Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters. The songs and titles are by each respective artist, and I do not claim them as my own.

AN: This could be considered a cross between regular fanfiction and songfic. Each chapter will have the title of a song and the content will be based upon it. However, actual lyrics may be used sparingly in some dialogue and thoughts.

This will be basically a collection of one-shots (although some may go together…only time will tell), and they will not necessarily be in chronological order (or any order, for that matter). I have no idea how long this project will be; it may go on forever as far as I know. The point of view will probably change, and I hope you won't be too confused.

Sing a Song for Me

Chapter 1 - The Walk

The wind flowed through the trees, causing the leaves to crinkle. It was a cool autumn day that began with their customary walk. Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks exited the Order Headquarters side-by-side.

"Where shall we go today?" Remus asked. He turned to the young woman beside him. This day her hair was dark, almost black against her pale face. The contrast was striking and drew attention to her sparkling blue eyes.

"We could go to the park, I suppose. Unless you have somewhere you'd like to go, of course."

"The park sounds good." He smiled and they set off.

They reached the park soon and caught sight of a couple nuzzling on a bench.

"PDA." Tonks said and looked caught between disgust and embarrassment.

Remus laughed, but looked rather uncomfortable himself. "Public Display of Affection, I suppose?"

"Quite." Tonks replied.

The couple disentangled themselves and stared at Remus and Tonks.

"I'd mind myself I was you, mate. It's a free country." The man said.

"It's quite all right; my friend and I are simply taking a walk."

"So I see. Mind your own business, if you'd please." The man said sarcastically.

"Only if you do the same." Tonks called back cheerfully. She wrapped an arm around Remus' nearest arm and grinned at him. Remus quirked an eyebrow and smiled back.

A large fallen tree branch stretched across the path, and it was then that it happened. Remus reached the branch first. Had he been paying attention, he may have avoided the next occurrence, but as it were, he was not. He tripped and pulled Tonks down with him at the same time that she tripped. They lay on the ground, partly beside each other, and partly tangled.

Tonks was the first to speak as soon as the shock wore off. "Remus, I am supposed to be the clumsy one."

"I'm afraid I was rather distracted." Remus said truthfully. He was quite aware of the nearness of Tonks' body and the warmness that it created within him. It disturbed him a great deal. Tonks was experiencing a similar sensation at that moment, and her face flushed considerably.

"I…uh..." Tonks coughed nervously. "I suppose we should get up?"

"Yes, indeed."

It proved to be easier said than done, however. A few minutes later they were both standing and brushing off dirt.

The next few days were very uncomfortable and polite, if days can be such. Whenever both were in a room conversation became stilted and difficult. There were no more walks. Each had their own excuses.

Five days after the last walk, Remus and Tonks happened to meet on the stairs. Tonks was going up, and Remus down. They both stood very still. Tonks could not help noticing how Remus loomed above her, especially at his current vantage point. And to Remus, Tonks looked very short at that moment. They both continued motion at the same time, until Tonks was a stair above, and Remus a stair below. Then they both stopped and turned. Their eyes met and Tonks flushed. Their faces were very close. Remus could smell her perfume and could just imagine giving her a righteous snog…WHAT? He immediately righted his mind. She was a young woman, for goodness sake. He was…what...thirteen years older. Horrible, absolutely horrible. It was the marauder in him. Yes, that was it. Even if she did feel something for him…it was just a school-girl's crush. Nothing more. And him? Never mind, that. He would put an end to it.

"Tonks. We…we may have been feeling…things…Purely natural, mind you, but rather inappropriate. I suggest we go back to being friends. That would be a very healthy relationship for…people such as…ourselves." He turned and walked swiftly down the stairs and stopped. "See you at dinner, Tonks." He gave her a tight smile and strode away.

AN: This chapter was based on "The Walk" by Imogen Heap. This turned out rather differently than I expected when I started it, but oh well. My muse follows different paths sometimes. ;) I hope you enjoyed it. I rather liked Remus all flustered inside. Hehe.