Donald: Oh boy

Sora: You said it...

Xiao Tanaka: I finally did it after ages of force I finally made one of my Scripts in to a...Normal Story! All the Hard work me and my Friend Meeko put into this!

Goofy: Is Meeko her real name!

Xiao Tanaka: No, Its a nick name I gave her

Goofy: Oh ok Walks off

Donald: Why is it that exciting again?

Xiao Tanaka: Because I have joint problems

Sora: Ouch... did it hurt?

Xiao Tanaka: Darn right it did; Anyways Sora do the Diclamier

Sora: Ahem Xiao Tanaka--

Donald: Can I do it!

Sora: No!

Xiao Tanaka: Oh alright but Sora's doing the next one

Donald: YEY!

Sora: Oh Bully

Donald: Xiao Tanaka does not own Kingdom Hearts; It belongs to SqureEnix/Soft and Disney, She also does not own any Charaters in the story either, also its rated PG and on a side note if she did own Kingdom Hearts it would Suck!

Xiao Tanaka: True...very True but anyways on with the Story

Sora: Fan Fiction

Donald: Fan-Fic

Xiao Tanaka: Whatever!

The Kingdom Hearts Chronicles

So The Demon Flippin' Smiles

Written By Xiao Tanaka And Meeko






So the maybe-or-not-so-happy Heroes head off to the Lamp room inorder to save Jasmine!

"Ok Jafar, Give up", shouted Sora at Jafar

For some bizarre reason? Goofy appears!

"How did you get here?", exclamied Donald

Goofy just shrurged, "Long story so whats happening?"


At this point, everyone looked at Jafar, "What ugly mug", commented Goofy

The Genie suddenly noticed something, "Why are you all so small?", He asked

"Oh Shit!", shouted Sora in a bit of surpirse and shock

"What a big key?", commented Donald, taking notcie of Sora's Keyblade (Whiched had't seemed to shrink)

Sora glared at Donald, "Thats MY Key!"

"Great going Goofy!", snapped Aladdin, blamming Goofy for their fate

Goofy scarached his head, "What did I do?"

"We might aswell try and move the Keyblade, use it as a ladder to try and get on one of those platforms", suggested Sora

"1, 2, 3, all heave!", yelled Aladdin, as they starts to push the Keyblade

For one second...They had a glimmer of hope

"Your doing it!", shouted The Genie

"Fools...", Jafar said coldly

Then without any warning from the Genie, What-so-ever, The Key toppled over and fell on them

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", they scremed as it flatted them

"Ouch..", groaned Sora, "that sorta hurt..."

"I told you you'd get hurt", snorted Donald

"No you didn't!", snapped Sora

Donald gave Sora an Icey glare, "Well...I felt like saying it!"

Jafer rolled his eyes boredly at them and then said to the Genie, "Genie make me bigger!"

The Genie had no choise and made Jafar bigger

"Hahahahaahahahahahah", laughed Jafar, wickely, "I shall crush them all!"

Jafar started to stamp at the heroes, making them scatter. Donald, unfortunealy, wasn't fast enough and ended up get crushed by Jafar's now huge feet

"Ow", mummbed Donald, from undertheh the foot, but then, "Wait...That tickles, Heheheheh"

Meanwhile Sora and the others had ran for it, "Come on lets hide behind that fat guy!", ordered Sora

But Sora forgot to note that the Fat Guy was actully a Heartless, who then and there started to stamp on them

"Ok-- Bad plan", admitted Sora as he and the others managed to get away

Goofy spotted something and exclaimed, "Hey look a puddle lets hide in it!"

"Are we going swimming?", asked Donald, Who had now rejoined the group

"Shut up", snapped Sora

"I know your there", shouted Jafer menceinly, "Come out or I'll wish you out!"

Sora looked worried, "Now what?", he paused then answered his own question, "Lets take him on!"

"Your forgetting something!", Donald shouted

Sora paused for a minute then answered, "Did I leave my hat behind again?"

Donald rolled his eyes at this, "No...WE ARE LIKE 50 TIMES SMALLER THAN HIM!", shouted Donald, Furiously

"Well... Will kill him or die trying, aaid Sora

Donald stared at him, "I know your suasidal but I'm not!"

"How did you get small? I know I am", Goofy butted in, he then proceed to glare at Sora, quite evily

"Good Point, how did we get small?", pondered Aladdin

"Was that jar open before?", asked Sora

At which everyone looked at Jafar (Jafar -Jarfar, get it?)

