a lonely night

I love you, baby,

Trust in me when I say…

Oh, pretty baby

Don't let me down, I pray,

Oh, pretty baby

Now that I've found you, stay,

And let me love you, baby,

Let me love you…"

She finished the chorus with the others and began to turn back to her stand and then jumped in shock as he grabbed her hand. She looked up at him questioningly, but he caught her lilac eyes with his ice blue ones, and she couldn't bring herself to look away.

"You're just too good to be true

Can't take my eyes off of you

You'd be like Heaven to touch

I wanna hold you so much

At long last love has arrived

And I thank God I'm alive

You're just too good to be true

Can't take my eyes off of you."

He finished the verse and broke off, leaving Andy and Ryan to their "duet". She watched in shock as he pulled a small black box from his pocket. Oh my gosh, it…it can't be! But I thought…

Hands shaking, she took the small box from him. She gasped as she saw a beautiful golden ring lying on dark black velvet and in the center of the ring was a small orb of black onyx. She barely noticed as he leaned down and whispered four words she'd been dying, yet somehow dreading to hear.

"Will you marry me?"

He straightened up and brought the mike to his mouth, rejoining Andy and Ryan as they started the chorus.

"I love you, baby,

And if it's quite all right

I need you baby

To warm a lonely night

I love you, baby,

Trust in me when I say…

Oh, pretty baby

Don't let me down, I pray,

Oh, pretty baby

Now that I've found you, stay,

And let me love you, baby,

Let me love you."

Sam looked into his face and saw the sincerity in his eyes as he sang to her. The song ended in thunderous applause and the curtains fell in front of them, blocking them from the rest of the gym.

"So, Sam, what do you think?" She looked into his shy, hopeful eyes, and all of her doubts and worries from that week melted away. But her anger did not leave as quickly.

"Daniel Fenton, don't you ever do that to me again! I was depressed and snappy all week long because of your shenanigans!" She hissed venomously. His sunny expression turned to confusion.

"But, I—"

"You what? Just decided to make me think you were leaving me! Oh, and that thing with Paulina was a nice touch too."

"I never-"

"Never thought of what you were doing to me! Trouncing around with that slut and ignoring me all week, then asking me out of the blue to marry you? What were you thinking! There are days I can't even figure out why I'm going out with you." Her anger finally spent, she let Danny say his piece, but it wasn't what she expected from him.

"So, I guess—that's a no?" he whispered, taking a deep breath and averting his eyes which were slowly filling with tears. "Okay, I can understand that." He turned away from her and started shuffling to his guitar.

"Danny, I never said that." She rushed up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a deep kiss.

"Putting words into my mouth? Yet another thing to put on the list." she softly stated as they pulled away from each other. Danny cringed slightly.

"Well, the way you were acting, I thought that you didn't, well, love me anymore."

She sighed and dropped her arms, circling them around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder.

"I know, but you deserved it. You had me thinking you were going to break up with me. I know you didn't mean to make me think that, but you really are clueless. I mean, come on, a lucky guitar pick? You don't even use a pick."

He grimaced at her accusation. "I know, that was Tucker's idea. And I'm sorry." He gasped suddenly and frantically started rummaging through his pockets.

"Where'd I put it? I know I had it…"

"Danny, what are you looking for? You already gave me the ring." She frowned as he shook his head.

"No, not that, there was something else…my bag! That's where I left it. Be right back!" He ran off into the back, leaving behind a very confused group of people. Soon he was rushing back, but nothing seemed to be in his hands.

"Danny, what in the world was that all about?"

She had no sooner asked when a light purple lilac appeared in his hand, its fresh petals perfectly curved. Reaching out, she carefully took the flower.

"Danny, its gorgeous!" she breathed. "And you remembered to spread the pollen, too! Thank you!" Ring in one hand and flower in the other, she wrapped him in another hug, suddenly bursting into tears.

"Sammy, what's wrong?" he asked, gently pulling away. She smiled at him through her tears, trying to wipe them away without smearing her makeup too much.

"Nothing's wrong, Danny. I'm just—I don't know. Happy." She managed a half-laugh and Danny took the ring from her hand.

"Here, let me put this on for you." He slipped the golden ring on her finger, the dark onyx catching the light. She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss, then rushed over to where Kerri and Elyse were impatiently waiting to see her ring.

"Oh, Sam, it's beautiful!" Kerri gasped. Elyse took Sam's hand and rocked it back and forth, making the light play off the polished stone. She let Kerri take her hand again and turned to the boys.

"You guys are horrid, letting her think that all week. You're not very good at keeping secrets." Her face softened after she saw the hurt looks on their faces. "But congrats, Danny. Even if it wasn't a flawless proposal."

