Authors Notes:
Ok, This is my story, I just thought I'd give you a little information on it before you start! Everything that happened in Jak and Daxter, the Precursor Legacy did happen in my story. Jak II and Jak 3 parts of my story is were it changes because of an introduction of a new character.
So my story is really an alternate reality to the Jak II and Jak 3 games. Chapter 1, below the prologue, starts when Jak is in prison (the part that the game cut out) and later you meet my new character which changes the outcome of the story to the games. Please read! It will be worth it! I promise! (Also, I don't own the rights to the Jak games, and no money was made to make my story! Just helped to continue my love for the games!)
(Samos' disembodied voice, start of opening speech)
For a world to exist, there must be balance. For every hot day, there is the cool night. For every blistering summer, there is winter's cold grasp. For every death, there is a new birth...
This world is out of balance, though few know of it. Only the few sages that still exist, like myself, can hear the very stones of the planet calling out for an answer.
I have seen the begining of this story, but the ending is unclear, for it has not come to pass. Everything that has been set in motion in the past will lead to an outcome, what that outcome is, even the oldest and wisest of the trees cannot foresee. Whatever the end, it must bring balance to the Galaxy, or it shall be the end of all.
A young man in a focus of this story, he who already saved the world from peril once before. But the trees themselves hint of another...My heart tells me that this 'other' shall play a pivotal roll in what is to come. If together they shall save our planet...only the Precursors know...
(End Samos' opening speech.)
Book I
The Precursors
A race of beings known as the Precursors to the elf-like inhabitants of this small, out-of-the-way planet lived and vanished, seemingly, without a trace as to their true form. Many statues, buildings, and mystifying machines have stood in disrepair for countless years; collecting dust. Any function that they served was lost with the disappearance of the Precursors. The people left on the planet can't recall the last time any Precursor artifact had been seen in use.
Decades pass, followed by centuries; until eventually the elf-like planet dwellers lose any memories they had of the Precursors. The majesty of their intelligence lost in many foggy years. The Precursors eventually pass into the realm of myth, with the only proof of the once high powers of the universe being giant ruins littering the planet. Many believed that the Precursors would one day return. Others regarded these 'believers' as fools holding on to a past that no one could seem to remember.
No one could remember the power that the Precursors held, so how could they know that they were forced to forget? How could they possibly link their foggy past to anything but the lack of scribes to retell the history to the next generation? The humble people that inhabit the planet solely since the Precursors vanished lost their history, because of the Precursors. The two races had lived in harmony and in close friendship on the planet for a millennia, until the Precursors betrayed their friends. They betrayed them so that they could save them.
An enemy had emerged from their own ranks. Those among the Precursors who had been tainted by the dark form of eco changed; and instead of nurturing life, they sought to destroy it. It was a desperate time for the Precursors; many planets fell, one by one, to this new enemy.
There seemed to be no way to stop the Dark Makers (as they came to be called). Many years passed an there seemed to be no hope, until a prophecy was made. The wisest and strongest mystic among the elf people prophesized of the only two people that could save the universe from the Dark Makers.
Together in darkness; the darkness first;
The heart shall bloom when times seem worst.
Amid the darkness the light shall grow;
The power of heart it shall show.
A balance met, of dark and light;
Born in heart and strength of might.
Together the two shall end the strife;
Between that of death and life.
Together to start, together to end;
Together all worlds they shall mend.
The day when dark and light co-in-side;
The day that past and future collide.
With this prophecy the Precursors abandoned the planet. All but a few remained on the planet; and those few that remained moved underground amid the mass underground roadways. With the immense knowledge and machinery, the Precursors used their power to make the people on the planet forget all about them, to save them. They made them forget how to use the Precursor technology, so that the Dark Makers couldn't trace any Precursor presence on the planet. So that they could keep the planet safe that would eventually provide the only two that could save the universe. Those that stayed watched and waited with a hope that one day the two heroes could one day be identified and bring an end to the Dark Makers.
Chapter One:
Prison Life
Our young hero lay on the hard, filthy floor in complete darkness. The one small sliver of light that pierced the darkness came from beyond the barred door. He lay chasing the whispers in his memory, delirious for an unknown reason, at least in his mind. What had happened? Where was he? These questions seemed foolish in his befuddled state of mind. Why worry about such silly things? He was content to lie there staring blankly into the darkness of the unknown. Thinking of nothing and wondering of nothing, to never have to worry about anything…no worries…no concerns…just darkness.
