Nieh... sorry its taken me so long to update. My computer has been REALLY annoying & i haven't had any inspiration from lack of reviews. :(

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or anything related like that! so stop asking! YOU LIKE THAT LAWYERS? YOU LIKE THAT!


Were Gonna Get Through This


Chapter sixteen: Addis


A platinum haired teenager walked briskly down the eerie corridor. His black coat rippled behind him with his arms crossed infront of his chest casually; yet with a serious expression plastered on his flawless face. His aquamarine eyes were focused on the floor infront of him, mulling over his plan to take Namine's sketchbook and multi colored pencil.

He would have to make up a brilliant yet casual lie, he decided unsurely. Maybe he could say he needed it for research? No. It's so over done, he felt like being slightly original today... after all... he ate breakfast.

Or, he could just steel it. He did have a sudden meeting with the other members today. Maybe Kairi was coming closer?

He had to admit... he never knew Kairi had it in her. I mean, he always knew how determined and stubborn she was... but he never thought she would do this. He never thought she would take fate in her own hands to save them... him. Maybe she did it for a reason he may never experience. Maybe it was something so strong and pure, that his own stained heart could never experience. Maybe it was for... love?

Riku turned a corner in the hallway, feet echoing against the stone floor. Was it stone or was it marble? He really didn't care... he just needed to get this for Namine.


He couldn't really explain his feelings for Namine. Well, he knew one thing: she was hot, he was hot, they liked eachother; perfect. He smirked at himself, unfolding his arms so they dangled at his side. But was there something more...?

Riku turned his head and peered into the King's cell, only to see him awake and looking right at him with a determinied expression. Riku nodded and walked on down the passage. The large doors loomed into view; still adorned in crawling vines. He pushed the door open with slight difficulty... it was really heavy by the way...

The room was just as dark as the corridor, but with a spotlight luminating a white table where other members circled around. All at once, the hooded heads turned towards him; snickers filling the hall. The Superior was at the end, arms folded disapprovingly.

"You're late." he said simply... yet with a intimidating twinge in his deeo voice. Riku just kept his head down withought a word, ignoring the annoying smirks he was recieving. He knew that if he started making up an explination, the Superior would see right threw it. So he just made his way to the empty spot adjacent to Axel; who's blood-stained hair was sticking out of the opening of his hood.

The Superior cleared this throat. "The girl is coming closer..." he stated simply, in a cold, deep voice. A few mock laughed emit from some members' mouths. Except of course from Riku, he was already bubbling up inside from their laughs at his best friend.

"Anyways, I'm not sure exactly when she will be here. But from the last time I saw her--" but he was interupted by a flustered Riku.

" saw her?" he asked in disbelief, placing his hands on the table. The Superior raised an eyebrow at him.

"Does it matter if I saw her? Are you scared i hurt your precious Princess?" he snarled at him. Realizing what he said, Riku quickly recovered.

"No, it doesn't. I was...mearly afraid that you had done something to know... or else it would ruin our plans." the teen thought quickly. He wasn't sure if he bought it, eventhough he knew he probably didn't. And like I said before, The Superior could see through lies. The Superior pulled down his hood with his eyes closed, revealing Xemnas himself. His fine skin reflected off the dim light. His orange eyes were sealed behind his eye-lids and his grease colored hair spiked backwards into a unique form.

"I suppose you're right... but I also know that that is not the complete truth, Riku. You must already know I can see threw lies..." he said, opening his sunset eyes. Damn...

All the other members were unnaturaly still, not even moving an inch in fear that the Xemnas might snap like a whip. Riku remained quiet.

"But... we have more pressing matters at this moment." he announced, folding his arms again. The stiff members loosened up, and like little school boys, most were disappointed that they didn't get to see a show. Riku however, couldn't move. Out of relief and caution. He didn't want to be suspected again...

" We have all but two princesses of hearts left--"

"Two!" many people echoed through the room.

"How could there be two left? We already have six, all we need it Kai--" Axel cried in his sarcastic voice. But he was cut off by Xemnas.

"Haha... you ignorant fools." he began, half laughing.

" You are right, there are seven princesses of heart. But to my new and recent discovery, there is an eighth; the Forgotton Princess. But this time we don't only need their hearts to open Kingdom Hearts again, we need them for ourselves... that means the other Princess' aswell. And I'm sending you, Demyx and Xaldin, to retrieve the other princess."

