Rory was in her wedding dress the time had finally came for her and Tristan's wedding. They had waited until they were out of school to get married.
"I can't believe that the day has finally come for you Rory."
"Me neither mom I'm so nervous right now. What if Tristan changed his mind and doesn't want to get married."
"Rory you two have been living under the same roof for the last five years. You have a seven year old and a four year old I don't think he is going to leave you now."
"Mom can I tell you something that not even Tristan knows?"
"I love secrets what is it tell me please."
"I'm pregnant." Lorelai stood there looking at her.
"When did you find out about this?"
"A few days ago when you watched the kids I went to Dr. Ward and I'm eight weeks along." Lorelai hugged her daughter as Chris walked into the room. Rory was trying not to cry as Chris hugged her.
"How are you doing Rory?"
"I'm fine dad thanks are they ready for me?"
"Yea they are setting the brides maids and groomsmen up right now." Rory kissed her mom as Lorelai walked out to be seated.
Abby placed the flowers down the aisle, as Eric was next walking with the rings on the pillow. Shane walked down with Madeline, Finn walked down with Louise, and Paris walked down with Jake. Lane walked down by herself and Jess was already standing up there with Tristan everyone stood up. Tristan saw Rory walking down with Chris and he smiled at her. Chris lifted the veil and kissed Rory on the cheek.
After the wedding was over, they were going to the reception Rory danced with Chris and Luke. Tristan danced with his mother and then Lorelai his mother divorced his father not very long after the birthday party she was now a big part of his life. It was now time for Tristan and Rory to dance as they walked to the dance floor as Mr. and Mrs. Dugrey they both smiled.
"I love you Mary."
"I love you Tristan." They kissed as they danced. Rory had her head on his shoulder as Tristan put his near her shoulder. She moved her face and whispered in his ear. "I'm pregnant." Tristan moved his head and looked at Rory, then smiled, and kissed her the greatest day of his life was even better. Tristan was dancing with Abby while Rory was dancing with Eric as she had him laughing. Tristan picked both of his kids up and then Rory put her arms around them as they all danced together.
Jess was standing up at the front table getting ready to give his speech.
"When I first meet Tristan we stole his father's brand new Jag and wrecked it that was of course before getting arrested. We told things to each other and he talked about his Mary back home who hated him. So to say I was surprised would be an under statement when I was him in Stars Hollow at the Gilmore house. This is to the brother I never had and the sister I never had making my time in Stars Hollow better then I would have ever imagined thank you both for that and my you have a very happy marriage." Tristan hugged him, as did Rory.
Eight months later
Rory was sitting at the house in Hartford, which was her new home for the family of four and a half. Rory was helping Abby with her homework when he water brook.
"Abby go call dad and get Eric to the car." Abby ran to the phone and picked it up.
"Dugrey enterprises how my I help you?"
"I need Tristan Dugrey please."
"I'm sorry he is not to be bothered."
"Listen here you will give me to my dad now or he will fire you."
"One minute please."
"Abbes what is wrong is it your mom?"
"Yea she said to get home right now."
"I'm on my way get E ready." Tristan hung his phone up and grabbed his jacket.
"Mr. Dugrey we are not done here."
"Yes we are my wife is going into labor."
"If you walk out that door we will back out of our deal." He smiled at the two guys who were now standing up.
"Let me think about that. Get the fuck out of office now."
Lorelai was with the kids waiting for Tristan to walk out the door with news. Chris was sitting on one side of her as Luke was on the other side. Tristan's mom and boyfriend who Tristan liked were also here. Abby was with Eric, Paris and Jess were watching them. After a few hours, Tristan walked out and took the mask off everyone rushed over to him.
"What is it?"
"A baby Lorelai like last time." She smacked his arm as Tristan laughed but no one else did. "A baby girl seven pounds and five ounces very healthy." Everyone hugged him and then Lorelai walked with Tristan to Rory's room. She saw Rory sitting in the bed with a pink blanket in her arms.
"Mom this is Lorelai Elisabeth Dugrey." Lorelai smiled the name would be carried on for another generation.
"I love her name can I hold her?" Lorelai took the baby from Rory as the baby opened her eyes bright blue. Chris walked inside with the kids, he hugged Rory and Tristan when Lorelai handed him the baby and told him her name. Abby and Eric sat down and Lorelai handed the baby to Abby first.
"HI I'm your big sister Abby and he is our brother Eric but you can call him E."
"Hi." Eric waved his hand at his sister he was just coming out of his shyness Tristan's mom said he was the same way which made Rory cringe.
"So what are we going to call here mom?"
"Beth." This was what everyone called Tristan's grandma. Tristan handed his mother the baby as Richard and Emily walked into the room.
As the walk to the gravesite was not new for them this time they had a new member of the family three month old Beth. Abby and Eric put the flowers down and walked beside Tristan who was about to cry before even starting.
"So we had another girl grandpa Lorelai Elisabeth and we are going to call her Beth. Sorry we missed the last holiday but the kids were sick and we couldn't leave them alone. So we are here today on the day you got married which is a holiday for me at least I know you both are looking down at us and I just wanted to say I love you and miss you every day you are not with me. Thank you both for everything you have ever done for me with you two I wouldn't be the man I am now." Tristan kissed his hands and touched the statue as the kids same the same thing. The family walked back to the car and they went home.
That is it I want to thank everyone for reading and reviewing my story this story had the most hits and reviews of any story I had posted. I wanted to end it at the graveyard it only seemed fitting. I proboly won't right a sequeal to this story I like where I left it. If I get ideas for second story off this one then I will write it but as of right now I won't be writing a squeal. It was fun to write and read what everyone thought about my story good or bad. Once again thank you for reading The Memory Will Never Die. Once again the title of the story is from Default CD One Thing Remains it is a really good CD cheek it out.