And alas we have come to chapter 10. The final chapter of my fanfic. It was brought to my attention before that in the first chapter the line for changing the POV's went missing. I put it there and now it's not there. So In any spare time that I feel like fixing that, I shall.

Don't cry! I know you are all secretly sobbing at your computer desks because it is the end. Yeah right.

Disclaimer: You should get it by now. Seriously, if I had owned them, Kingdom Hearts would have been rated M for mature because of all the scenes where Sora and Riku wouldhave little clothing, always wet, and always making out. Ah yes, If I owned that game...

The Final Chapter

I didn't go to school for the rest of the week. And the week after. I remember waking up every so often from my sleep, once I heard Delilah telling the school over the phone that I had gotten the flu. I must remember to be a bit nicer to that chubby little lady when I finally decided to wake up.

That would take a long time however as I had no intention of ever going back to school or even outside for that matter. I sighed as I heard the calls for the snake that had been missing ever since I had gotten back from my trip. Why even try? The calls were in vain, it wouldn't come back.

I woke up and looked at the clock, 5:27. I sighed and rolled off the bed and onto the floor. I picked myself up, and decided that maybe I should take a shower. I stood in the shower for about an hour, mostly just fingering the little necklace I refused to take off. I was planning on going back to sleep, but when I got back to my room I found Cloud sitting on the edge of my bed. I chose to ignore him and curled back up under my blankets and closed my eyes.

"Sora." His stern voice came through the sheets and I rolled over to stare at the wall, trying to show him I didn't want to talk. There was no point; I didn't need anyone telling me that they felt sorry that I was wallowing in despair because Riku was gone.

"Sora, you're only hurting yourself." I groaned, pulling the pillow over my head.

"Go away." I answered and started to wonder how people could breathe with a pillow over their face.

"I'm serious. You're acting like how Squall was." I flung the pillow off my face and looked at him, slightly interested in what he had to say about the depressing brunette who only let Cloud call him by his real name.
"You only knew him since you came here in freshman year, but in middle school he was...nicer. Not by a whole lot, but it wasn't as surprising to see him smile. But me and Aeris, we were well...'together.' That's what everyone said, but we just considered each other like brother and sister but the hand holding and hugs mislead people. Well and... Squall didn't feel so good about that..." I rolled over to face the wall, already knowing what Leon could have and might have done. Cloud's face got sullen and he frowned but continued. "He's better, he really did get better. But even now it's hard for me to get the old Squall back even though he knows I only love him." Cloud sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He stood up and turned to look at me.

"I don't want you like this." He gestured at me with his hands. "None of us do. Riku wouldn't either." Then he left and I realized that I was crying. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and rolled over to see the door halfway open. My eyes rested on the snake that was slowly making its way around the room. I got up, and held it in my hands as it stared at me. Stroking its head, I gently put him back in his cage. I locked it and stood up, grabbing the little crown necklace around my neck unconsciously as I smiled.

I guess everything eventually will come back if you wait long enough for it.

Some time later...(I guess like two years...yeah two years. I'm postive. Don't think I don't know my story, gosh. It's two years! hehe)

"Sora! Where are you? Don't tell me you're working again! Well, we're going to go to the movies now. If you aren't out soon meet us in the park by the lake. We got a surprise for you." I raised an eyebrow at this message and then deleted it off my phone, waiting for the next message to play.

"Sora, dude! Have I got something to tell you! You see, I was able to- wait, stop it Namine! What? No? But, I want to be praised for my work! Stop that!" Roxas' voice faded and Namine continued. "Ignore Roxas, Sora, he's being stupid." I heard a faint 'am not!' in the background. "Just don't forget to meet us at the park later, okay? Talk to you later!" I erased that message too, and sat in my shiny little buggy. Yes, I had a shiny silver buggy, got a problem with that? It's hip, I bought it myself. Well, maybe I paid like 100 dollars and Delilah paid the rest for me. Hey, I had to save up money if I were ever to buy that plane ticket so I could go look for...

I ran a hand through my now longer hair and waited for one of the members of OFG to get her ass to my car so I could drive her home and get to the park. Why did she have to put something in the art show? She wouldn't even show it to me, the little squirt.

"Sora!" I heard a knock on the door and I unlocked the doors as she climbed in.

"So kid, did you win?" I asked as I turned the key in the ignition and got an annoyed look from the little 2nd grader.