"But... there are nine of us! How do we--" Demyx asked shakily, almost scared to object. Again, Xemnas cut him off.

"Hahahaa! Once again, you all are fools. Have you not realized yet that Riku is not a Nobody like us?" he asked. Everyone's head turned sharply in Riku's derection as he prepared to run...but then took a blow over the head by someone, and then lifted up from the ground. His sight slowly began to fade as who ever was carrying him continued to run, when he soon could feel his contiousness slipping until it all went black...


Both princesses looked at eachother in utter surprise. But-but there are only seven princesses of heart! How is this possible? No... it isn't, it can't be possible... Kairi thought stubbornly, still gaping at the blue haired girl as she sent the same expression. Donald, Goofy, and Roxas looked just as surprised. Although Mirai and Konjoh didn't even flinch, how do they know all this?

"But I don't get it. I thought there were only seven..." Goofy thought outloud, putting a finger to his lip.

"Well obviously we weren't filled into most of these details, Goofy..." Donald quaked grumpily, fixing his periwinkle hat angrily.

"Hey, its not like I new any of this! Heck, I don't understand half of the things that goes around over here! I mean... you guy's talk. And there are babies walking around here like it was just another day!" Kairi said exasperatedly.

"Thats because you're a realist, Kairi..." Roxas said, laughing. He was so confusing... he must bi-polar, seriously.

"The kid's right... Sora didn't even flinch when he saw us for the first time." Donald said folding his arms.

"Yeah, but then again, Donald, Sora 'aint exactly the most mature person in the world..." Goofy pointed out.

"Well thats Sora for you. But I still don't get this! And neither do any of you guys, Shai, do you mind to explain any of this?" Kairi asked, getting a little frustrated with lack of answers.

"I don't understand it either, really..." she said in her cool voice, but her eyes showed confusion.

"That's because there is someone called, 'The Forgotton Princess'." Mirai interjected, but this didn't really answer their questions, more like botch it up even more...

"What tha' girl's tryin' to say is that there is an eighth Princess of Heart, the 'Forgotton One'. The only question is who it is. Man, you guys are smart." Konjoh said, trying to explain everything while curling his auborn mustache. This is crazy... impossible...

"Exactly. One of them is in-pure, meaning something messed with them. And we are narrowing it down to you two." Mirai continued in a monotone. "But we're waisting time talking, we have to get to Addis. Come on, lets get Yuki and Kofuku." she turned around and headed for the door. It doesn't make sense...

Everyone looked at each other for a minute, maybe trying to decide whether her explination was true or not. But she was right, the faster they open The Door to All Good Things, the faster the would find Sora, right? I mean, Addis is the last planet in this sector...

Kairi and Shai looked at eachother with something burning in their eyes... things may never be the same between them.

Aren't...I supposed to be the seventh princess?


All stood outside the rather low gate of the palace, wondering what to do as an akward silence rose upon them. Kofuku was there again, and was standing rather close to the quiet Yuki. She herself looked tired, especially after that little performance back there.

"So, are we going to Addis?" Roxas asked, almost excitedly. They all nodded in response.

"But," Goofy asked aridly. This time, Yuki answered.

"Your Gummie Ship of course."

"Ehhh..." Kairi, Roxas, Donald, and Goofy all said un-sure of themselves. Shai raised a blue eyebrow.

"Whats wrong, is there something wrong with the Gummie Ship? Does it need repairs?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows and gazed at them in puzzlement with her strong, violet gaze.

"I don't think we can all fit...and..." Kairi said, playing with her fingers nervously.

"We can use our magic, you know. The elongating spell, of course. After all your training you should know how to do it." Mirai asked as a mysterious glint flash by her deep eyes. It seemed that Kairi's jaw suddenly fell to the floor.

"Donald, how come we never even thought of that?" she asked turning towards the duck. The side of his beak was twitching as a temper tantrum was waiting to explode. Noticing this, Goofy and Kairi rushed everyone towards the gummie ship.


The Purple Clan and the other four reached the Gummie Ship that stood out like a soar thumb against the vast field of red grass. The Purple Clan almost fell over at how small it actually was... they were actually expecting something a little larger...

Kairi edged towards the bored gazed goth cautiously. "So... I'm guessing you know magic?" Kairi asked, trying to spark a conversation while the others were inspecting the ship or reviewing plans.

