This is my first CL fic so it might not be that good. This is the story of Odd and his sacrifice.
Disclaimer: I don't own Code Lyoko, but I wish I did.

Chapter One Antivirus Found

It was a sunny day. No XANA attack in 3 weeks was pure luck, but one of Lyoko gang didn't care. All he did was mumble and type. He looked up to see a glorious sight. The glowing green plus sign was on the screen. "Is it…………..Is it really? The antivirus?"
Jeremy ran to the factory as he dialed his 3 friend's numbers. This was it. The final round in Lyoko had come at last. All of his friends met at the factory. Jeremy went to the computer. Odd, Yumi, and Ulrich ran to the scanners for the last time. "Okay guys, 3 krabs, 2 mega tanks, 6 hornets,1 block, 1 tarantula, and the skipizoa are there. That isn't very much considering it is the last time here", Jeremy said. "This is a good thing Jeremy. Don't spoil the moment while it lasts" Odd said. "I agree with Odd" stated Ulrich and Yumi. They started for the tower. Ulrich got all three krabs with his clones. Yumi took out the 6 hornets. Aelita split the ground and the tanks fell into the void. Odd got the block and tarantula. All that was left was the skipizoa. While Odd was battling the skipizoa, the others got Aelita to the tower. Jeremy jumped for joy when it worked. He then materialized Yumi. Then after a long pause Odd yelled" What is taking you Einstein! The ground is falling apart!" In fact it really was. "I know Odd. But…"they heard a sniffle" I can only materialize one of you. There is not enough time to help you both" Jeremy finished, crying. It was then that Odd made the most adult decision anyone could have made." Leave me here. Materialize Ulrich" Odd said weakly. Jeremy materialized Ulrich before he could protest. Then, without a second to spare, the ground collapsed and Odd hit the digital void.

I am not great at fight scenes so, I realize it was down played. If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them. I welcome flamers.