"No! Not him", growled Sora

"Then What", said the Genie

"That", and Sora pointed to a broken jar with Small Spell written on it

"Ok", said Donald, quite calmly for once, "That means we gotta find the Big Spell jar!"

Aladdin fummbled about then said, sheepishly, "One Problem..."

"What now!", sighed Donald, grumpily

"There are One Million Jars", finshed Aladdin

"Can anyone here read?", asked Sora

Donald looked puzzeledly at him, "I thought you could?"

"I got Ex-Spelled from school, Please don't ask why", replied Sora, sheepishly

"Why?", asked Goofy

Sora sighed, "Ok, ok you see I went absailing down the side of the school building and the wind picked up and flew into headmasters office and squashed him quite flat and I think you can tell what happened!"

Donald smacked Sora around the head to shut him up, "Will you shut up! He'll find us"

"Too Late", came the too well known voice (Jafar)

"Run for it", exclaimed Sora as his friends ran away, screaming to high hell, Sora stayed behind and tried to drag the Keyblade out of sight

Jafar grinned, "I can see you!"

Then for some odd reason all the doors conciled in the rock appear (I have no Idea why)

"My plan is falling in place; literley!", gloated Jafar

This remark made everyone gasp, Meanwhile, The Genie had found the right spell jar and dropped it on Sora and Co, "Oops", he remarked and fluttered his eyelids

"Yey", said Sora in a child-like manner, "We're big again!"

"Now we gotta fight him!", snorted Donald

"You'll never escape from me!", spat Jafar, He then sent a fireball at Sora

"OWWWWWW!", screeched Sora, in pain

Aladdin backed away, "Hey! I didn't want to be involed"

Jarfar rolled his eyes yet again and then proceed to create a blizzard, just to annoyny everone

"Eeek! Snow!", shouted Donald, and then cowed in his fear

"THUNDER", Sora yelled making a bolt of lighting stike, but it missed Jafar completly

"Your Foolish words do now't!", snarled Jafar

Donald ran by Goofy then stopped, "HEAL", The Duck said and healed the knight

"Thanks!", Goofy said, "But I didn't even need it!"

This remark made a song pop into Aladdin's head;

"Who's the guy who always heals me


Who's the guy who gives you things WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN NEED THEM!


Who's good at magic


Who sucks at battle


Who dies alot


Who always hits Sora


Who looks like a duck


Who is Daisy gonna be mad with


Who's Goofy like

I don't know...Donald...

Who does Sora not like


Who does this boss like defeating

Sora, no wait I mean Donald

Who says "Let me at him" alot


Who quacks like an Idiot


Donald frozen at this then said in a sarcastic tone, "Oh thank you, you're too kind..."

Meanwhile, Sora and Jafar we're haveing a Magic duel. Sora using Ice and Jafar Fire







"OH FOR GODDESS SAKES--", Finshed and Started Jafar

Donald, who then inturupted them said, "I know we will settle this over a nice cup of tea!"

Sora and Jafar both looked at each other and shared the same thought and then both eletricuted Donald

"Only a--", started a dazed Donald

Sora glared at Donald, "Don't even make me!", he warned

For some other mysitous reason, Jafar gets Food Poisoing and dies

Sora exploded with happiesness, "I win? I WIN! OH MY GOD! Wait?", he stopped and looked around, "Where's Goofy?"

"Down here", came a squeky voice

Sora peered down and there was Goofy, in miniture, he then bended over and asked, "What happend?"

"Three words; Donald - got - mad", Replied Goofy

Sora stood up straight and when over to Donald, "Oh Donald, I'd like a word"

"Yea?", questioned Donald

Sora then proceed to wack Donald around the head with his Keyblade (Which he had got back)

"OWWWW", shouted Donald

"Bibbity Bobbity Boo!", exclaimed Sora and made Goofy big again

"Why didn't you do that in the first place when we we're small?", asked Donald

Sora glared at Donald, "GRAVITY!", and crushes Donald with this attack

Goofy dusted himself off, "Thanks, I'd didn't like the look that spider gave me"

Suddenly a voice rang out, "I'm not done yet..." and a parrot carrying a lamp appeared

"I've got your lamp come get me for it!", said the Parrot, Iago

"Hey its MY lamp!", snapped the Voice

Iago groaned, "Whatever...come get me!"