"I don't know it, I am it." she replied, not even breaking her steady stare towards the horizon. Why is everything so confusing? Kairi thought to herself, and hinting more of an explanation from Mirai, who suddenly turned in her direction, making her midnight blue hair sway as Kairi slightly jumped at her sudden movements.

"Let me explain..." she started, still in her favorite position, her arms crossed importantly, "Remember Kofuku's little jig before?" Kairi nodded, trying to understand. "Well, that is because we all have something...powerful within ourselves, controled by our emotions or feelings. And... Kofuku is a very emotional person with fluctuating thoughts and feelings. And when we get an overwhelming emotion, that power erupts from the core of us and unleashes such power, sometimes uncontrollable." Kairi wasn't grasping any of this, really...

"Anyways, Kofuku is rather young and new, so she does not have complete control over it yet. And when she saw Yuki and Konjoh fighting, she couldn't take it any more. And... her powers were unleashed, again. Especially becuase of her strong feelings towards Yuki." she explained, glancing at the young girl herself, who was in conversation with Yuki, a small blush creeping on her plump cheeks.

"So... everyone has some kind of power in the Purple Clan?" Kairi asked.

"No, not just the Purple Clan, everyone. Everyone has an ability, they just have to want it, for the right reasons of course. And those who have, were excepted into the Clan to fight for what we believe in."

"Everyone?" Mirai nodded.

"Even you." she said simply. The red-head just stood there, with a blank stare at the goth. She could feel a tingling in her legs as it crawled up towards her heart. An ... ability? It's impossible. None of this is possible! The 'Forgotton Princess', the whacky powers... everything!

"But-but it's impossible! Wouldn't I have known? I mean, nothing has really happened to me that was out of the ordinary!" she cried, throwing up her arms.

"Oh really?" Mirai turned to her amused. Kairi dropped her hands and looked at her quizzically.

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying nothing is as it seems any more, you have an unknown ability, and so does everyone else." she said quickly. "You just haven't really discovered it yet... at least... not to your consciousness that is... majority of the people don't understand, nor have discovered their ability within themselves. But there is something that triggers it, something beyond... yet something so simple...something so natural." Mirai drifted off, shifting her gaze towards Minis that was a few miles away.

"How do you know all this?"

"It's my power." she said sharply, "I'm telachanetic... a rather dark aura... But its not like I want it. And for all I know, I may be wrong about it. About everything." she said in her monotone, yet almost to herself.Kairi noticed a twinge of sadness in her dry voice. "But you're lucky... you could have a very important power, though, you may never be able to control. And... some powers don't last Shai's."

"It ...doesn't?"

"No. She had a unique power too... to bring back things... sometimes to life." her eyes softened, although slightly, and looked towards the floor.

"She could bring back the dead?" Kairi asked, not even believing it. Nothing could bring back the dead, right?

"Yes, the dead or the forgotton... like she did for me." and that was it. She turned around sharply towards the Gummie Ship, leaving Kairi to herself, feeling even more alone and confused than ever. But she did notice one thing... she could have sworn she saw the goth's eyes turned purple...maybe for a second.


Everyone hung on for dear life as Donald made the now... larger Gummie Ship ascend into the sky. Letting their tight hold of the random objects that popped out of random places loose, they all headed towards the window once they were outside the worlds' gravitational pull. They could see the two opposite broken worlds that were once connected by a smashed bridge hovering in space.

"You guys might want to--" but before Kairi could finish her warning, Donald had already launched with ludicrous speed down towards the larger, blue world laughing manically. Ear splitting screams filled the ship as The Clan were all thrown to the back of the ship, plastered to the walls by the centripetal force as the ship gained speed.

Withought warning, Donald jerked the lever suddenly to 'slow' and everyone feel to the floor with a thud as Donald landed on the new world with a slight drop and making the ship shake slightly.

"Is this also why you didn't want us to the ship, Kairi?" Kofuku asked shakily as she brushed off dirt from her red overalls and tried to straighten her recently tangled magenta hair. Roxas, Kairi, and Goofy all turned their heads towards her direction, and nodded together at the same time.


"Yeah, well the faster we get off this crummy ship the faster we can bring peace and find that kid Sora." Konjoh barked as he slammed the 'open' button for the yellow latch, making everyone jump. Kairi decided to ignore his rude tone when he mentioned her best friend, and followed the grumpy man out of the hatch and into Addis.

