Title: Behind Closed Doors

By: yaoicoveness

Rating: I guess it's about 16+ now (Love jap ratings).

Warnings: Sexual implications, violent implications

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters as the are J.K. Rowling's, and I make no money from this.

The pairing is a semi surprise. Hope you enjoy, please review after.

I could feel the ground hit my stomach as I landed on the ground. I couldn't run anymore, the pain was right behind me no matter where I went, no matter how far I ran. I wanted it to be all better, to be once again safe. Unfortunately it will never happen. War wreaks us all.

I lied there for a moment before getting up and continuing. I didn't even know where I was running to anymore, I just needed to run, and far. When I got home I knew I would curl up and cry, again. There was, and still is no feeling left. I killed it that day the day that I took that life.

I have spent hours trying to figure out why I did it, why I feel such remorse for it. I had never killed before, but this was far from what I had imagined. I should have trusted, but I just couldn't anymore, not when he came back to me with little bit marks, climbing into bed with me as if nothing was out of the ordinary. He always told me that he did it for the cause, that it was for all of us.

I wish I was able to believe him, maybe it would have never come to this. I think now that I ran from the smell, that I ran from the blood, the eyes pleading with tears.

Now you have to understand, when I say kill, I don't mean put in the grave. No, this death was much worse. It was a part of the person I once loved. They died, and now all I have is the shell.

I just couldn't forgive it. I remember the day it happened. The bit marks were deeper and he seemed happier. I just couldn't let this go on.

I remember grabbing his arm and yelling at him. I remember slamming him into the wall and the wail that let out. I remember going over to him and practically dragging him to the bed and throwing him down. I got up on him, and I hit him, square across the face. The look he gave me was so heart breaking, the look of betrayal and pain. Tears made there way to the blackness that is his eyes. The same ones that now refuse to look into mine.

His lips bled under the voracity of my kisses. He tried to struggle, but only in the beginning, after the second hit he stopped trying to escape and lie below me.

He let me do what I wanted to him that night, and every night since. He doesn't go out anymore, he just locks himself away. I never see that rare smile anymore, the one that I once thought was only for me.

Walking down into the castle, I know he is there, in the dark, like he always is. Leaning over the desk reading books that no one else will, only looking up when he has too. He's not even as nasty to the students anymore, he just doesn't have it in him.

I smile at him as I enter his room. He looks up at me. There is no expression in his pale features.

"Hello Severus." I say to him, smiling. A sad look takes over as he knows what I want from him. He closes his book and stands walking towards me.

"Remus." He says as he reaches me. He won't look me in the eye anymore. It makes me mad.

No one ever hears his screams in the darkness of the night. No one knows what I have killed in the one I once loved, but it doesn't matter much now, he's mine forever, doomed to stay locked behind the doors in this dark hell of his.


I can see Remus doing this to poor Sev, he's so quiet, I could see him hurting someone like him. Anyways, I'm not sure if I'll continue the series of events, depends on the reaction to this one.

I hope you enjoyed, And review
