Title: Best Wishes
Summary: Nymphadora Tonks and Alastor Mad-Eye Moody wake up and find themselves in an awkward and revealing 'position'. And that's not the worst part! Oh how in Merlin's name did this happen? Post-HbP
Okay...I wrote this fic for fun :D. I've always liked the relationship between Moody and Tonks, so I thought of giving it a nice twist ;)! 'Nuff said :D!
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Chapter 1: No ordinary day
Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick...
The ticking sound of the bedside clock reached Tonks' ear. She furrowed her eyebrows and winced in her sleep as the warmth of the morning sun touched her face.
/ "Morning already?" / She thought to herself. And her head ached. It ached and throbbed as if her brain was going to burst out from her skull.
She winced again, and groaned in resistance as she snuggled herself against her pillow. She just wanted to sleep some more. Perhaps if she did, the aching would go away.
/ "Damn you, Mad-Eye!" / This was all Mad-Eye's fault.
She remembered drinking with him at The Three Broomsticks last night. He had visited her to check up on how she was doing after everything that happened...Dumbledore's untimely death, Snape's treachery, her unrequited love for Lupin --- or was that still unrequited? Nevertheless, she and the old coot had a good time, drinking and talking the night away like drinking buddies who had nothing else to do but drink and be merry. Knowing her and her thirst for mischief, she probably drank more than she could handle. No wonder her head felt like it wanted to explode.
/ "Damn you and this blasted hangover!" / She couldn't help but wonder if the older auror was also going through the same head-splitting headache at that moment.
Despite the pain, Tonks smiled to herself and sighed contently. Though she still grieved the death of Albus, she will never forget how Lupin had offered to hold her hand during the funeral. Perhaps Lupin had finally accepted her love...Or was that just an act of kindness and friendship on his part? Nevertheless, she would continue to love him - old or not, werewolf or wizard, rich or poor.
She cuddled the soft pillow against her face, hoping to block out the sunlight that seeped into the room. She just wanted another hour or two of sleep. Tonks suddenly grimaced in utter curiosity. Strange...she never had this problem with early morning sunlight before. She always 'always' closed the window before heading off to bed. She mentally shrugged. It wasn't a big deal anyway. She probably just got too drunk to close the window too.
She furrowed her eyebrows again, as another realization dawned at her. With her eyes still closed and her pink hair still in shambles, she ran a delicate hand over the surface of the bed she was lying upon. Funny...She didn't remember her bed being this soft and smooth either. The cover almost felt like silk...or satin. She might still be groggy, but she definitely could not remember ever covering her Hogsmeade bed with silk...or satin, or any muggle-made material of such texture.
She sniffed, and her nose crinkled at a heady scent. That scent...What was that scent? Was that perfume? Was her mind playing tricks on her? Were her senses going crazy? She groaned again. It was probably due to her hangover...it made her feel and smell things that weren't really there. That could just be it. It would all go away after an hour or so more of much needed sleep. It wasn't like Voldemort was going to make his move that morning or anything.
And so Tonks relaxed herself, and gave in to the extreme and unexpected comfort of her bed. But before she could go back to sleep, she heard a growl: A deep mumbling groan came from behind her...From the other side of the bed...
Without thinking, she yelled. "Keep it down, Mad-Eye! I'm trying to get some sleep!"
Then her eyes shot open. / "Mad-Eye! Did I just say Mad-Eye?" /
And what she first saw took her by surprise --- and a girl like her was rarely surprised. From where she was facing, she could see that she was definitely not in her Hogsmeade room. She doubted if she was even in Hogsmeade at all. The room was definitely a muggle-made room. It looked expensive, with nice pink-beige walls, carpeted floor, intricate designs, and a polished wooden bedside table. On the table was a lamp that emitted a dim glow, a telephone, a clock, a pen, and a notepad.
Tonks, who was still lying down with her head on the pillow, reached out to see the notepad.
On the header of the pages of the notepad was a logo.