The completely different atmosphere from Minis slightly surprised Kairi. It seemed like peek of the night in the new world from the midnight blue skies that seemed to go on forever with smooth, long clouds scattering the sky like the suds in the ocean tide. The bright moon glimmered through the darkness, palling the stars that once shone brightly in the sky. It was hard to exactly tell the specific color of the evenly cut grass, but Kairi made it out to be a sea blue as the gusting wind blew across it like waves of an restless ocean. There was yet another dirt path that headed towards a kingdom that could barelybe make out. She turned towards the confused Minisians, the content Addians, and the just flabbergasted foreigners.

"Come, this is the way..." Yuki ordered with an excilarated expression, taking Konjoh's hand with excitement as she looked up at him, enchanted. The others followed, and Kairi noticed that Mirai's usual bored face, was at peace and maybe the least bit excited to be home after so long. Kairi stayed behind with Goofy as Shai came closer.

"Hey Shai, do you know exactly where The Door to All Good Things is?" Kairi asked, folding her hands behind her childishly, not even looked at Shai but instead soaking in the breeze that reminded her of home.

"I believe so. All my research points towards the Addis palace, where my mother lives." Shai explained. Kairi quickly snapped her head behind her and looked at the blue haired girl.

"Your mother?" Kairi asked. Shai nodded. It was hard to really read her expression at the moment, it seemed to be in-between content and hesitant. Was she scared?

Kairi turned back around and almost flinched when she saw the city gates directly infront of her. "Ehhh...right... long walks good, short cuts bad."

"Don't we hafta' to change our apearance?" Goofy asked, gazing up at the towering ivory gates. Donald nodded in agreement.

"No, not to blue... but to to your regular selves." Konjoh answered happily. "Oooh! I want to see what you really look like!" she continued to bounce around, not even noticing Mirai's annoyed glare.

"YES! I don't have to have my pink hair anymore!" Roxas exclaimed bouncing around. Kairi nodded and raised an eyebrow as she lifted her hand towards Roxas, mumbling words she learned from Merlin and closed her violet-tinted eyes. A flash of light traveled up the boy's legs as glittery good-ness fell to the floor like waste, until his hair was back to its sandy blond and his clothes were black and white once more. Until everyone was back to their usual outfit, to their satisfaction, they opened the gate.

The actual city was actually... tidy. Large marble tiles that reflected their faces gleamed on the floor of the rather large plaza. The buildings on the side of the city were modern, tall, and extravagant with fountains and large glass windows. In the center of this plaza was a large market with sky blue tapestries that layered and folded along with cerulean curtains that seemed to glitter in the majestic moonlight. Inside market were rows and rows of fruit and other goods with merchants offering deals to the few people that strolled the city happily.

The people were incredulously tall with long elegant sheets of white hair that reached the base of their backs. They all looked rather old, the men had silver beards curling at the fragile tip and wrinkles of joy marking their pale faces. They were adorned with long, navy blue robes maybe dragging on the tiles as they walked. She spotted one or two men and women that had midnight colored hair, like Mirai's.

"Sooo, now what?" Kofuku asked inocently.

"We go to the palace of course!" Konjoh exclaimed, almost scolded. She nodded happily, making her magenta hair fall into her face, covering her gray eyes. Yuki pulled it back behind her ear lovingly as she blushed crimson. She could see the young man's eyes dancing with passion and... love. Kairi couldn't help but feel a small, painful twinge arise in her chest.

"Well what are ya' waiting for? Let's go!" Donald quaked angrily, almost literally dragging the group forwards and towards the street adjacent to the market. They all sweat dropped comically and followed suit. Some Civilians stared at them as they walked. Even threw their puzzled expressions, Kairi could see a glimmer of hope flash by their eyes until they turned away with a smile and continued their daily duties with ought a word.

Kairi didn't know why, but she smiled. She was finally doing something good for the people, saving them. She felt happy. But that wasn't the right word. She felt ... wholesome. She was going to save these people, she was going to bring peace, she was going to fight, and she was going to save Sora. She was feeling a little piece that was missing from her heart, slowly mend its self back into place...

Before she knew it, they were all at the palace gates, that, like the city gates, towered over them all with sheer amazment. Shai pulled a moon shaped key out of her white shorts and open the lock. She pushed open the gate withought even a creak from the hinges, as the sky-scraping ivory castle that was constructed vertically withought a flaw loomed into view. The blue roof was pointed to perfection, and the colossal doors seemed to be as large as the building its self, adorned with mammoth, blue knocking-rings, a glittering periwinkle lining, and a decoration of elegant whirls and swirls of the same color.