"You know my name is Anna, and yes, I did win." She grinned in victory and I thought she was going to burst out in a cackle the way she was grinning. I must admit for a second I was fearful that she might cackle which would bring back a horrible memory of last year when she colored all my clothes pink with permanent marker. Oh, the horrible cackling.

"Can I see the picture?" I asked as I pulled myself out of my tormenting flashback and drove away from the sidewalk. She gave me a thoughtful look and I started to have second thoughts about the picture. She finally decided to unravel her ridiculously large poster and showed it to me and I glanced at it. Oh, it did look like a nice picture. Wait- I glanced at it again.

"What the-!" I stopped the car dead in the middle of the road. Luckily it was in front of the 'orphanage' where no one ever drives. I don't think it can be considered an orphanage anymore, Delilah won't let any of us go. Anyway back to the picture that made me look at her triumphant face and knew that she had drawn that on purpose.

"You drew that person with that unnatural hair color on purpose!" I pointed at the person sitting on the bench that was facing away from you that had suspiciously silver hair. And the person who was leaning his head on his shoulder had brown spiky hair. She pretended to be shocked.

"I would never! It was a spur of the moment thing. See how random that tree is? It's got star shaped fruit!" She tried to cover for herself. But I knew that, that stupid fruit was some magical fruit or something that people share with someone 'special.' That tree was around here too; that was no coincidence! I knew the ways of the OFGs! I narrowed my eyes at her as she started to giggle. I leapt at the picture to grab it but she jumped out of the car and ran to the house. She turned around and stuck her tongue out at me before running inside. I growled and shut her door before driving over to the park.

I reached the lake area as the sun was getting closer to setting and looked around for the crew: Leon, Cloud, Kairi, Wakka, Selphie, Tidus, Namine and added last year, Roxas. I must admit, Namine has a good taste in guys; Roxas wasn't bad looking. Although he did have the occasional mood swing to emo, but Namine could quickly fix that.

"Sora!" Selphie leapt towards me but I had learned to gracefully dodge her oncoming attack of hugs. She then went to plan B, which was to direct her onslaught of hugs towards poor unsuspecting Tidus. I received a smile from Kairi and a small hug from Namine, getting a slight glare from Roxas before he grinned wildly at me. Leon and Cloud did their usual nod of acknowledgement and I finally put my hand on my hip and started to tap my foot.

"So, what's the surprise?" I asked. "It better be one good birthday present." It must be one, since my birthday was only a week away now. Selphie giggled and Kairi hushed her.

"Well, I came up with the idea-"

"I helped the most!" Roxas interrupted Kairi who glared daggers at him before clearing her throat to continue. Leon rolled his eyes and Cloud held back a laugh; I wonder what his is all about.

"And so, without further ado, your early birthday present seems to have finally arrived." She titled her head to look behind me. I raised an eyebrow at everyone who seemed to be grinning like a bunch of OFGs high off of yaoi. I then turned and blinked. And I blinked again and rubbed my eyes and stared.

"Need glasses now? I wasn't gone that long that you would forget." He smirked in his playful way and I felt my heart jump start.

"Riku?" I exclaimed. The only thing I saw then was Riku and only Riku. I rushed towards him and leapt onto him. Riku struggled with me but was able to keep me in the air before setting me back down. I smushed my face into his chest and hugged him tighter than I ever thought was possible until his hands came up to my arms and tried to pry them off.

"What's wrong?" I looked up at him, and I felt my eyes start to tear. Did Riku not like me anymore? Did he not want to be my friend? Was he ashamed to be with me, did he not want me to touch him did he not-

"You're crushing my ribs and I can't breathe." He gasped and he finally pried me off of him. Oh, oops.

"How did you get here? When you did you get back? Why did you come back? What have you been-" and he cut me off with a kiss. I felt my mind go blank as I started to melt in his arms and then he broke off. I groaned and pouted in annoyance and he laughed.

"I came back for you silly." I stared at him confused. What...?

"I think Sora needs a clearer explanation. He still isn't as advanced as the rest of us." I heard Kairi say as she walked up to us and the others followed. I stuck my tongue out at her and rested my face against Riku's chest.

"Kairi still felt bad for causing this mess-" she paused. "Or starting it." Namine changed her mind to cover up a little for the redhead who looked like she was going to pop as she scolded her. "So as you became super angsty emo Sora, she took the chance to inform us that she was going to set out to find where Riku was."