Oh! How would it be to live without worry! Or pain, no pain. Just stop the endless pain! The mocking pain of life, never stops, never gives mercy…never…
A pain filled screech penetrated our hero's mind, which brought about the logic hidden inside. The delirium replaced by confusion…confusion and more pain. The instant the scream parted from some unknown person's lips Jak sat up quickly, perhaps in some silly notion to help, or in fear from the fresh memory of his own dark eco ordeal. Jak's body shook in exhaustion, sending pain through every muscle in his young body. The pain ripped through every part of him, everything burned and his organs felt as if molten lava was being pumped through him instead of his usual stores of blood. Had Daxter felt like this when he had touched dark eco?
The pain was threatening to send Jak back into unconsciousness. He struggled for quite some time to remain awake. He had already been out for too long.
After the pain had dulled into a mere throbbing Jak gritted his teeth and forced his aching body into an upright position. More misery came with his movement; he had to stifle a yell that almost escaped his dry throat.
Jak concentrated on the high-pitched scream that echoed from the Dark Eco Injection room, hoping with all of his heart that it wasn't one of his friends going through the same pain he had gone through. Thankfully the voice didn't seem familiar. Jak shivered inadvertently as he imagined one of his friends on that nightmarish table, having to go through the same pain he had endured. Samos…Daxter…Keira…Oh how he hoped that they escaped the Baron's notice. If Keira is being experimented on…the thought made him hate Erol even more.
Jak forced the thought out of his mind. Keira being tortured was not something he wished to think about, if she was he knew he couldn't help her. So he held on to the hope that she escaped the Barron's notice.
But how could you fall from the sky and NOT be noticed? Jak heaved a sigh, he knew he couldn't stop Erol if his friends were prisoners and he hated feeling so helpless. Jak turned his thoughts to escape in a futile attempt to keep his mind off his friends.
His eyes had adjusted to the darkness now. He could make out the walls of the cell. He could also see a small, metal cot pushed against the wall. Jak braced himself for the pain he knew would come and staggered to his feet. His muscles were stiff from lying on the hard steel floor. The Precursors only know how long he lay there, a few hours or a few days? His movement, after the initial pain, helped warm his muscles and slowly it became easier to move. The cell he was in was bare, there was nothing of interest, and so he walked to the door of his small prison. The door itself was steel, so there was no hope of breaking it down.
Jak's thoughts were shattered by another nightmarish scream. This scream seemed so much closer. Jak's heart jumped in remembered pain.
The only light in his cell came from slits in the door, which were about eye level for Jak. Jak continued to the door and put his eye up to one of the slits. After blinking several times at the bright light his eyes became adjusted to it, so now he could see the extent of his predicament.
The adjacent room was a large chamber and in the center was a platform that was almost completely surrounded by a pit. A small metal walkway led right up to that accursed restraining table. And hovering right above the current victim was that horrible creation, the unholy machine that could infuse a person with dark eco without changing them…if the person survived…
Abruptly the poor soul's screaming stopped as the injection stopped. His pitiful screams were replaced as the machine booted out an empty glass capsule. Then a small mechanical arm slid the next capsule into place. The dark eco glinted a blackish-purple color as the light caught it. Within seconds the sound of the machine powering-up echoed into Jak's cell. Electricity was shot through the dark eco capsule, where the blue hue of the energy turned into an unnatural purple color and shot into the strangers' midsection.
The instant the dark eco electricity touched him his back arched as the power ripped through him, causing his muscles to flex involuntarily. Just as suddenly as the screams stopped they started again. To see a grown man scream in such a way hit Jak in the soul. This wasn't just some horrible dream, it was REAL, and no matter how much he wished it to be otherwise he knew then that he couldn't escape it.
Jak couldn't stand to see the strangers' pain anymore; he turned unsteadily on his feet and walked the few steps to the metal cot. He thought he was going to be sick. He collapsed on the cot, the cold steel pressed against his face just seemed to sharpen the bite of reality.
Slowly the screams faded, replaced by the slow humming of the machine again. Jak could see in his mind's eye the next cartridge sliding into place above the frame of the unknown man. Jak could hear the machine powering-up again, he braced himself for the pitiful screams…but they didn't come.
"Dark eco injection cycle aborted, subject terminated," a synthetic woman's voice cut into Jak's mind. The voice seemed so harsh and cold.
