AU- Naruto is a girl is preppy and popular. She is on the Volleyball, Baseball, Track and Field teams and gets great grades. Her grades are so good in fact that she skipped 8th grade and now goes to a high school but she's not nervous at all. See she already has friends there so there is no reason to worry. Naruto is known as Vixen or Kyuubi by all of her friends because her parents thought they were getting a boy so she really needed a girls name. She has an older sister and a younger brother. She loves her brother but her sister is a bitch.

Sasuke is a dark Emo/punk guy and is on the darker side of things. He has an older brother and two younger twin sisters. His older brother takes care of the entire family as their parents are dead. Sasuke cares for his older brother but pretends he doesn't know his preppy older brother at school.

Freshmen- Sasuke (Emo/Punk), Naruto (Tomboy), Gaara (Freak/Anime Junky), Shikamaru (Prep), Ino (Prep), Shino(Rider/Snow boarder), Kiba(Class-clown), Hinata(poet), me(artist), and others

Softmores- Haku (Discovery), Lee(Jock), Tenten (Motocross), Neji (Drama), Temari (oddball), and others

Juniors- Iruka (Rider/ don't know what type of rider yet give me ideas please.), Itachi (Prep/Jock), Kankuro(Drama), and others

Seniors- Kakashi(Pervert), Gai (Jock), Zabuza (Fighter), other team teachers, and others

Teachers- Orichimaru, Tsunada, Jiryaspelling, and others

Principle- Old maid... I mean Old man

Now many of you be wondering who I am. So I'll tell you. My name is Sakura Haruno or in my native tounge Haruno Sakura. I am hear to purely tell you about the complications our school has. The only problem is that the people here are so stereotypical that every one knows where to sit and who not to talk to. If you even get close to your stereo type's enemy type you could be outcast.

Now while I don't think this stuff is cool I belong to a stereo type to be safe. An while I don't belong to the same type as my best friend it is still an ally type. I am an artist my best friend Sasuke is a Emo/punk.

In side the school there is light and dark types. Artists, Emo, Punk, Goth, Nerds, Freaks, Anime Junkies, and Fighters are dark. Preps, Jocks, Hicks, Oddballs, Poets, Geeks, Discovery, and Class-clowns are light. Yes, people I know I forgot some just be patient. See those are the ones at war if you are dark or light you never go near each other. Now you have the neutrals Tomboys, Girly-men, Riders,(BMX, Sk8 boarders, Motocross, All of them.) Drama, and a few others. The neutrals were allowed where ever.

The teams seam uneven but it's truely a stalemate. That is until the neutrals pick sides or the next year comes see if next years students are a majority of lights like Naruto says the darks are all doomed cause the seniors are mostly darks or neutrals so once they graduate and the new kiddies come we're all going to be prepified. But then again naruto is the most popular girl in school and is a total neutral she doesn't lean ether way unless she's proving a point.

Well I got to let you go now but think about this. Can one girl change everything because the most hardcore of both sides seem to think so.

DFF: This story is just a thought but I really think it can go some where.

Randa: Only one pairing is finalized so give me ideas and remember I'm a total yaoi girl.

Wonton: Sasu/Naru is the finalized pairing.

DIF: We also need the team 6's and 8'teacher names and their personalities. We were going to make the female teacher Punk but I need to know a little more.