Chapter 22
Doom had now walked back to where Pyro and Magneto were standing. Johnny bent down at Charlie's side and checked her pulse. She wasn't breathing!
'Magneto' yelled Johnny. 'Put the bus down, theres no need to hurt innocents. Its us you want.'
Magneto smiled. 'Very well then' he said He guided the bus down safely to the ground. The passengers ran off, some smiling at Johnny for his help and others still scared and crying after what they had been through. The rest of the Fantastic Four joined Johnny.
' exactly do you wanna settle things this time?' asked Doom.
Johnny sparked a fireball.
'Please, like thats going to do anything!' commented Doom.
'Its clobbering time' yelled Ben. He picked up a car and threw it at Doom. Magneto used his power and flung the car back to the side. It hit a street sign pole hard. Johnny glared at Pyro. That son of a bitch is going to pay, thought Johnny.
The pole that the car hit was unstabble and began to bend. Everyone just stood there, waiting for someone to make the first move. The pole came falling down, it couldn't hold any longer. It fell with a thud, hitting Magneto right in the head. He looked dozzy and then fell to the ground, dazed.
Johnny made his move towards Pyro, leaving the rest of the team to take out Doom. Pyro flicked his lighter open and hurled a fire ball at Johnny. Pyro hadn't really seen what Johnny could do or what his powers were. So when the fire ball took no effect he stood there confused.
Johnny wasn't taking any chances. He punched Pyro straight in the face. Pyro stubbled backwards. He wiped his lip with the back of his hand and glanced down at his hand. It was covered in blood. He faught back at Johnny, punching him in the jaw and stomach. Johnny fell to his knees.
Pyro laughed! Johnny stood up and smacked Pyro in the chest and then in the chin. Pyro staggered and then regained his balance. Both guys were strong, but one had to fall soon. Pyro punched Johnny again anmd threw his weight into it. Johnny fell down to his knees again. His hand helped him from hitting the hard road. R
Rain started to fall. A rain drop hit Charlie's cheek and her eyes flew open.
What happened, she thought.
She looked up and seen Sue, Reed and Ben fighting Doom. Behind her lay Mystic and Magneto, only a few meters away. She heard a laugh from Pyro and looked to see him standing over Johnny.
She quietly stood up. She felt a wave of dizziness come into her. She must have hit her head pretty bad. The rain continued to fall and Charlie ignored the fact that she was still losing blood from her arm and back.
Pyro had grabbed a metal beam, that had come from somewhere underneath the wrecked cop cars. He was going to swing it at Johnny. Johnny struggled to stand up, but mangaged to. Johnny knew he couldn't fight Pyro, he had lost his strength. Charlies dead. I have nothing else to live for, he thought. Pyro went to swing the metal beam at Johnny when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and saw Charlie. She kneed him hard in the groind. She then grabbed the metal beam, still in Pyro's grip, and pushed it hard upwards. Its cracked him right in the jaw and he fell to the ground in pain. Charlie droped the beam and rushed to Johnny. He put his arm around her, trying to gain his balance.
'You know I could have taken him down myself' said Johnny, joking with her.
'Whatever!' she commented laughing. She felt heaps dizzy. 'Johnny ...' she started.
'Whats wrong?' he asked, concerned.
'I-I dont feel to good, i gotta sit ...' she fainted in his arms. She collapsed. Johnny held her in his arms.
'Johnny!' called Reed. 'We need your help.'
Johnny picked Charlie up in his arms and placed her gently down. Some near by watchers came over, offering their help. 'Talk to her for me' said Johnny. 'Keep her breathing.' He ran over to become the Fantastic Four once again. He didn't want to leave Charlie, cold, bleeding, and unconcious, but he was needed.
whatta think? PLZ review! i love reading them and seeing how you are all enjoying the story. please remember i do NOT own any of the character, except Charlie and Jack. although i would love to Johnny, ;) unfortantaly i dont!