
The brilliant tale

I do not own

But in its brilliance

My own tale is sewn

Raging Fire of a Morning Star


She stands just out of reach

So close, yet so far

She is untouchable

Like a morning star


I see her there

With a smile on her face.

It almost leaves me breathless

Her charm, her grace!


Her eyes, like fire

Burns my heart

Her sweet, sweet laugh

Almost tears me apart


I call out her name

But it dies upon my lips

I cannot have her

And I know it as my heart rips


To have her would be pleasure

But it would also bring me pain

For I know he would not approve

And so my hope is slain


But what she was attainable

And all I thought was wrong?

Is it possible? Is it true?

That I could have had her all along.


She looks at me

And in her, I see longing

She fills me with hope

And to her I give a sense of belonging


Screw what people think

Who cares if they condemn

We do this for each other

We do it for us, not them


I hold her in my arms

And for once things feel right

I hold her close, to my chest

My legs are weak and my head is light


So this is the fabled love?

The fictional state of bliss

I never knew it was possible

To feel as content as this


My life is turmoil

A raging fire, unknown

But next to me rages another fire

And she is mine alone


Now she stands within my reach

She no longer stands away

She is no longer the unreachable

And in my arms, she will stay…