Summary: DBZ/FMA X-over. Sequel to my Alchemy and Saiyans fic. Chi-Chi decides to have Gohan learn alchemy, so she sends him to Amestris.


it walks alone: (scribble)

BritKit: (dash) (dash) (munchmunchmunchchewswallow)

Mordecai: o.o

freakinCRAZY: (jumps on table and starts cancaning) Can... can you do the can can? Can you do the cancan can you do the can-cancancancancancancan (repeats)

All: o.o

FC: (realizes the WHOLE CAFETERIA is watching) Mweep. (dives under table)

M: (applauds)

FC: (pokes head up) Thankyou. (hides)

IWA: Well, that was... different.

flyonthewall: I have dum-dums! (holds up huge bag)

IWA: Obviously.


FTW: o.o (runs)

BK: (munches on, oblivious)

FC: Have they stopped staring yet?

IWA: Yeah, now they're watching M & FTW duke it out.

FC: Ohgood. (comes up)

Random Person: Hey it's cancan girl!

FC: o.o (hides)

M: Surrender the dum-dums!


M: (tackles)

FTW: (gaspchoke)

M: (pauses) Do you know how I spell pi? P-I-Y! I like pie...

FTW: That's nice. Now get off!

M: 3.1415926535!

IWA: ...89793.

M: Dammit!

FTW: (head explodes)

IWA: Anywho, I do not own DBZ or FMA and apparently the FMA creators haven't decided to sell Edo-kun. Or no one has notified me. (pouts)

FC: Can I come out now?

BK: (responds automatically) I'd advise against it. (munchmunch)

FC: I don't care I'm coming out anyways. (comes out)


FC: (hides) Not working my brain is not.

M: Working my brain not is.

IWA: And I don't own Yoda either...

BK: (munchmunchswallow) ... (looks up) Why is flyonthewall dead, freakinCRAZY hiding under the table and Mordecai eating dum-dums?

IWA: (scribble) Don't. Ask.

Review Responses for last chapter of Alchemy and Saiyans:

WildfireDreams: Of course there's a sequel! You're looking at it! And yeah, I can't watch it, so I'm stuck with the manga. Apparently, the next book doesn't come out 'till later this month. (pouts)

Suuki-Aldrea: Well, partially right...


Yami no Hikari-Chan: He will, he will... Eventually. And if you don't like the disclaimers, don't read them. My friends would kill me (see flyonthewall's fate in the disclaimer above) if I stopped doing these things, and so would my brother. (shudder) I don't even want to think about that.

SeaLover456: Here's your sequel!

"Speaking" Thoughts (Me to you)

Chapter 1: Arrival

One day, a couple weeks after Ed came back, Mustang walked into his office and stopped short.

Gohan turned. "Hey. Sorry about not telling you in advance. Mom decided this morning."

"What the hell are you doing in my office?"

Gohan cringed slightly. "Mom decided I needed a better education, so she had Bulma send me through."

"A 'better education'?"

"Yeah. I should probably call Bulma now," Gohan replied, taking out some sort of extremely high-tech cell phone and dialing. He waited.

"Bulma? It's Gohan. ... I'm fine. Colonel Mustang just came in. ... Yeah. I'll turn it on."

He got up, walked over to the TV and turned it on. For a moment, nothing happened. Then the screen flashed on and Bulma and Chi-Chi appeared.

"Gohan! Oh, thank Kami you're alright!" Chi-Chi exclaimed.

"Mom! Calm down! I'm fine!"

"If you were this worried about him, why send him?"

Chi-Chi glared at Mustang. "My boy needs a good education. I want him to learn alchemy."

Mustang blinked, then turned to Gohan. "You let her run your life like this?"

"Yeah. It's a lot less painful than the alternative."

"Which is what?"

"Her Frying Pan of Doom."

Mustang blinked again. "I thought it was the Frying Pan of Terror..."

Gohan shook his head. "That's Bulma's. Mom's is the Frying Pan of Doom."


"So," Bulma began, "do you know anyone who could teach Gohan alchemy?"

"Someone here?"

"If possible."

"Hmm..." Mustang thought out loud. "I'm not much of a mentor, and I refuse to subject him to Armstrong... I guess the only option is Fullmetal."

"Who?" Chi-Chi asked, confused.

"Fullmetal? Edward Elric."


"Why do you call him Fullmetal?" Bulma asked.

"It's his alias. He's the Fullmetal Alchemist."


