Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. If I did, it would probably be ruined ((sob)).
Title: Foresight
Rating: T (I put 'T' on most of my stories as safety)
Romance/Humour with some angst and drama.
Spending some time in the Sengoku Jidai, Inuyasha and Kagome come across a rather disturbing scene: Sesshomaru's reincarnation! With an all-too familiar woman! Will they treat her any differently when they return to the Feudal Era? What if they sense the beginning of this strange relationship?
Notes: Um… this idea just came to me when I saw some fan-art of Sesshomaru in Kagome's time.


Spending some time in Kagome's era, Inuyasha and Kagome come across a rather disturbing scene: Sesshomaru's reincarnation! With an all-too familiar woman! Will they treat her any differently when they return to the Feudal Era? What if they sense the beginning of this strange relationship?
(Sesshomaru x ?)
(Inuyasha x Kagome)
(Miroku x Sango)

© 2006

What the…

Smiling, Kagome looked to the black-haired Inuyasha opposite her as they sat in a cosy booth. Tonight was the night of the new moon thus the half-demon was fully human, for the moment. The restaurant was posh but not that expensive and specialised in traditional Japanese cuisine. She hoped that Inuyasha like it—he had expressed his dislike for pizza clearly when he tried some at her house.

They had recently come close to ending Naraku's pitiful life but he had summoned what was left of his energy and fled. The worst thing was—it had been Kohaku that aided him in his escape. Kagome had felt bad about leaving Sango alone, but she knew that Kaede would look after her. The taijiya had also insisted that she go back to the Sengoku Jidai with Inuyasha; they had been planning it for such a long time that it was unfair to take it away from them.

Idly picking at her rice with the chopsticks, the young priestess sighed as she wondered when they would truly be able to defeat Naraku. And how would they be able to take the jewel shard from Kohaku's body without killing him? Sango had never made it clear what Naraku had told her about the fragment of the Shikon no Tama but Kagome guessed that it was the only thing keeping him alive.

Poor Sango. It must be so hard for her to just watch as her little brother helps her worst enemy. I don't know what I would do if Souta suddenly forgot about me. This is why I'm glad that I live in this era. No demons! No Naraku!

"What're you thinking about, Kagome?"

"Huh?" she looked up and saw Inuyasha—his mouth full of rice—observing her with one raised eyebrow. "Oh, I was just thinking on how lucky I am that this era doesn't have any demons such as Naraku."

He scoffed before swallowing the food in his mouth, "And that son of a bitch Sesshomaru."

"Inuyasha!" she scolded as she pointed her chop-sticks at the human (for the time being anyway), "You shouldn't use such language about your brother," Kagome paused before adding sadly, "Even if he is a jerk." They had met Inuyasha's full-fledged demon brother just before they battled Naraku, and had asked him for his assistance since he also wished to wreak vengeance on the evil hanyou.

He had only given them a 'This-Sesshomaru-is-not-amused' look before walking away. Obviously, the demon lord wished to defeat Naraku on his own, and his pride would not permit him to fight side by side with his half-human brother.

Stuck-up youkai, Sango had hissed under her breath and he stopped for a split second—as if he heard her—before disappearing in a flash of light. Kagome did not doubt the inu-youkai's advanced hearing… He probably did overhear her comment.

"Damn straight," Inuyasha nodded before shoving more food in his mouth. She rolled her eyes at the oh-so-suave boyfriend. Yes, finally Inuyasha had comprehended that Kikyo would only feel rage and hatred towards him—their love had faded, and would never return (but he swore that he would continue protecting her if she required it). He had also realised that he did care deeply for Kagome although he had not yet admitted that he loved her.

After what happened with Kikyo, Kagome didn't blame him for not yet becoming intimate. His first love had been torn from him by Naraku, and the wounds still remained.

An hour later, the two were walking back to Kagome's home and the well that would lead back to the Feudal Era. Feeling a bold feeling rise from within, Inuyasha had held onto her hand suddenly. When she glanced to him, she saw (even in the darkness of the night) that his cheeks were a faint pink.

She had teased him about this, and he insisted that he was just cold, that's all! Sure, Kagome thought before resting her head against Inuyasha's shoulder, feeling utterly at bliss.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked and Kagome made an 'hmmm' sound, indicating that she was listening to what the black-haired human had to say. "Well… I… that is… um… I need to tell you something. You know after K-Kikyo that I didn't want to… uh… have another… you know…" Kagome's breather caught in her throat. Was he really going to say it? Now seemed a better place than any! No demons or villagers needing their help. Just them!

"What I mean to say is… I love y—" he inhaled sharply, as if he had just been surprised by something. If she had been looking at him, she would have seen him looking in front of them. And if she had been looking forward, she would have seen an awfully familiar figure nearby with long silver hair. But alas, she did not so would be confused by the next word that passed through her love's lips. "Sesshomaru!"

Kagome was about to return his feelings when the words finally registered.

"What the…"


((laughs insanely)) Reviews are much appreciated! Should I continue?