They all blushed a bright red at her comment. "Sorry, we'll do better next time, promise." Andy said. Ryan and Danny both smacked him, rolling their eyes at his thoughtless comment.

"Ow, what was that for?" he asked, rubbing his arm.

They all broke out into laughter at his hurt expression. For once, I'm glad I was wrong. Sam thought as she watched Danny. I shouldn't have doubted him; I should have known he wouldn't fall for someone as shallow as Paulina. She smiled wryly as she realized what she'd just thought. Well, not after he knew what she was really like. Smiling, she slipped next to Danny and took his hand, happily joining her friend's banter.


Danny smiled at Sam's shining face as she stood next to him, taking his hand in hers. Wow, I must be the luckiest guy in the world right about now. I've got the girl of my dreams right next to me, and I finally had the courage to tell Paulina off. He chuckled lightly at the memory of her offended and confused face as he 'escorted' her off of the stage. He'd wanted to go find Sam and apologize, but she'd disappeared into the bathroom already. Just after she left, he'd realized how much Paulina's words had hurt her—he thought she didn't care what Paulina thought about her. She never had before. But knowing the full story had definitely helped explain her reaction.

"Hey, Danny, congrats!" he looked up from his thoughts and saw Tucker and Valerie ducking behind the curtain, a red mark forming on Tucker's cheek. Valerie rushed over to Sam's side and joined the excited chattering while Tucker joined Danny, Andy, and Ryan, who were pushed from the group as Valerie arrived.

"Hey Tuck. Thanks. It was a bit shaky at first, but I'm still alive. What happened to your face?"

Tucker reached a tentative hand up to the reddish blue spot on his cheek.

"Heh, well, when Valerie saw what was happening she demanded to know what was going on. So I told her what we'd been planning, and boy did I get whacked. She pulled me off to the side and had a few choice words for my poor ears." He shuddered slightly and dropped his hand.

Danny turned a sympathetic smile to his friend. "Yeah, I got quite a lecture too. And that was before she said yes. I was scared she was going to say no just to be spiteful."

Tucker chuckled and clapped his hand on Danny's shoulder. "At least you came out unharmed. And she did said yes—that's all that matters."

Danny smiled and looked over at the group of gushing girls.

"Yeah. That is all that matters."


Danny and Sam wandered around the gym, hand in hand, watching as Mr. Lancer forced many unwilling participants to play "Duck, Duck, Goose". In the far corner, a very angry girl clad in pink was glaring in their direction. Sam sighed lightly and leaned against Danny's shoulder.

"Hey, Danny?" she asked, tilting her head to look into his face.

"What did you say to Paulina earlier? She's been glaring at us all night."

Danny looked up and scanned the room, finally spotting the fuming girl in the far corner.

"Not much. You ran off and I realized she'd actually gotten under your skin, so I gave her a few choice words, which she didn't seem to mind, and, um, 'escorted' her off of the stage." A small chuckle escaped his mouth and he quickly tried to turn it into a cough.

"Danny, what do you mean by 'escorted'?" Sam asked suspiciously. I hope he ecto-blasted her butt off of the stage—that'd teach her to mess with me.

Danny's face turned a bright red and he turned his head to the side, muttering an answer.

"I, um, calledsecurityonher."

"You what? Don't mumble, Danny." What did he do to her? It couldn't have been nice—not with the way she's been glaring at us. If looks could kill…

"I called security on her."

A smug grin crept onto Sam's face. "And what exactly did you tell security?"

A small snort escaped Danny's nose before he answered.

"That she had threatened us with a knife if we didn't do what she wanted us to."

Sam gasped and clamped her hands over her mouth, barely containing the laughter that was bubbling up inside of her.

"You didn't!" she whispered. "Danny, you rock! I wish I could have seen her face."

An excited grin plastered itself onto Danny's face.

"Oh, but you can! Tucker set up a few security cameras earlier, and one of them just happens to face the stage."

Sam didn't bother trying to hold back her laughter as she hugged him. "You're just full of surprises tonight, aren't you?"

He pulled back a bit and kissed her. "Anything for you, Sam."


To be quite honest, I wasn't all that pleased with how the ending turned out. It just didn't seem up to par with the rest of the chapters. But I sent it to my wonderful beta, darkflame1516, and it is sooo much better now. Thank you!

Sooo, did it make up for me not getting Chapter 12 of The Box Ghost's Revenge out this weekend? I'm hoping so. But I'll TRY to get it out this coming weekend, I just don't know how easy that'll be.

Thanks for sticking with me guys! You all rock. R&R, please!