Disclaimer: I do not own eyeshield 21.
There always seemed to be a certain space kept between them, like an unwritten rule. Boys weren't supposed to be like that with each other. Of course, Hiruma never did follow the rules.
Boarding his usual train Sena was surprised to find his team captain casually standing in the aisle popping his gum every few seconds.
"Hiruma-san?" The blonde demon's attention turned to him for a moment before Hiruma went back to chewing.
Shyly approaching him, Sena stood next to the taller boy making sure to keep some space between them. The quarterback didn't like having others in his personal space unless he was invading theirs.
Hiruma watched as Sena was continuously bumped into and almost knocked down as more people packed into the car. Heaving a sigh, the blonde reached over and tucked the shorter boy against his side.
"Taku... Your absolutely pitiful." Hiruma glared out at the scenery rushing by, refusing to look at the pipsqueak cuddled against him.
The brunette blushed and leaned further against his sempai, before being pressed fully against him by the crowd. Sena tried to squirm into a more comfortable position, but the arm around him tightened as Hiruma grunted.
Amber eyes questioningly glanced up to the now tense man, wondering if he had done something wrong. Hiruma's face colored a bit, but before Sena could say anything, the mass of people surged once more and the two high school students found themselves shoved closer together. Hiruma's back braced against the wall, Sena held tightly in his arms, the man could feel his right eye twitching.
"How do you put up with this shit everyday?"