Title: The Power of Mistletoe

Summary: It's Christmas Time in the Malfoy Home.

Note: This story does not follow the books, so the things that happened in book 6 are not mentioned in this book. Also, I would like to welcome back my two beta's/editors, Becky and Manda, yes the same ones from "Harry Potter's: A Christmas Carol." So anything in the BOLD typing is their handy work! Hope you guys enjoy! 

It was Christmas Eve in the Malfoy home. They didn't have all the comforts as Draco had when he was young, but they still got by really well. They lived in a nice-sized house big enough for a growing family. It wasn't the same Malfoy family anymore; Lucius died in war as a Death Eater, fighting for the wrong side and Narcissa had a place of her own not too far from Draco's new home. This new Malfoy family consisted of Draco, his wife Ginny, and their two children, Nimue and Dylan, who happened to be twins.

Ginny was filling their children's stockings with presents and goodies when Draco sat on the hearth and stifled a yawn when he said, "I still don't understand why we're doing this."

"Because it's Christmas," Ginny said with a giant grin. "Do you want the twins to wake up tomorrow morning and come down to see that Santa didn't come?"

"Then why don't we just leave it up to Santa to do this?" Draco asked.

"Because he's busy and I told him we'd help out," Ginny said with a laugh.

"Do you remember last year?" Draco asked. "The kids got up at 8:30, ran downstairs, tore open all their gifts, and then ran into the other room to play with their old toys. They get that from your side of the family," he grumbled.

"Draco, the twins were four last year. They still didn't fully understand what was going on. Now, if these kids are anything like me, they'll be running and jumping into our bed at around 5:00 a.m."

Draco sighed and bit the head off the gingerbread Harry Potter cookie that his children left out for Santa. He grabbed the letter that the kids left for Santa and said, "Listen to what Nimue wrote to Santa: 'Dear Santa, Hi, how are you? I was very good this year and all I want for Christmas is pretty white unicorn. Thanks, Nimue Malfoy.'

"Oh and look," Draco continued holding out the letter, "She wrote all the E's backwards and misspelled Christmas."

"She couldn't just ask for a pony, could she?" Ginny asked. "She takes directly after you. She doesn't like to associate with Muggle things."

"Well, can't I just go and get her a pony at least and put it out in the barn?"

"Absolutely not!" Ginny said. "She's five years old. She doesn't even know how to ride one yet, and you spoil her too much. Besides, we don't even have a barn."

"That's just a technicality." Draco just took another bite of the cookie and suddenly started shouting at the headless Harry Potter cookie, "What's that Mr. Potter? You can't hear me? That's right, because you've got no ears because you have no head cause I bit it off! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Ginny blinked. "And I married you instead of him because…?"

"My insanity comes off as boyish charm to the mentally deranged such as yourself?"

Ginny laughed. "I'm revoking your annual Christmas Booty Call."

"You're not serious, are you?" Draco looked at her with sadness in his eyes. Ginny only replied by laughing.

Draco understood that she was just kidding and read his son's letter to Santa. "'Dear Santa, all I would like for Christmas is Wizard Card number 169 of Harry Potter. He's my godfather you know, but he can't seem to get one for me. You can get them in a Chocolate Frog. Thanks. Dylan Malfoy.'"

"Now he spells pretty well," Draco said, admiring his son's penmanship.

"Yes, and takes after me. At least I can give him his Christmas wish."

Draco eyed and said, "You didn't get it for him, I did! Do you know how many chocolate frogs I had to go through to find him that one card? I got so sick that night! I couldn't even find it! I then had to go out and check every Wizarding Trading Card store in Diagon Alley."

"Well, Draco, no one told you that you had to eat ALL of the chocolate frogs!"

Draco only sighed again and said, "Now what's the point in our stockings?" Draco asked as he saw Ginny filling stockings that her mother made them for their first Christmas together.

"To keep the belief alive. You know if you don't want any gifts from Santa I can just as easily fill your stocking with coal."

"No, no, that's okay. Really. I don't mind the presents."

Ginny smiled and said, "Of course you don't." She bent down and picked up another stocking and put it on the mantel.

"What's this one for?" Draco asked, "And why is there no name on it?"

"Well, it's because I don't know if it's a boy or girl yet." Ginny smiled at him and rubbed her stomach.

Draco grabbed a hold of his wife and said, "Are you serious? Are we having another one?

Ginny nodded. "Are you happy?" Ginny asked in hopes that he would say yes. They never discussed the idea of another child. They had the twins already and that was a handful enough.

"Ecstatic!" Draco said with a large smile on his face and he kissed his wife. "We should have stuck with your last name instead. Only four more to go, right?" Draco laughed.

"I don't think so. Three is good. Maybe a fourth one."

"Don't even kid right now, Ginny."

"You never know, Draco. It could be twins again.

"Well, as long as it…they…how many you're having is healthy, it doesn't really matter." He kissed his wife one more time before they ascended the stairs to go to bed.

The next morning came too soon…

At 5:30 in the morning Draco and Ginny woke to their children screaming, "IT'S CHRISTMAS MORNING!"

"Contact in three…two…"" Ginny said.

Before Draco could even move his daughter came running to his side of the bed and flung herself onto him.

"Ooff!" Draco grunted as his daughter jumped on his stomach.

Ginny, who was waiting for her son to jump into her arms, caught him. "Merry Christmas!" Ginny beamed.

"Merry Christmas!" The two kids started to jump up and down on the bed. "Did Santa come? Can we go see?"