As everyone gazed at its beauty, Shai just walked ahead in a fast manner, Kairi could tell she wanted to get this over with. But before she could reach the door, she was thrown in the air; knocking the air out of her, and skidded across the glassy tile. All eyes fell on Shai as Kofuku went and helped her up. Slowly, everyone's astonished stare switched to what knocked her down... two men in black coats standing before the castle.

Kairi could feel her stomach drop slightly with fea; remembering her last encounter with a member from the Orginization. But that still didn't stop the instinctive blood pulse in her veins with rage as she summoned the Keyblade and curled into her battle stance. She looked behind her as she saw Kofuku hold Shai up, as she herself drew out a belt with a series of sharpened blades. Finally standing up, Shai reached out her hand, as a staff apeared in her tightened grasp. She spun it skillfully around her palms and set into her own stance.

Both Goofy and Donald pulled out their weapons and got them ready in their famous positions, with slight fear and worry in their glossy eyes. Konjoh pulled out an over sized ax and slung it over his shoulder, snickering idolly. Yuki already had a long and thin sword that was about as tall as his own self. She then lifted her gaze at the goth, who opened her cloak revealing her blue shirt and baggy pants by artificial wind that Kairi guessed she was creating, crossing her arms into her jacket, she pulled out two sterling silver pistols, with fire blazing in her eyes.

But then she saw Roxas, with a wan countenance and shakily summoned his double Keyblade into his sweaty palms. His face was filled with regret and fear as his eyes switched between the two men with worry. Kairi turned back around to see the two men laughing mockingly.

"Do you really think you guys can stop us before we snatch what we were sent for?" one of them exclaimed with an odd accent. The other one, probably younger, spoke.

"Yeah... what he said! Do you think you're gonna' stop us before we take--" but the older man hit him in the ribs before he could continue.

"Who are you taking!" Shai roared, apparently back to her old self. The older one sighed.

"Well, since Demyx already revealed the plan, we are taking you, princess Shai." he snickered. But the blue-haired girl did not show any kind of surprised movements, she only became more fierce and angry.

"Yeah, so just try...just... don't hurt me..." the younger one named Demyx mumbled at the end of his sentence as he pulled back his black hood to reveal an almost boyish man with a blond mohawk with strands falling down, framing his face and worried ocean eyes. The other pulled back his hood aswell, and showed a man with a sharp face and ebony dreadlocks along with sideburns that crawled up his jaw.

"You're not taking Shai! Not when we are here, Xaldin!" Roxas threatened. Xaldin raised a black eyebrow.

"What are you talking about, Roxas? You should be joining us. I'm tired of The Superior telling us to leave you alone! If you don't come with us and finish off these juniors, you are gone!" he snapped, maybe even slightly amused at the boy's befuddled expression. Kairi turned her head sharply towards him. I knew it...

Everyone dropped their stances, (except for Mirai who was like a brick wall) and turned towards him. One thought washed by their minds: He's... a double agent...?

He didn't know what to do... hateful glances by his 'allies' sunk his heart even lower. He knew the right thing to do...but...

Roxas finally dropped his head in shame and slowly walked towards the smirking men. His head turned towards the enraged Kairi. But it wasn't only mad... it was... hurt? He gave a her a pained look, trying to show her the deep sorrow he was feeling.

"I'm... sorry...Kairi..." he mumbled with a melencholy voice, looking her straight in the eyes. She couldn't help but soften at his heavyhearted countenance; His cerulean eyes imploring her for forgivness. But then she remembered...He is a traitor... a lier...She stiffened again and only glared at the desperate boy infront of her... but as she watched him trudge towards the dreadlocked man, something didn't feel right...something was missing. It was like... another piece of her heart was... diminishing once more...


Emm... slight RoxasxKairi? Thats for all you Roxiri fans out there!


i made this one long to make up for my long update..., since two months ago, maybe?


emmm... i will be gone on vacation and camp for about two months... the exact dates will be in my profile shortly... so I won't be able to update. but i WILL think up a good batch of oneshots and a flawless chapter for you all.

I also noticed that a lot of you favorited my story... but never reviewed! .cries. reviews make me happy ((and make faster updates ;D)) PLEEEEZ REVIEW! critics are welcome.

((rainbows . rainbows))