A/N: Stupid poems I wrote when I couldn't sleep. Obviously, written by Jesse as an 'Ode to Suze', even though he would never call her Suze.

Takes Place: After Suze went after some ghost that Jesse told her was too dangerous, and he ended up rescuing her. It doesn't matter which one. You pick. There are plenty.

I told you not to do it.

I told you not to go.

But did you listen? No,

You'd rather hear 'I told you so'.

When you do this,

Why do I help?

You make a mistake,

And I correct it.

Then I find myself asking,

'Why do I bother?'

Then I find myself answering,

'Your hair, your smile, your lips, your heart.

I bother to earn your heart, your love.

I bother to earn you.

A/N: Wasn't that nice and confusing. Just hit the review button, even if all you type is 'Icka-bicka-boo'.