An angry yell followed. "Another weak one!" Erol's voice boomed with hatred, followed with the sound of fist hitting metal. "He didn't even make it through the fourth capsule!" After a few seconds of silence his voice continued with the same harshness. "Get his worthless corpse off of my table! See if our next specimen is still alive, and be quick about it!" Erol spat the last words.
Jak still was lying there on the cot, but he was listening intently. He heard as boots hit the metal floor when Erol's unknown companion (or companions) followed his orders. After a short time the boots became louder. Jak's heart raced, fearing they were coming for him.
His worst fears were realized as he heard the door to his cell slide open. Light bathed the room. Jak lay still on his cot in fear and he closed his eyes, feigning unconsciousness.
The guards entered without worry, no doubt thinking he was dead…were they in for a surprise. Jak's eyes were closed but he could hear two sets of boots on the floor, they stopped right next to his cot. They stood and talked a few seconds then Jak could feel one leaning over him. His hand touched his neck searching for a pulse, that's when Jak struck.
Jak opened his eyes quickly and brought his foot up to meet the guard in the face. The guard fell to the floor and Jak jumped to his feet intending to get the other guard, but he never got that far. The last guard was too quick and he shot Jak with his stun gun.
Jak felt the electricity course through his body, all of his muscles seized up as the charge cut through his sore tissue. The shock made Jak loose the ability to control his movements and he fell light-headed to the hard metal floor.
The guard that Jak had managed to surprise was back on his feet and took advantage of Jak's helplessness. The guards booted foot connected with the soft flesh of Jak's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. The blow almost knocked him unconscious again. He lay on the floor, completely vulnerable. Jak concentrated on his breathing, for it was the only bodily function he could control.
The guard that had shocked him laughed as he grabbed Jak's arm and started to pull him along the floor out of the cell. "We got a live one here!" He called triumphantly to the waiting Erol.
Jak couldn't make out much because his sight was blurry. Within a few seconds they had him strapped into the restraint table, he could feel the bands holding his arms and legs in place. Blinding light shone down on him, he could barely make out a dark shape above him.
"Congratulations," Jak realized that the shape was Erol by his mocking voice, "you're the first person to ever survive a whole night."
Jak noticed that the light dimmed slightly as the machine hovered lower over his chest.
"The first time you managed to restrain your screams, but don't worry, I'll make sure to help you let out your emotions this time…"
Jak thrashed, trying desperately to escape the bounds on his arms and legs as he heard the machine power-up. He could see the machines' sensors rotating around his head. Erol laughed at Jak's attempts to escape. In that moment Jak hated Erol more than any other man could possibly hate another. Jak swore to himself that he wouldn't call out, he refused to give Erol the satisfaction of hearing him beg for mercy.
The machine shot the dark eco electricity right into Jak's chest.
His entire body thrashed involuntarily as it tore through him. It
took every ounce of strength for him not to call out; he bit his lip
to prevent it. It seemed like hours before the first capsule had
exhausted its dark eco, but in actuality it was only a minute or two.
One capsule down, five to go…
After the sixth and final capsule the terrible torture was over, until the next day when he would have to go through the hell again, and again the following day. When Jak wasn't being experimented on he would have to endure the screams of many other victims. Erol would try the dark eco injection on many people. Most didn't survive the cycle, and those who did wouldn't make it through the long night. After a few months of trying to find another who could survive the dark eco injections the Baron dropped experimenting on fresh subjects, Jak was the only one under the Baron's eye…for a time.
It has been one year since that fateful day when Jak fell from the sky. Nightmares have been plaguing what little relief Jak has from his prison life. In his dreams he sees himself committing the most horrible of atrocities. He sees himself as some horrible beast with horns and claws, harming the innocent and worse.
Over the last year Jak has noticed a change in himself, anger has manifested in his heart, hate for the Baron and his right-hand-man Erol. He feels the darkness growing during each dark eco injection. Whatever the Baron had hoped to achieve from the injections seemed to be coming to pass…
Jak sat up quickly on his cot. He had had another nightmare; this dream was the worst so far. He couldn't find any reasoning behind these dreams. There was no way he would do such horrible things.
He crossed his legs in from of him and combed his fingers through his hair. It had been two months since he has started having the dreams. Over time they became more and more frequent.
Jak sighed and climbed out of bed. It must be early; Erol hadn't seen fit to turn the lights on in the adjoining chamber. Jak was so tired. It had been hard for him to get any sleep lately. His dreams had made sure of that. Jak pushed the thought out of his mind. He didn't wish to think about the dreams any more than he had to.
