TITLE: Colors
# OF WORDS: 500 or less.
SUMMARY: Dante's bored. Vergil has no choice other than to help him out.
NOTES: Inspired by Utada Hikaru's Colors.
DISCLAIMER: Oh, I own them... in my mind. ;-; If you can't take a joke, well... you suck at life. XD

Dante sighed for the 3rd time that night, lounging in his living room, watching television. But since today was a Saturday, that usually meant nothing good was on. Glancing to his left, he saw Vergil in an armchair, reading some novel he picked up earlier in the day. Having nothing better to do, Dante got up from his comfortable position on the couch and stride to Vergil's side.

Sensing Dante but not reacting, Vergil continued to read. Even when Dante got on his knees and folded his arms on top of his lap, resting his chin on them, the elder twin didn't move. This irritated Dante and with his right hand, yanked the book from Vergil's fingers and tossed it on top of a coffee table. That definitely got the Dark Prince's attention.

With a scowl on, Vergil also heaved a sigh and asked, "You're such an attention whore, Dante." The younger twin grinned to that and replied, "Only for you, dear brother." Resting an elbow on the armrest and placing a hand underneath his chin, Vergil spoke.

"So? What is it?"

"I'm bored," whined Dante.

"I figured that," he said with an added roll of his eyes. "What do you want me to do about it?"

"Um, help me out of it?" Dante replied sarcastically.

"Ugh. Fine..."

A few seconds past, with Vergil in deep thought. But Dante being the impatient of the two, quickly asked, "...well?"

"I'm thinking, unlike you."

"Think faster! I don't have all night."

"You do actually. Why else would you bother me?"

"So, you can help me!"

"Oh, for God's sake... um, what's your favorite color?"

Dante blinked. Surely his big brother knew the answer to that question. Did his bright red coat not tell you anything? Really now, why the hell did he even ask?

"Verg... I know you're a smart and sexy man, but come on."

"Oh shut up, Dante. I'm trying to make conversation. Just answer it so I can read in peace."

"But your book's all the way over-"

"Answer. NOW."

"Alright, alright! It's obviously-" Dante stopped and really thought about it. He automatically thought Red but now with his brother here in the same room, talking nonsense to each other, and him not off somewhere in the depths of Hell... he changed his mind. "Blue."

Now, this caught Vergil by surprise. He just popped out that question to get Dante to stop bothering him. Otherwise, he knew the younger twin's favorite color, which was Red of course. But when he saw Dante's genuine smile, he figured it out and doubted no more. With his free hand, the elder of the two ran his fingers through his twin's hair, and answered.

"And mine, Red."