When the Sun's Rays Dance off your Face 16 -- ENDING
When the Sun's Rays Dance off your Face 16

AN- I don't own Sailor Moon - forgot to say that for a while! ^_- It's so sad ::sniff::: ::::sniff::::: this is probably the last chapter of this story!! My first story….sigghh. I don't think there will be a sequel…I mean sequels usually ruin you thoughts and stuff about the first story… I don't like sequels…but its so sad!!! Oh well…onwards…

" Cream soda!" Lita exclaimed as she picked up the bottle and quickly popped it open.

" Ugh. That's gross." Rei stuck out her tongue. " What else is there?"

" You think we should go through his refrigerator?" Amy sweat dropped at the girls struggling to get a better look at the food in the mini fridge.

" Well, if he expects us to stay in the car all night, the least we could do for him is eat his food and stuff." Ken shrugged. He was hungry. " Move over girls." He complained.

" Are those fried chicken?" Chad exclaimed pointing to a plate with foil on it.

" Ugh, how do you know? Its covered in foil, not plastic wrap." Rei frowned.

" It's not chicken!" Ken argued. " It's…let me see. It is a nice chocolate cake." He guessed as he picked up the plate.

" No, I'm telling you. Its fried chicken!" Chad yelled.

" Cake!"




" CAKE!"

" It's a plate of vegetables." Greg said quietly. He peeled off the foil and picked up a carrot.

Ken and Chad stared down at the plate filled with celery, carrot sticks, and cauliflowers.

" How'd you know?" Ken asked scowling at Chad.

" Simple. I was the one that cleaned them and put them on the plate. I was trying to organize that fridge, while looking for something to drink before." Greg shrugged. He took the plate and reached into the fridge to pull out a tub of veggie dip. He settled back and offered some to Amy, who was sitting in the backseat.

" Oh no!" Amy exclaimed.

" Hmm?" Greg asked around a piece of celery.

" I left my book in the cabin!" she wailed.

" Oh, the romance book?" Lita's head popped in view for a minute.

Amy blushed, and didn't say anything. She turned around to stare outside at the pouring rain.

" Romance book, hmm?" Greg whispered to Amy.

Amy's face turned even redder but she nodded as she looked at Greg.

He smiled. " Amy?" he said.

" Yes?" she questioned, eyes wide.

Greg turned red, and bit his lip. " Um. I was wondering. Um. Just you know. Uh. Want a carrot?" he asked, holding up the long vegetable.

Amy sweat dropped. " Sure." She smiled taking it, and dipping it in the ranch dip.

" Oh! Green tea!" Rei squealed. She took the bag of tea and grabbed a cup. She had abandoned the fridge to look through the bags in the front seat. " Shove over Lita. I need to get a bottle of water." She ordered.

" No more water. Sorry Rei." Ken apologized as he finished the last bottle of pure mountain water.

" How am I going to make tea without water?!" Rei fumed.

" Here." Chad said. He took Rei's cup and rolled down the window. He held it out the window in the rain, till the group began yelling at him as rain blew in the car. " Here you go, sweetie." He said, giving Rei the cup. The cup was filled with water, yes, but also with a floating leaf, some dust, and something unidentifiable.

" Ugh. Thanks a lot Chad." Rei muttered,tossing the cup out of the window.

" Anyways, how were you going to heat it up?" Amy wondered out loud from her seat in the back with Greg.

" Wheee! Look! It folds back!" Ken cried as he pushed a button and all the seats folded, so that the seats laid flat. It was like a big bed. Blankets and pillows were piled up where the driver's seat would be. The fridge was still in the corner along with some utensils, plates, and cups.

" Bedtime yet?" Lita grinned teasingly.

" Not yet." Chad smiled. He walked on all fours to the front of the car. He stuck the key in and turned the engine on halfway. He pushed a few buttons and soon heat came through the vents. He pushed a few more buttons and hard rock music came on. He began head banging. " Great! No static!" he exclaimed.

" Not rock!" Rei moaned. She moved over to change the station. Pop music came on.

" No!" Chad cried.

" Yes!" Rei yelled back.

" Your love for me came like a waterfall-"

" Ba da da DUM!"

" A special feeling just-"

" Ohhhhh yeaaaaa! He don't do-"

" ROCK!" Chad yelled.