Jak walked to his cell door and on the floor was his waiting breakfast. If you could call it a meal, the portion of food was very small, just big enough to keep the occupants of the prison alive. Jak ate what little food there was; at least he ate the sludge they pass off as food.
When Jak had about finished his 'meal' he heard a commotion in the Injection Chamber. He got to his feet and looked out into the chamber from the bars in the door.
The chamber's lights flickered on as Erol entered. His boots clattered against the steel floor as he made for the controls to the dark eco injector. He walked right past Jak's cell as he made for the controls to the machine. He seemed to be in a good mood for some reason. Jak couldn't help thinking that today was going to be exceptionally long.
After Erol had turned on the machine, his two personal guards entered. They each had an arm of a girl who was thrashing wildly, trying desperately to escape. The guards were too burly though. They dragged her kicking and screaming to the restraining table. As they passed his cell he noticed the girl was about his age, maybe a little younger. He also got a feeling as if he had seen her before, somewhere. But how is that possible? He was in a strange world; he pushed the questions out of his head. Yet her face seemed familiar and it was also beautiful, even though she was terrified. What Erol was doing was so immoral, had they no honor? They had tested the eco injection on so many and he was the only one to survive. Why try again? The only answer he could think of was that Erol was now using it for a death sentence. Had the girl insulted Erol and now he was getting revenge?
The girl thrashed significantly trying to gain freedom, but the guards had her pinned on the table as Erol secured her arms and legs. When she was secure Erol ordered the guards away. He walked around her, trying to intimidate her, as he put fresh dark eco capsules in the machine.
"What a shame it would be to loose someone as pretty as you," he stroked her face with his hand. She turned her head from him in disgust. Erol just laughed.
"You be nicer to me and I might be able to get you out of here," he continued to caress her. "But you'd have to be VERY nice to me." It wasn't very hard to understand what he was trying to insinuate.
For the first time she looked at Erol. She lifted her head from the table to get a better look at him.
"I'D RATHER DIE!" She spat at him defiantly.
She lowered her head back down to the table and turned from Erol once again.
Erol left her side and flipped a switch on the control panel to the machine. All the instruments and sensors came alive. They circled around her on the table taking measurements. The main part of the machine lowered closer to her chest, the needle hanging ominously above her. Again she started pulling on her restraints, fear was easily readable on her face as she stared up at the machine.
"Thinking of changing your mind?" Erol gloated. He was so sure that she would reconsider.
She tore her gaze from the machine above her. Erol had an insufferably arrogant look on his face. Her eyes became hard as she looked at him.
"Never," her voice was a low, loathing growl. Jak barely heard it over all the machinery.
Erol initiated the cycle.
She started to fight against the cuffs over her wrists as the electricity shot through the capsule. The dark eco laced electricity hit her dead in the stomach. She thrashed violently against the restraints as the purple tainted energy hit her. Her back arched uncontrollably and a blood-curtailing scream escaped her lips.
Jak swore in that instant that he would kill Baron Praxis and Erol, slowly and painfully.
Jak turned from the small window. He didn't want to see her in such a position. He couldn't stand to see her small form convulsing on the table anymore. But no matter how hard he pressed his hands against his ears he couldn't hold out her screams.
After what seemed like an agonizing eternity her screams stopped.
Jak uncovered his ears. Anger flooded through him, he swore that Praxis and Erol would pay for all of the lives they had taken, for all the pain they had caused. It made him sick that people could be that cruel, not even Gol and Maia were that ruthless.
His thoughts were interrupted by the main computer's woman-like voice.
"Dark eco injection cycle complete. Bio-readings nominal and unchanged."
Jak went back to the bars in his cell door. He looked out to see the girl unconscious on the table. Erol had released the binds holding her to the table and his guards were in the process of dragging her to her cell. It was amazing, she had managed to survive, but the odds were against her that she would live through the night.
The guards dragged her limp form to a cell across the chamber from Jak. When they passed Jak he noticed that her wrists were bleeding from her painful seizures. Lucky for her she probably wouldn't wake the next morning.
It was then his turn to be the test animal. The guards came for him, but he fought like he always did. After a short struggle one of them managed to stun him. They pulled him along the floor to the table, nothing new there.
But when he got there he was in for something new.