Jafar then appears (Sadly he lived and was The Voice) and says, "My final wish is to be an all powerful genie!"

...Of Course the Genie grants it

Sora exsamend the suication and then said, "Get the bird!"

"Which one?", asked Donald

Iago rolled his eyes, "Me! Stupid"

Sora spotted something, "DUCK!", he cried ducking down

Donald looked at Sora, "What?", he asked, he didn't know that Jafar had just thrown a bolder at them and that was why they ducked. Of course he got hit

"OWWWWWW!", scremed Donald, Now holding his head he looked up and glared at Sora, "What did you say that for!"

"Errr...Bolder", said Sora, Ducking again

"I know!", snapped Donald, And yet again got hit, "Why didn't you warn me", he shouted at Sora

"I did! I said--", Sora Protested

"Nevermind! I don't want to know!", and Donald stamped off

In the Meanwhile, Goofy is attacking the bird

"I'll fix this!", stated the Genie and Smacks the Bird, which knocks it out

Sora dashes over and grabs the lamp, "Your going back wear you belong buddy! And for god sakes wear some clothes"

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!", scremed Jafar and he got sucked into the Lamp

They then looked for Jasmine, but could't find her, Anywhere

"Jasmine!", cried Aladdin

"Ah she's gone! If you want to join her then don't come!", snorted Donald

Sora groaned and pulled everone, with diffeculty, onto the flying carpet, he then turned to Donald, "Ok Donald, You're Driving!"

Donald stared at him and then snapped, "I don't know how to fly a rug!"

"That makes two of us...", Sora said, worriedly

They then all blacked out and then, when they wake up, they are at the entrance

"Great going you made it", Sora said, happily

"Yeah, great, yeah I made it", mummered Donald, then the thought Oh god please say we are not d-dead?

The the feeble voice from inside the cave said, "I'll get you!"

Goofy smiled at Sora, "Well that's a good day going"

Sora glared at Goofy, "Yeah, yeah good for you, so far I've faced two forms of what turned about to be a big fat evil man. I know that I won't be going home soon and I'm stuck with you so don't tell me I've had a good day!"

"Ok...SHUT UP", snapped Donald

The guys then have to walk all the way home, to Aladdin's House

Aladdin sighed, "I can't beileve they took Jasmine ..."

"Oh well", mummbled the Genie, he then regained his normal self and said, "Hey I'll find her for you just say the -w- word!"

Aladdin paused, "Genie I--I wish for your freedom"

Bibbity Bobbity Boo todelo he's free!

"Donald, Goofy, Sora my mates take me with you so I can help find Jasmin!", begged the Geine

"I don't know...", Donald said

"Oh come-on you mean turkey!", Goofy said annoyedly

Donald sighed, "Alright...But if you ever call me a turkey again I'm gonna shrink you down and put you in a bottle!"

Sora rolled his eyes, "Ok guys! Lets go to the next World"

And so off they go heading to goodness knows where in order to seal the Keyholes, save worlds and find friends...

End of The Kingdom Hearts Chronicles: So the Demon Flippin' Smiled!

Donald: YEY" I was the star of this one

Sora: Was not!

Xiao Tanaka: Oh be quite both of you!

Donald/Sora: Sorry

Goofy: So Xiao? Where are we going Next?

Xiao Tanaka: To Alantica!

Donald: Hey, but what about Monstro?

Xiao Tanaka: Stuff him!

Sora: But I don't get High Jump then!

Xiao Tanaka: (Groan)

Donald: Can we go now?

Xiao Tanaka: Yes, but I need to say something; The Donald Song Lyrics are mine! I made then! they do have a tune! E-mail me if you want to use them, Thank you .

Donald: Why would ANYONE in their right mind use those lyrics? Every word is an insult to me!

Xiao Tanaka: But who knows, who knows...Anways will update ASAP

Goofy: What's that mean?

Xiao Tanaka: As Soon As Possible; But my wirsts need to rest and anyways my Brother's gonna complete Star Ocean: Till the End of Time tommorow!

Sora: Tratior...

Xiao Tanaka: Read and Review but its only is you want to though, catch ya later.

Sora: Yep! Me aswell!

Goofy: Me Too!

Donald: And Me Trinity, oh, wait, darn it thats not right! I mean, Me three!