"Crownsfield Hotel?" She whispered to herself. This was all too confusing. Was she in a room in Crownsfield Hotel? If she was, how in the world did she get there?
She suddenly felt a slight chill against her skin. And so she glanced down to cover herself, only to find out the reason why she felt the need to be covered. Her eyes widened in shock at the sight of what she was wearing. This had to be some sort of sick, twisted joke, for she was wearing nothing but a pair of black laced undergarments. Black laced undergarments, for cryin' out loud!
Then she remembered the name she had called-out earlier...And it made her swallow nervously.
She quickly pulled as much of the satin sheets to cover her top, and sat up on the bed. Oh goodness, she hoped it wasn't who she thought it was. With a worried, anticipated look on her face, she slowly turned her head – to see the man who had seemingly slept beside her that night.
"Mad-Eye!" She suddenly screamed.
Yes...This definitely had to be some kind of sick, twisted, demented, unfunny joke. It had to be. There was no other way to explain it. She had just woken up, wearing nothing but black laced undergarments in an expensive muggle hotel, and with Mad-Eye Moody sprawled on the bed half-naked beside her.
She studied him silently. Goodness, she never thought she would ever see the old auror like that. He had a loosely tied necktie around his neck which was basically the only thing he had on top...Well, except of course for the strap on his face that held his magical eye on its socket. His lack of a shirt exposed his scarred and hairy torso. Tonks arched a brow. Suffice to say, ol' Moody didn't look that bad at all, for a man his age anyway. Looked like his adventures as an auror had given him a good workout --- a very good workout. She grinned mischievously.
She quickly shook the thought away, and focused on the situation at hand. What in the world was going on here? Her eyes soon trailed down to his pants. And oddly enough, Mad-Eye seemed to be wearing normal black slacks rather than his usual weatherbeaten aged pants. But the current state of his pants made her shudder. It was not yet buttoned, and the zipper was still down. It was almost as if Mad-Eye had just pulled it up in a hurry and left it as it was. From the looks of it, he still had his wooden leg on, but his normal foot was naked, with neither a sock or a shoe on it.
Tonks was not liking what she was seeing. Who could have done this? Did 'they' do this? She and Mad-Eye! She knew they were crazy in their own little ways, but they weren't crazy enough to be in such a situation. And she knew he-who-must-not-be-named had no role in this either. If Voldemort wanted to kill them or torture them, he would, but not like this...definitely not like this.
She surveyed the room with her eyes and found clothes scattered all over the carpeted floor. The clothes didn't look familiar, but they must have worn them during the evening. After all, they couldn't have just walked into the hotel dressed in their current clothing...Unless of course if magic played a big role in it.
She gasped as an awkward thought trailed into her head. Did – did anything happen between them? She 'did' just wake up in her undergarments only to find him half-naked beside her. She winced. The thought alone made her want to puke. Well, she had slept beside some boys before, back when she had enough time to go on wild nights out with friends...but Moody? Why did it have to be Mad-Eye!
"This is definitely no ordinary day." She shook her head and groaned as she looked at the sleeping Moody, his chest rising up and down as he breathed.
Then Tonks almost jumped up in surprised when Mad-Eye suddenly sat up, yelling at the top of his lungs. "You'll never get me this time, Crouch! And Snape! You! You shall pay for what you've done to Albus! Heed my words, vermins!" He growled angrily.
When Moody realized that neither Crouch or Snape was in sight, his magical eye zipped to the right to look at the exposed Tonks who was sitting right next to him on the bed. His head turned soon enough, and when his normal eye saw her, he blinked once, and twice, almost as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Then he bellowed. "Tonks! Get some clothes on, lass!" He said instinctively in a scolding tone. He immediately looked away from Tonks' state of undress as a sign of respect for his young friend. Sure, she was holding something over her torso, but his magical eye had accidentally glimpsed into what lay underneath. Was Tonks even into wearing such exotic undergarments?
Okay...I know...This fanfic is weird, but reviews would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading :D!
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