Draco got out of bed to put on his bathrobe and his slippers. "All right kids, let's go!" Draco said as he took one child under each arm and carried them down the stairs.

Ginny only laughed at the sight and followed her family down the stairs.

As soon as they got into their living room where all the presents were the kids got fidgety and wiggled out of their father's arms.

Ginny went around and lit the tree and the Christmas lights as Draco lit a fire while the kids were looking at the evidence of Santa.

"Dylan, look! Santa was here! And he missed all of our booby traps!"

"Booby traps?" Ginny asked shock.

"Yeah, well Uncle George and Fred said…" Dylan started.

"Say no more." Ginny said with a smile.

"Hey look Nim, he ate all the cookies! Hey, but there's still one Harry Potter cookie!" Dylan said.

"No, no, see his head is gone," Draco pointed out.

Ginny walked up behind Draco and pinched him hard.

"Ow!" he muttered.

Ginny sat on the floor as Draco grabbed everyone their stocking.

Nimue looked around and said, "Where's my unicorn? I asked Santa for a unicorn."

"Well, sweetie, unicorns are very rare and hard to come by, but he did leave you this." She handed Nimue a brochure.

"What's this, Mum?"

"That is a riding estate. Now horses are almost like unicorns, it's just that they don't have a horn sprouting out of their heads. At this estate you can take horseback riding lessons and then maybe you can ask Santa again next year."

"Really!" Nimue said excitedly. Ginny nodded. "YAY!" Nimue squealed and threw her arms around her mother.

All the while Dylan was opening his stocking and he screamed, "It's Harry Potter! Dad! Dad! Look!" He ran over to his dad, jumped into his lap with the card in his hand, and screamed, "Dad, look! Look! It's Harry Potter!"

"Yes, son, I see!" He tried to sound as excited.

Dylan ran over to his mom and said, "Now I have ALL the Wizard Trading Cards! Do you think that Harry would sign it for me when he comes over today? Do you?"

"I don't see why not, sweetie!" Ginny answered.


"Sometimes I swear that kid likes Harry more than me," Draco whispered into Ginny's ear.

"It's okay honey, I like Harry more than you too," said Ginny. Draco glared at his wife. "But only some of the times!

"Time for PRESENTS!" the kids screamed as they dove for their presents under the tree.

About a half an hour later…

"All right kids, I think it's time that you guys take a break and let your mother open a gift now," Draco said.

"Okay!" The kids were excited. They jumped up onto the couch to sit next to their mother as Draco left the room.

"We know what it is!" both the kids said together.

"We helped pick it out!" Nimue said.

"And we didn't even spoil the surprise," Dylan added.

Draco then walked in with a wrapped present. It was circular, like a hatbox. He placed the present into Ginny's lap. It was quite heavy for such a small package. She went to grab for the lid of the box, but before she could open it up, a little head poked out from inside of it, and took the lid off itself.

"It's a puppy!" Ginny squealed with delight. She picked the black lab puppy and placed on her lap. It stood there barking happily and licked Ginny's hand as she pet it. She hugged her kids and then stood up, holding on to the dog, to kiss Draco.

"Ewww!" the twins squealed.

"So, what are you going to name him, Mum?" Nimue asked.

"Well, considering she's black," Ginny smiled as her kids laughed, "I think I'll name her 'Midnight'," Ginny said as she picked the dog up. "Do you like that name, Midnight?" The dog's only reply was to lick Ginny's face and bark happily. "Kids, why don't you get your presents for Daddy?"

"Yeah!" the two shouted and went to the tree to look for the presents. Ginny returned to the couch to play with her new puppy.

"Here, Dad!" Dylan said as he handed him a present. Draco sat down on the floor and took the present from his son. Dylan sat in his lap as Draco opened the present. He opened it up and took it out.

"Oh wow!" Draco exclaimed. It was a drawing by his son.

"Do you like it?" Dylan asked.

"Of course I do. You even made the frame yourself, didn't you?" Dylan only nodded since the frame was made of dried macaroni. "Let's see, there's you and your sister," he pointed to each of the people in the picture. "And there's your mother, but where am I?"

"You're up here, Daddy," Dylan said pointing at the sky. Draco was in the sky on a broom. "You're playing Quidditch with Harry, and you're winning," his son boasted.

"Ah, the good ol' days," Draco said with a smile.

"What good ol' days?" Ginny asked, but Draco gave her a glare, which made her keep her comments to herself and went back to rubbing the puppy's belly. Both Ginny and Draco knew that Draco won only three times against Harry; once in their 6th year and then twice in their 7th year, one in which won him the House Cup.

Then Nimue came over with her gift. She sat in her father's lap once Dylan stood up. "Here, Dad," she said as she handed him his gift. He quickly tore off the paper and opened the small box. She made him a…well…it looked like an "S" but a pin.

"It's a tie clip!"

"Yes, I see that!" Draco sounded enthused. "And it's an 'S' for Slytherin, I'm guessing, right?"

"Well, it was supposed to be a snake, but the eyes wouldn't stay on," she said, sounding a little disappointed.

"Ah, yes, because we all know that snakes are my favorite reptiles." He hissed and tickled his daughter who squealed with laughter. "It's all right. It looks like both actually, and I think it's wonderful! I'm going to wear it today!"

"Really?" Nimue sounded excited again.

"Really," Draco said and he gave his kids a hug.

The kids then turned back to the tree to finish opening their gifts.

To Be Continued…