"All State Alchemists have an alias. I'm the Flame Alchemist. Armstrong's the Strongarm Alchemist."

"Why Flame?"

"Fire's my specialty. I have a set of gloves made of a material that sparks when rubbed together that have transmutation circles on the backs."


"So, do you want me to call Fullmetal?"


Mustang nodded, walked over to the door, opened it, and leaned out. "Hawkeye!" he called.

Riza stuck her head into the hall. "Yes, sir?"

"Tell Fullmetal I want him in my office."

"Yes, sir."

Mustang pulled his head back and closed the door.

"He'll be here. Eventually," Mustang informed them.

"So. Anything you can tell us about alchemy, Colonel?" Bulma asked.


The door opened. "What do you want, Mustang?"

"Ah, Fullmetal. You got here quicker than I expected."

Ed glowered. "Get to the point."

"Touchy. Anyway, Chi-Chi sent Gohan to learn to use alchemy. You're the best choice."

"Me?" Ed asked, incredulous.

"Yes, you. I'm no teacher, and I refuse to subject him to the Major."

Ed nodded. "That would be pure torture," he agreed.

"And you're the best alchemist in the military."

Ed stared.

"You're the only alchemist I know of who can do alchemy without a transmutation circle."

"D—did you just compliment me?"

"Don't let it go to your head, midget."


"You. Now sit down and shut up."

Ed sat, fuming.

Gohan, meanwhile, had yelped and hidden behind Mustang's desk with his hands over his ears. Now, he peeked over the top of it. "Is he done yet?" he asked in a voice that was almost a whisper.

Both Mustang and Ed turned to him, surprised.

"Why are you hiding behind my desk?"

"I have hypersensitive hearing."

"I see. Fullmetal, don't explode like that around him."

Ed looked like he was about to start yelling again.

Gohan jumped up, over the desk, and to Ed. He slapped his hand over the other's mouth.

Ed yelped. Or tried to. Anyway, he glared up at Gohan, trying to pull the hand off his mouth. He couldn't. So he tried his auto-mail. That didn't work either. Luckily for him, Gohan hadn't covered his nose, so he wasn't suffocating.

Mustang, meanwhile, was watching this amusing spectacle with a smirk firmly planted on his face.

Eventually, he came to his senses. "Let him go."

Gohan obeyed.

Ed staggered away from him, gasping. Then he turned and glared at Gohan. "What the hell was that fore?" he demanded.

Gohan shrugged. "You looked like you were going to explode again, and I decided to preserve my sense of hearing."

Ed blinked. "Oh... Sorry."

"Did Fullmetal just apologize?"

"Don't get used to it, Mustang."

"I won't. Don't worry. Anyway, will you teach Gohan, or not?"

Ed sighed. "It's not like I really have a choice..."

"Actually," Gohan interjected, "you do. The other one just involves my mom's Frying Pan of Doom."

Ed shuddered. "Like I said, no choice."

Gohan considered. "Well, if you put it that way..."

"So you'll do it?" Bulma asked, excited.

"You'll teach my Gohan alchemy?" Chi-Chi asked, equally excited.

Ed sighed. "Sure. I'll do it."

"Thank you!" Chi-Chi exclaimed, looking for all the world like all she wanted to do right then was pounce on the blond alchemist and hug him to death.

"Uhh... Mom, you can calm down now... Please..."

"What? Am I embarrassing you?"

"...A little, yes."

Chi-Chi huffed. "Well, then!" she exclaimed, then turned and stomped out of the room.

"Y'know, I think I like this whole being-in-another-universe thing..." Gohan mused.

"Why?" Mustang inquired.

"Normally, I'd have been Frying Panned right then," Gohan replied.

Ed winced. "Ouch."

"Mm-hmm. Anyway, back on a previous subject: So Ed'll be teaching me how to do alchemy, huh?"

"Yup," Ed agreed. "But we'll be starting with the theory and calculations. Oh, Mustang, can Al help?"

"Teach him? Sure."


Woo-hoo! The sequel has been written! And beta-ed by my muse! And typed! And posted! ...Wow, that's a lot of thing to be done to a chapter... Anywho, hope you like it as much as you did the first one. Gohan in Amestris probably won't be as funny as Alchemy and Saiyans. It'll be somewhat darker. (That's what we planned, at any rate. Can't say just where the actual story will take itself.) But that's just because Ed's world is darker than Gohan's. Anywho, please drop me a review on your way out! And thank you for reading!