Title: Chicken Soup

Fandom: Naruto

Pairings: Sasuke/Naruto

Rating: G

Warnings: None...for now! Mwaha.

Summary: Naruto falls ill, and Sasuke takes it upon himself to take care of him.

A/N: Homahgosh, I honestly didn't mean for this to take so long ; I figured I'd have some time once school started to write, but nooo. As soon as we start I'm getting bombarded by homework! Sheesh. So yeah. Sorry this took so long xD

I...don't really like this chapter. It's just filler, to explain exactly WHY Sasuke just randomly showed up at Naruto's home in the middle of the day xD Also? I wanted an awkward moment between over-protective Iruka and Sasuke, so yeah...this chapter is extremely short, but it took me forever to write. So be grateful! P Also! Before I continue, I'd like to thank all of the reviewers. You guys rock face!

I got alot of reviews asking if this will be continued...YES. It will be! xD This is multi-chaptered, although I'm not quite sure just how many chapters it's going to be. Also! For those who haven't really figured, this will be SasuNaru. Which means SHOUNEN-AI or YAOI. I'm still debating for which one...

"I think this is a record," Sakura chirped, swinging her legs and holding back her hair in the breeze. She tilted forward on the railing of the bridge, landing on her feet and skipped around. "I mean, he's late, but two hours? C'mon."

"Sakura. I'm tired, and grumpy," Sasuke growled softly, hiding the fact his right eye was twitching by turning his back to her. It wasn't the pink-haired chuunin in particular, it was just she was there, he had been waiting for three hours because he had this thing about being early, and Sakura was extra perky today. At least she isn't trying to get in your pants anymore...

He sighed, tapping his foot as Sakura hopped back onto the bridge railing and started to hum some tune that Sasuke didn't know. He glanced at his watch angrily, and blinked. 2:30. 2:30? And Naruto still hadn't shown up? Maybe he had slept in...

And then, the unthinkable happened. Kakashi showed up, in his usual lazy curl of smoke and muttered 'yo,' and Sakura's screech at him didn't even register as Sasuke realized Kakashi had shown up, but Naruto hadn't.

Kakashi had shown up. But Naruto hadn't.

It was like some kind of unwritten rule that was no one showed up after Kakashi, it was just common sense.

Sasuke would never admit that he panicked or over-reacted, but as he whirled to face Kakashi as Sakura was lightly kicking his shins and punching his arms, his heart started to pound and his lungs seemed to constrict in his chest. What if some of the villagers had finally got just plain sick of Naruto and had attacked him in the middle of the night? What if some assassins had killed him? What if some kidnappers had kidnapped him?

"Where does Naruto live?" he squeaked, his throat tight. Kakashi and Sakura paused, looking at him with mixed looks of confusion and curiosity.

"W-What, Sasuke-kun?" Sakura asked, blinking owlishly.

"Nani?" Kakashi said slowly, cocking his head to one side.

"Where does Naruto live?" Sasuke repeated, slower this time as he realized he had slurred all his words together before in a panic. He swallowed.

"Ano...over that way," Kakashi turned and pointed to a large group of apartment buildings clustered together in the bad part of town. "Number...26."

"Arigatou!" And Sasuke was gone, running towards the apartments at break-neck speeds.

Meanwhile, Naruto had awoken to find a very unpleasant surprise.

Sasuke hated shopping, and always had. He hated all types of shopping; clothes shopping, furniture shopping, weapon shopping. But the one he hated most of all? Grocery shopping.

The store was always filled with grouchy mothers, screaming toddlers, and his fangirls either on purpose or completes coincidence. As soon as he entered the Konoha Grocer, he was bombarded by three of his fangirls who refused to leave him be until he quickly made a clone of himself and made it hightail out of the store, and he hid behind a large display of peas. He quickly went through the store, grabbing milk, cans of soup, boxes of crackers, a can opener, and some vegetables and fruits, not making eye contact with anyone and his mask over his face.

By the time he left the grocery store, his eye was twitching and his whole head was throbbing, the sound of screaming children echoing in his skull. He started to trudge on to Naruto's house, when a familiar voice cut through his internal monologue, making him turn.

"Sasuke-kun! I never thought I'd see you here, I thought your servants did your shopping?" Iruka asked, beaming as he jogged over to his fellow chuunin. Sasuke nodded in greeting.

"They do, but this isn't for me," he said simply.

"Oh?" Iruka cocked one eyebrow, smiling. "Who's it for?"


Iruka blinked for a few seconds, and Sasuke could practically see the wheels turning in his head. "You're doing the grocery shopping for Naruto...? Is he out of money again?"

"No, no, Iruka-sensei. He's sick."

Iruka's eyes went wide, and he stood there, gaping for several moments before he blinked and turned a vicious glare on the Uchiha. "And what were you doing to make him sick?"

Sasuke stood there, blinking owlishly. What...? And then it hit him. Iruka thought that...

Sasuke burst out laughing, holding his stomach as he doubled over. Iruka blinked, confused, before he smiled in embarrassment. "A-Ano...gomen, Sasuke-kun...I have a problem with jumping to the worse conclusions." He rubbed the back of his neck modestly, blushing as Sasuke's laughter slowly died down and he managed to straighten again.

"It's alright, Iruka-sensei," Sasuke said, swallowing the last of his laughter. "I better get back to Naruto-kun, he's probably wailing for soup." With a friendly wave, he turned and started back to Naruto's apartments, leaving Iruka standing alone, still completely confused.