"I was the one who found him!" Roxas blurted out and continued to grin like mad. Oh, so that's what he had wanted to tell me over the phone. I guess he didn't quite get the concept of a 'surprise.'

"Yes..." Kairi rolled her eyes. "But I was the one who called him up, it wasn't cheap calling that far away, and after a few tries I finally got Riku to pick up the phone. Every time Nina would call for him Riku would hiss into the phone and hang up." She looked at Riku who was now looking everywhere but the redhead.

"After a lot of calls from my phone, which none of you have yet to pay for those expenses," everyone including Leon started to look at each other instead of Kairi. "We had been able to convince him that you missed him like crazy and to come back to see you."

"I guess now I know she wasn't lying, the way you came leaping at me like a rabid animal." Riku said and I pouted.

"I am not rabid! I just missed you..." I looked up at Riku with watery eyes and he leaned down towards me. I felt his lips brush against mine and I pushed up against him so he would get the idea. I instantly brought my hands up to knit into his still silky hair as he gently pushed me to the grass. He straddled me as he rolled his tongue across lips and I gladly opened my mouth for him to get inside. I felt his hand slowly start to make its way up my shirt and I brought his face even closer to mine. I moaned as I heard someone that wasn't inside my dream bubble cough loudly and then ask who wanted to go get some ice cream. I was about to pull away to see who had said that but then felt a strong sensation in my lower body area as Riku's hips grinded against mine. I gasped and knotted my hands fiercely into his hair as he pulled slightly away. I was just about to complain about it when he started to suck on my neck and then he nipped at it.

"You're mine again," he breathed against my neck making me shiver in excitement.

"I always was." I smiled and he lifted himself off of me and grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

"I know something better we could do," he said in a husky voice and his fingers started to trace tiny circles on my inner thigh. I gasped and buried my face him his chest. He smirked, grabbed my hand and started to lead me in a familiar direction, his old mansion.

"You moved back?" I asked surprised.

"Of course, I knew you wanted me back so bad." He grinned and I blushed, knowing that he was right on target.

"So what do you think?" Riku asked as he burst through the front door and I saw Nina looking at us out of the corner of my eye.

"I think that when Nina finds out, she's going to interview me. Then she'll get one of the people she knows who's an author to write a story about us for all members of the Obsessive Fan Girls to read." We had gotten to Riku's room and it was the same exact way that I remembered it. "What about you?" I asked. Riku just pushed me onto his bed and got on me, crashing his hips into mine as I gasped and pulled him closer to me.

"I don't care. All that matters is that you're mine now." He did a half smirk half smile and then crashed his lips into mine.

I'm not going to end this with a little 'The End' at the end of my story.
I don't think there should be one.

Because real love stories have no ending.

Hehe. Yes, that's the end. The part with Cloud talking to Sora was so much better the first time I wrote it and then the computer froze. It made me mad.

So now I must thank all my reviews, in no particular order in case you go rabid on me :D
Darkness-heart, Flakes-of-Snow, bob the buildereven though I know you in person xD, klnm, qedwq, xdfxdgh, (Yes I have a feeling those are random aekfakfkj of text but I might as well add them in case they randomly remember "Oh! THose were MY letters that I smashed on the keyboard!") Sanuka, -insert amusing name here-,(I am waiting for your next update hehe) Wish-You-Were-Here-Now, random yaoi fan, Shiva-iceflame, Gwenyfith Gauthier, RikuXSora4ever, sephiroth-souleater, FiresOfDeath, fearlessreverie, EverlastingDarkness.

and my faithful beta and someone who lets me read her stories before she posts them, Todpirscher.

I need to read the other authors stories... someday when I'm not wasting my time saying I'll go study for that test, or I'll do my homework...and then I don't get up xD

So I don't know what my next story will be about... I'm back int othat phase of "I hate this story so I'm going to delete it without having anyone read it to tell me their opinion." But, I am working on a fic that I want to go through with that's not that AU. It takes place in KH but its not going to be as happy as this one because it's Riku POV. We all know and love Riku's depressing side of the story there. xD I want to try his POV, even though I think Sora's is very fun :D So... maybe I'll go back and forth... Or work on that story from Riku's POV and come up with a different story for Sora's POV.

And so, that's enough rambling from me now. Even though this is the last chapter I would like your opinions on anything i nthe story, and the end. How I could have made it better... etc. Or what you jsut liked :D Reviews make me happy, and happiness may give me inspiration. Hehe.

Axenator out.