"Well, well, well. Good morning Freak," Erol used the derogatory nickname he had given Jak. But he didn't say it with the usual contempt in his voice. Erol was in too good of a mood, something was defiantly wrong.
"I suppose I should give you a new name, considering the new girl is much more a freak than you." He was babbling as he set the controls. "If she survives maybe I'll call her Freakess." He laughed at his own brainless comedy. " The Freak and the Freakess, what a lovely couple you'll make."
Abruptly Erol changed the subject. Apparently even he got sick of his own stupid jokes.
"The Baron is getting sick of no progress in his experiments," he got a sick humor out of his own words. "He has decided to up your dosage."
Jak looked at the machine above him and sure enough there was two more dark eco capsules waiting to slide into place.
Erol chuckled sneeringly, "After a year of silence I don't believe even you can hold your tongue for that long."
Jak was sure to prove him wrong. Though it took so much effort he was practically unconscious when they had thrown him back in his cell. Jak was delirious for many hours. When he felt he had sobered-up it must have been the middle of the night.
Jak cautiously moved his muscles. He didn't want to strain himself. His body seemed much more resilient to the dark eco then when he first was taken prisoner. Also he felt much stronger. His muscles had grown considerably over the last year.
He went to the door to try to determine how long until morning. All was dark in the adjoining chamber, with the exception of a dull light from the security panels and one light on the opposite side of the chamber. The small blinking red light indicated that the cell was in use. He hadn't seen any lights on in months.
Jak was just about to turn back to his cot when he saw movement coming from the girl's cell. He was very surprised to see that she could move. Her face was lit by the faint blue light coming from the security screens, in the light see looked excessively pale, her face was heartbreaking. She was in pain and terrified. Jak thought that he must have looked just like that a year ago.
Yet again Jak thought that he had seen her somewhere, but he couldn't place her. They stared across the distance at each other, not saying a word. They were both in the same desperate situation. Two poor souls that were caught in this hell, they both understood each other's looks. They both thought that they were going to die in this prison.
Jak had to admire her, she had spat Erol's offer back in his face even though she thought she was going to die. Erol had hinted he would let her loose if she performed certain favors. Her look had said that she would rather die than live as a whore to the monstrous Erol.
"I'm Erin."
Jak was surprised by her voice; he hadn't expected her to be able to speak.
She was looking at him, clearly expecting an answer. Jak hadn't spoken for as long as he could remember. Frankly he wasn't sure he even had an intelligible voice.
After a few minutes of silence she started to turn from her door. He didn't want her to leave, her presence was comforting, so he thought that he would give talking a try.
She turned back to him. She had a downhearted look in her eyes, but she gave an effort to smile. She looked thankful to see that not everyone in this prison was a monster…
Two months later…
Jak woke late in the night. His dreams were yet again interrupted by a nightmare. But this time something was terribly wrong…
His entire body burned inside and out. Within seconds his body began to convulse. His muscles stiffened. The pain was much worse than the dark eco treatments. Purple light emitted from his body in small volts. His fingernails and two points on his head felt as if something was pushing out from the inside. His chest throbbed, pressure built up inside, feeling as if it was going to explode. Jak let out a yell as the pain reached a climax, until he felt something rip inside him.
Anger now controlled him. He leaped from the bed and made for the door thinking of only one thing, escape. His hands had grown black claws; he used them to scrape at the door. Sparks were given off at the strength he used to strike the door, friction scraped off small shavings of metal. He continued in an uncontrollable fury. Beating and scratching at the iron bars, but they were too strong.
At this point Jak's mind realized what he had become. He started to fight it. It took all of is concentration. He stared down at his claws and imagined them getting smaller and slowly they started to draw back until they were normal. Jak touched his head. He felt the horns on his head fade as well and his skin turned back to its normal color. Slowly the purple light faded, leaving him in complete darkness.
Then Jak collapsed to the floor in complete shock, what had he become?
Author's notes: Book I will take place in Jak II, Book II will take place in Jak 3(when I get there). I decided to put it all in one story on so that you (the readers) wont have to leave and then search for Book II, this will just make it easier. I added the Prologue to make the story feel more epic, like I have the conclusion planned in my head.
I wanted to emphasize how terrible Jak's time is prison had been.(perhaps I have just been reading to much Edgar Allen Poe) I tried to get a lot of detail into it, I don't know if I did the greatest of jobs. Hope you enjoyed! Please review now that you have read it! I would love some constructive criticism.