" POP!" Rei cried back.

" Classical?" Amy suggested.

" NO!" two voices screamed back at her.

" My head hurts." Lita complained.

" Here. Put on soft rock. It's rock music and pop. Sorta." Ken said lamely. He just wanted the couple to stop fighting already and kiss.

" Fine." They said in unison.

" Time. Sometimes the time just swept away and you're left with yesterday. Left with the memories. I, I'll always stay with you and smile. And be happy for the time I had you with me. I won't forget. So don't forget the memories we made. So please remember. I was there for you when you were there for me. Please remember our time together. The time was yours and mine when we were wild and free. Please remember." The radio sang softly as the group bunched up by twos.

Amy and Greg wrapped themselves in a blanket and leaned their heads on a big pillow at the back of the car. Rei and Chad had pulled a quilt around them and were against the window of where the passenger seat would be. Lita and Ken settled down in the middle of the car. Ken laid down with Lita's head on his chest. They were fast asleep covered with a warm cotton blanket.

Their lips came closer and closer together. ::::KABOOOM!::::: the storm raged on.

" Eeps!" Serena cried. She dove into Darien's arms, forgetting about the near kiss.

Darien sighed and looked down at the girl in his arms. Her head was buried in his chest, eyes closed, and golden hair spread all over. " Serena." He whispered.

" Hate thunder." She muttered darkly into his torso.

Darien smiled. " Come on. It's getting late. We'll worry about the fire later. Let's sleep." He yawned. His wristwatch said one o'clock in the morning.

Serena yawned. " It's contagious. But yeah, lets go to sleep." She agreed.

Darien picked up the girl and they fell onto the couch. Darien on the bottom and Serena on top, head on his chest, and the cotton blanket over them.

" Darien! That blonde witch." Beryl muttered, as she settled in a sleeping bag near the door. It was the closest she could get to Darien.

" MMmmm. Serena." Aydrian murmured in his sleep.

" Oh be quiet." Beryl complained, hitting Aydrian on the head with the pillow.

" Serena?" Aydrian said softly, grabbing the pillow and holding it close. His eyes were still closed and he was fast asleep.

" Hey! Give it back! That's mine!" Beryl screeched.

" Serena. No let go." Aydrian shifted over in his sleeping bag, still asleep.

" Ughhhhhhhhh!" Beryl cried, before wrapping the sleeping bag around her head.

" Good night Andrew." Mina said softly.

" Night Mina." Andrew said, settling into bed. He leaned over to give her a kiss good night in the dark.

" PERVERT!" and another slap was heard as the lips missed its intended location.

-------- MORNING------

" Good morning! Welcome to soft rock 97" the radio sang. " Coming up, another hit from blah blah."

" Morning already?" Lita groaned from her spot in car.

" Ugh. Guess so." Rei replied, shading her eyes from the bright sunlight.

" Good morning!" Amy chirped from the back of the car.

" Sleeeeeeeeepppp" the guys groaned pulling the blanket over their heads.

" Is that fried chicken?" Rei teased.

" Where?" Chad's head popped up.

Beryl's head shifted up, she was gasping for air. Sleeping with the sleeping bag over her head wasn't such a good idea. Her neck hurt, without the pillow and the hard ground. " Aydrian, give me back my pillow!" she cried.

" Serena." Was all that was heard, before there was a loud hit and a screech.

" What was that?" Darien muttered waking.

" What?" Serena yawned, from her place on top of Darien.

Darien stared at the beautiful girl. Her golden hair framed her rosy cheeks and her pouting lips.

" Darien?" Serena whispered.

" Shh." He replied. He pulled her heads towards him. They leaned in towards each other, filling up the space between their faces. Their lips FINALLY met.

-------half an hour later-----

" Air." Serena gasped.

Darien chuckled. He continued to stare at the angel so close to him.

" What?" Serena inquired, as she felt his hard gaze on her.

" You know you are so beautiful when…." Darien started.

" When?" Serena nodded for him to go.

" When…" Darien's mind whirled trying to think. He glanced down at a book abandoned on the ground.

" You're so beautiful when the sun's rays dance off your face." He finished.


An- ::::sniff:::: It's the end. :::sniff:::: ::::tear:::: Please review. Did you like the ending? Was it bad? ^_^;;;